22 resultados para Suffolk


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One-page handwritten list of 20 numbered theses in Latin presumed to be copied by Bela Lincoln. The document is signed "Lincoln 1754." The document title translates as "Grammar of letters, syllables, words, and sentences" and includes all of the nine theses listed in the "Theses Grammaticae" section of the 1754 Commencement broadside.


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A somewhat playful manuscript poem describing a weary student, Tom Delve, who throws off his "tiresome books" to "exchange my hopes of fame for ease" because the world of art, unlike science, is too broad to ever master.


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Interleaved second-edition copy of Robert Treat Paine's poem "The Invention of Letters" with handwritten excerpts of 18th century poetry copied by Charles Pinckney Sumner. The excerpts appear to be verses alluded to, or emulated, by Paine in the poem. For example, Paine's verse includes "Beneath the shade, which Freedom's oak displays" and Sumner on the opposite page quoted Alexander Pope's poetry, "Beneath the shade a spreading beech displays." The excerpts include poetry by Alexander Pope, James Thompson, Robert Dodsley, William Falconer, William Hayley, Samuel Rogers, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Thomas Gray, and John Denham.


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Commission of Noah Cooke, Jr., as chaplain in the Continental Army, signed by John Hancock, 1 January 1776.


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Writ of attachment authorizing the Suffolk County Sheriff to seize £150 in money or property from John Orme, George Lawrence, and Samuel Pearce, all of Watertown, in response to action brought by Harvard College Treasurer Edward Hutchinson regarding the bond of John White. The case-specific information is handwritten onto a printed form.


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An early colonial summons and recognizance for Hugh Woodcock, who was charged with adultery. John Shoreland was surety for Woodcock's appearance in court. Woodcock failed to appear, and Shoreland failed to produce him, so the Court declared a default and ordered Shoreland's arrest and detention.


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Three-page handwritten letter from Harvard undergraduate George Richards Minot to his friend and Harvard graduate Daniel Kilham, dated December 1, 1777. The letter describes the discipline inflicted upon Minot and seven of his classmates by the Harvard government following a “Thanksgiving frolic,” and the retributions carried out by the students against a Tutor who recommended harsh measures for the accused students. The Early Faculty minutes for 1777 (UAIII 5.5, Volume 4, pages 75-76) describes the students’ crime as “making riotous & tumultuous noises in the Hall…committed in Presence of a number foreigners, & and on a day appointed by Authority for public Thanksgiving.”