522 resultados para Persian poetry--India--History and criticism--Early works to 1800
bi-saʻy Mīrzā Zayn al-ʻĀbidīn.
Written in several hands, in one column, from 17 to 25 lines per page, in black ink, framed within double red lines.
Vol. 1 of a multi-volume set.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم فهو حبي اكفي الحمد لله الملك العزيز في ملكه واقتذاره الذي ملك الوجود يقوته واوجد بارادته واختياره... :Incipit
Bound in half leather and boards.
Popular history that starts with stories of the prophets (ff. 5r-17v) the offers anecdotes from the life of Prophet Muḥammad (ff. 17v-20v) and the four rightly guided caliphs and narrates history of Islamic dynasties (ff. 20v-35v). History of Ottoman family starts with Ertuġrıl and ends with at Süleymān Qānūnī (ff. 35v-60v). Enumerates sultan's campaigns, charitable foundations they established, and noteworthy contemporary scholars and religious personalities.
A work on subtleties of Persian vocabulary. Discusses nuances of and differences in meaning between homographs or near-homographs and words derived from similar stems. Pronunciations, etymologies, differences in usage discussed. Poems used as examples.
Fabulous accounts of the marvels of various real and imaginary countries.
arabicè olim exarata à Georgio Elmacino ... et latinè reddita operâ ac studio Thomae Erpenii. Accedit & Roderici Ximenez ... Historia Arabum, longè accuratius, quam antè, è manuscripto codice expressa.
Bound with: Baḥr al-kalām fī ʻilm al-tawḥīd / lil-Shaykh al-Imām Abū al-Muʻīn al-Nasafī (ff. 1v-25r).
1. Turkish letter samples (ff. 1v-10v) -- 2. Risālah fī bayān ḥurmat shurb dukhān al-tunbāk / Mawlānā ʻAbd al-Nāfiʻ (ff. 11v-19v) -- 3. Risālah fī lubs al-aḥmar al-baḥt / Shaykh Qāsim (ff. 20v-21v) -- 4. Excerpt from Ibn al-ʻArabī (ff. 23v-24r) -- 5. Excerpt from Ayyuhā al-walad of al-Ghazzālī (ff. 26v-28r) -- 6. Excerpt from Kitāb Laṭāʼif al-adabīyah (ff. 30r-32r) -- 7. Şerh-i Hilyeti'n-Nebî (ff. 33r-35v) -- 8. Sharḥ Jannat al-asmāʼ wa-al-āyāt Allāh [sic] (ff. 35v-38v) -- 9. Fetvâlar (ff. 39v-96v) -- 10. ??? (ff. 98r-103v) -- 11. Persian and Turkish poems (ff. 104r-133r) -- 12. Manzume-i Nidâî Kaysûnîzâde (ff. 134v-157v) -- 13. Excerpts, hadiths and fatwas (ff. 158r-162r) -- Mā jāʼa fī ṭarīq al-taṣawwuf wa-arkānihi (ff. 162v-164v).
Poetry on astrological significance of each day depending on positions of stars and times of day when various stars exert their influence. Arranged according to days and hours of appearance of each star.
Written in one column, from 19 (ff. 1r-92v) to 21 (ff. 93r-114v) lines per page, in black now faded and red.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه تعال قال العبد الفقير الى الله تعالاى مرعي بن يوسف الحنبلي ... :Incipit
Title supplied by the cataloger.