42 resultados para Parent and child--Religious aspects--Islam
1. Turkish letter samples (ff. 1v-10v) -- 2. Risālah fī bayān ḥurmat shurb dukhān al-tunbāk / Mawlānā ʻAbd al-Nāfiʻ (ff. 11v-19v) -- 3. Risālah fī lubs al-aḥmar al-baḥt / Shaykh Qāsim (ff. 20v-21v) -- 4. Excerpt from Ibn al-ʻArabī (ff. 23v-24r) -- 5. Excerpt from Ayyuhā al-walad of al-Ghazzālī (ff. 26v-28r) -- 6. Excerpt from Kitāb Laṭāʼif al-adabīyah (ff. 30r-32r) -- 7. Şerh-i Hilyeti'n-Nebî (ff. 33r-35v) -- 8. Sharḥ Jannat al-asmāʼ wa-al-āyāt Allāh [sic] (ff. 35v-38v) -- 9. Fetvâlar (ff. 39v-96v) -- 10. ??? (ff. 98r-103v) -- 11. Persian and Turkish poems (ff. 104r-133r) -- 12. Manzume-i Nidâî Kaysûnîzâde (ff. 134v-157v) -- 13. Excerpts, hadiths and fatwas (ff. 158r-162r) -- Mā jāʼa fī ṭarīq al-taṣawwuf wa-arkānihi (ff. 162v-164v).
Copy completed on 3 Muḥarram 1229 [December 26, 1813] from the autograph copy of the author.
A manuscript treatise on prayer, ablution, alms, fasting, divorce, etc. The first volume opens with a chapter on "Tawḥīd", i.e. Islamic theology. This is followed by a chapter on Abū Ḥanīfah and his school of law.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Photograph by Freda Leinwand. [463 West Street, Studio 229G, New York, NY 10014].
Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Photograph by Freda Leinwand. [463 West Street, Studio 229G, New York, NY 10014]; [Kim Erle, Susan Leinwand) Erstenfeld]
Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Photograph by Freda Leinwand. [463 West Street, Studio 229G, New York, NY 10014].
Lawyer's form book containing sample forms for legal documents, compiled by most likely Walter Franklin Esq. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Two-page handwritten essay written in English by Curtis Guild when he was an undergraduate at Harvard College. The essay is titled with a quote in Latin from Virgil, "Omnis in Ascanio cari stat cura parentis," that translates as, “All the fond Parent’s Care centers in Ascanio.” The essay begins, “The machinery of man is wonderful…” and discusses parental affection. The essay is signed “C Guild” and dated May 7, 1795.
taʼlīf al-Sayyid Aḥmad al-Barzanjī al-Ḥusaynī.
li-Abī ʻAbd Allāh Sayyidī Muḥammad ibn al-Madanī Jannūn.