78 resultados para Morton, Thomas, bp. of Durham, 1564-1659.
This brief handwritten document certifies that the guardianship of Nathaniel Jarvis of Cambridge, Massachusetts, was granted to John Walton of Cambridge according to the records of the Probate Office in Cambridge. The document is attested by James Winthrop in his capacity as register of probate for Middlesex County.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay the bearer the specified amount signed by Charles Chauncey, John Clarke, Jonathan Williams, and James Thwing. The verso is signed by Ephraim Eliot on behalf of student Thomas Adams (Harvard AB 1788).
Published copy of the 1790 College Laws, bound in modern board binding, with the admittatur of undergraduate Thomas Gray signed by President Joseph Willard on July 15, 1786.
Published copy of the 1798 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Thomas Lindall Winthrop signed by President Joseph Willard on September 29, 1803.
Printed certificate of admission for undergraduate Ephraim Morton signed by President Joseph Willard. Includes a handwritten emendation to the text made by President Willard on February 17, 1784.
Printed copy of an undated abstract of laws and regulations with the admittatur of undergraduate Thomas Wigglesworth signed by President Josiah Quincy on August 24, 1829.
Printed copy of an undated abstract of laws and regulations with the admittatur of undergraduate Thomas B. Hall signed by President Josiah Quincy on August 25, 1840. The admittatur identifies Hall as a freshman.
Printed copy of an undated abstract of laws and regulations with the admittatur of undergraduate Thomas Bartlett Hall to the Sophomore class on probation signed by President Josiah Quincy on August 27, 1840. The admittatur identifies Hall as a sophomore.
This small paper notebook contains a sixteen-page handwritten copy of an oration on "amiable and useful virtues" delivered by Phi Beta Kappa member Thomas W. Hooper on September 1, 1790. Title transcribed from the first page of text. Item bound in blue-and-white floral wallpaper covers.
This contract includes stipulations for finishing the two kitchens, windows, and floors in University Hall by the first of August 1815.
Statement with list of creditors paid with cash from the student accounts.
Statement with list of creditors owed funds. Verso is dated 1797, and includes list of cash paid out to creditors.