168 resultados para Lockhart, Sophia Scott, 1799-1837.
Four-page handwritten essay in English by Buckminster on the consequences of procrastination. The essay begins, "Moralists of every age & nation, from wise, proverbial Solomon to 'poor Richard' of our own times, have united in recommending industry, as one of the most necessary virtues." The essay is titled with a quote from Edward Young's poem, "The Complaint," and ends with two lines from Horace beginning, "Est modus in rebus ; sunt certi denique fines..."
One bill for the date span November 29, 1798-February 22, 1799. The workers named on the bill are James Fillebrown, Peter Waters, and Betsy Thomas.
Bound copy of the 1798 College Laws printed by John & Thomas Fleet, in a modern hardcover binding. The copy is interleaved with unlined pages that include handwritten notes about the laws, often dated in late 1799. The annotations are attributed to a Latin tutor at the College.
Printed copy of the 1833 abstract of laws and regulations with the admittatur of undergraduate Samuel F. McCleary signed by President Josiah Quincy on August 28, 1837.
This subseries contains one short handwritten list of dishware, cutlery, and a set of money scales and weights brought to Harvard College by Loammi Baldwin on September 16, 1799.
Includes contribution totals from personal subscribers, individual donors, the Harvard Corporation, and the Humane Society for the construction of a bath on the Charles River. Also contains estimated costs for materials and labor.
Possibly drawn and written in the hand of President Joseph Willard. The proposed building would house a chapel, halls, chambers for scholars, and was to be built on the site of the first Stoughton Hall which was torn down in 1781.
This letter was sent to Tudor's brother in Paris, France, via a Mr. Bromfield.