114 resultados para Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882.
Published copy of the 1798 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Jacob Cushing Merrill signed by President Joseph Willard on September 28, 1803.
Published copy of the 1798 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Nathanael Appleton Haven signed by President Joseph Willard on September 29, 1803.
Published copy of the 1798 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Thomas Lindall Winthrop signed by President Joseph Willard on September 29, 1803.
Handwritten copy of a vote of the Harvard Faculty on one leaf prohibiting the wearing of hats in Chapel. The document is signed by President Joseph Willard, and also includes a note that Joseph Emerson was selected as a Tutor.
Handwritten copy on one leaf of a vote of the Faculty suspending George Watson Brimmer (Harvard AB 1803) for neglect of his studies.
One leaf containing a handwritten list of figures comparing the salaries and grants received by Harvard Presidents and Professors for various time ranges from 1775 to 1803. The paper includes the inscription "Merrill 1st."
Three pieces of paper consisting of a one-leaf handwritten summary of unidentified lectures about the divinity of Christ titled "lect. 62 to 66, page 51, March 22, 1803," and two slips of paper with handwritten copies of two declarations about the Christian trinity and divine nature. The copied declarations are in two different hands, and one copy is dated "Cambridge Novr 14th 1804."
Two leaves containing a handwritten letter of introduction for Stephen Deblois from Daniel E. Updike, Esqr. to Pearson.
Vote to suspend students Barber, Tower, and Whitman for disorders in chapel.