120 resultados para Clairon, Mlle., 1723-1803.
The volume, bound in a modern leather binding, contains accounts for the Classes of 1723-1731. Leaves 108-118 list the Steward's account with Harvard College arranged monthly for the years 1721-1729.
Parchment hardcover bound volume arranged into two parts: Quarter bill book and the Steward's ledger. The Quarter bill book contains quarter bill tallies for the Classes of 1689-1723 arranged by seniority, and covers the bill period ending on October 21, 1687 through the period ending March 11, 1720.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a two-page handwritten copy of the June 21, 1723 petition of Sever and Welsteed requesting the question of non-resident Fellows in the Corporation be readdressed by the General Court, and a one-page handwritten copy of the answer to the petition passed by the General Court on August 7, 1723. The text of the petition begins "Sheweth that we have formerly represented to the Overseers of the College the Difficulty we were under in the business of it by reason of our not being vested with the power of its Charter..." The petition is incorrectly dated as "June 24th 1722" instead of 1723.
Two folio-sized leaves and two octavo-sized leaves containing a handwritten draft of a Harvard Charter in President Leverett's hand. Following a salutation to King George, the text begins, "Whereas there hath been for more than seventy years past in the Town of Cambridge..."
Published copy of the 1798 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Jacob Cushing Merrill signed by President Joseph Willard on September 28, 1803.
Published copy of the 1798 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Nathanael Appleton Haven signed by President Joseph Willard on September 29, 1803.
Published copy of the 1798 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Thomas Lindall Winthrop signed by President Joseph Willard on September 29, 1803.
Handwritten copy on one leaf of a vote of the Faculty suspending George Watson Brimmer (Harvard AB 1803) for neglect of his studies.