520 resultados para Early works
Ioan. Sambucus Ortelio suo, S Mitto hanc quòque tabellam qua nesessaria confinia Pannoniæ declarantur, fluviorum et aliquot locorum situs Hirschvogelii recte mutaui, Angelini autem studio plurima adieci, et inualla correxi, vt parum quis si cum Hirschvogelig hæc conjugat desiderarit si qui errores sint, dies certiora docebit.
descritta con disegni fatti sul luogo da Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola suddito e geografo del Sereniss. Sig. Duca di Modena.
[Gerardus Mercator].
describebat Abrah. Ortelius.
cura et sumptibus Matth. Seutteri.
Author's own abridgement of his longer commentary on Moroccan sufi Ibn Mashīsh's prayer book known as Ṣalawāt. Longer version is titled: Rawḍāt al-ʻarshīyah fī al-kalām ʻala al-Ṣalawāt al-Mashīshīyah.
Written in one column, in a nastaʻlīq script in black ink, rubricated in red, 13 lines per page, with marginal corrections. Catchwords on the verso of each leaf.
Written in one column, 15 lines per page, in black rubricated in red. Title written in green and red ink.
Calendar with times for the five daily prayers of Islam for each month of the year.
An ijāzah issued by Aḥmad ibn ʻUbayd Allāh al-ʻAṭṭār to his student Muḥammad ibn Shafīʻ Sulṭān. The student's name is mentioned on fol. 1v; the master's name on fol. 6r. In the ijāzah al-ʻAṭṭār traces his authority back to al-Qasṭallānī's al-Mawāhib al-ladunnīyah, then to al-Shāfiʻī, and then gives his isnād of a musalsal ḥadīth.
1. Ṭabaqāt al-Ḥanafīyah / Kınalızade (ff. 1v.-21 v.) -- 2. Fihrist ṭabaqāt aṣḥāb al-Imām al-Aʻẓam Abū Ḥanīfah (ff. 21v-23v.) -- 3. Ṭabaqāt al-Ḥanafīyah / Ibn Quṭlubughā, Rajab 1053 [1643] (ff. 23v.-55v) -- 4. Kitāb al-alfāẓ (ff. 56r-71r) -- 5. Beginning of a risālah by Bahāʼ al-Dīn Zādah Muṣṭafá ibn ʻAlī al-Āqshahrī (f. 71v) -- 6. A biographical dictionary, titled at the end "Tārīkh Ibn Khāllikān" (ff. 74v-97r) -- 7. Another biographical dictionary (ff. 97v-109r) -- 8. Ḥikāyāt (stories) (ff. 110v.-112v) -- 9. Biographical notes and excerpts (ff. 113r-116r).
Missing one leaf or leaves at the beginning.
Written in one column, from 17 to 23 lines per page, in black.
Written in several hands, in one column, from 17 to 25 lines per page, in black ink, framed within double red lines.