962 resultados para Scale [ca. 1:18,500].None
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Nouveau plan de la ville d'Ostende : ville forte du Comté de Flandre celebre par l'octroy de l'empereur pour la navigation aux Indes Orientales. It was published by chez R. & J. Ottens, sur le Nieuwendyk à la Carte du Monde ca. 1727. Scale [ca. 1:3,900]. Covers Oostende, Belgium. Map in French.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Belgian Lambert 1972 coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, fortifications, ground cover, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes index.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Carte des l'isles de Maiorque, Minorque et d'Yvice, gravée par Matthieu Seutter, Geographe de S.M. Imper. et Cathol. ; Tob. Conr. Lotter, sc. It was published by M. Seutter ca. 1756. Scale [ca. 1:560,000]. Covers Majorca Island, Minorca Island, and Isla de Ibiza, Spain. Map in French.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the European Datum 1950, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 31N projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, road, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures and pictorially. Includes 2 insets, one showing the islands and the western part of the Mediterranean, and, "Plan du port et ville de Mahon, du Fort. St. Philippe et ses fortifications."This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A topographical map of the Isle of Minorca, geometrically survey'd by the Royal Engineers, while it remained in the possesion of the French during the last war ; and digested by L.S. de la Rochette. It was published by William Faden in 1780. Scale [ca. 1:52,800]. Covers Minorca Island, Spain. This layer is image 1 of 2 total images of the two sheet source map, representing the western portion of the map.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the European Datum 1950, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 31N projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, roads, villages and other human settlements, fortifications, shoreline features, ground cover, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes text and "Explanation of some Minorcan names."This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: La Scandinavie où sont les royaumes de Suede, Danemark et Norwege, presenté ... par ... H. Iaillot. It was published by chez Pierre Mortier ca. 1690. Scale [ca 1:4,000,000]. Covers Scandinavia including Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and portions of Denmark, Lithuania, Belarus, and Russia. Map in French.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Europe Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, roads, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown pictorially.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Toonneel des oorlogs in't zuider deel van Europa, door Carel Allard = Theatre de la guerre dans l'Europe meridionale, par Charles Allard. It was published by C. Allard in 1705. Scale [ca. 1:6,800,000]. Covers a portion of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea region. This layer is image 1 of 2 total images of the two sheet source map, representing the western portion of the map. Map in Dutch and French. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the World Miller Cylindrical projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown pictorially.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Cary's six sheet map of England and Wales, with part of Scotland : on which are carefully laid down all the direct and principal cross roads, the course of the rivers, and navigable canals, cities, market and borough towns, the principal villages, parks, &c., compiled from the most recent surveys. It was published by J. Cary in 1826. Scale [ca. 1:510,000]. This layer is image 1 of 3 total images of the three sheet source map, representing the northern portion of the map. Covers portions of England, Scotland, North Ireland, and Isle of Man.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the 'British National Grid' coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, mail roads, turnpike roads, bye roads, territorial and administrative boundaries, parks, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A topographical map of the county of Armagh to which is anex'd the plans of Newry and Armagh, by John Rocque = Carte topographique de la Province d'Armagh où se trouve les plans des villes d'Armagh et de Newry, par Jean Rocque. It was published by J. Rocque in 1760. Scale [ca. 1:41,000]. This layer is image 1 of 4 total images of the four sheet source map, representing the southeast portion of the map. Covers County Armàgh, Northern Ireland. Map in English and French. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Irish Grid (Transverse Mercator 1965 (TM-65)) coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, selected names of landowners, ground cover, and more. Relief shown by hachures and pictorially. Includes 2 insets: "A Plan of the Town of Newry" -- "A Plan of the City of Armagh".This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Neue und vollständige Postkarte durch ganz Deutschland und durch die angränzende Theile der benachbarten Länder = Nouvelle carte geographique des postes d'Allemagne et des provinces limitrophes, zusammen getragen und ausgefertiget von Franz Ioseph Heger. It was published by im Verlag bey denen Homaennischen Erben in 1764. Scale [ca. 1:1,500,000]. Covers the Central Europe region. Map in German. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Europe Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, postal roads with distances between towns, territorial and administrative boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown pictorially.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Post- und Reise-Karte von Deutschland und den anliegenden Ländern : bis London, Havre de Grace, Tours, Lyon, Genua, Bologna, Pesth, Warschau, Königsberg u. jenseits Kopenhagen, nebst den Haupt-Routen durch das übrige Europa, herausgegeben, und nach den Postcursen aus meist officiellen Quellen bearbeitet von F. M. Diez ; geographisch entworfen von Ad. St. It was published by Justus Perthes in 1831. Scale [ca. 1:1,500,000]. Covers portion of Central and Western Europe. Map in German. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Europe Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, roads, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes insets: "Haupt Routen durch Frank Reich, Spanien, Portugal u. Italien" and two showing the main roads through Poland, Latvia and Estonia.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Accurater Grundris und Prospect des Hoch-Fürstl. Brandenb. Bayreuthisch. Residenz-Schloss und Lustgarten in Christian-Erlang, edirt von Ioh. Baptist Homann, S. C. M. Geographo. It was published by Ioh. Baptist Homann, ca. 1721. Scale [ca. 1:1,300]. Covers Schlossgarten, Erlangen, Germany. Map in German.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Deutsches Hauptdreiecksnetz (DHDN) 3-degree Gauss-Kruger Zone 4 coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as garden paths and roads, ground cover, palace buildings, garden monuments, and more. Includes also 8 city views.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Magdeburgum, ducatus cognominis metropolis ad Albium : sub ditione regis Borussiae, bene munitum ac florens emporium, in quo Tribunal Provinciale, consistorium et camera constituta = Magdeburg, die Haupt Statt eines Herzogthums gleiches Nahmens an der Elb, dem König in Preussen zustaendig, eine wohl fortificierte und florisante Handel Statt in welcher die Magdeburgische Landes Regierung, Consistorium und Camer angelegt, verfetigt von Matthaeus Seutter, Ihro Röm. Kaijserl. Maj. geographo. It was published by M. Seutter ca. 1740. Scale [ca. 1:5,000]. Covers Magdeburg, Germany. Map in Latin and German. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Deutsches Hauptdreiecksnetz (DHDN) 3-degree Gauss-Kruger Zone 4 coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, fortifications, ground cover, and more. Relief shown pictorially. Includes also index and panorama view of Magdeburg.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Ulma memorabilis ac permunita libera Imperii Civitas ad Danubium, ubi Ilara et Blavus ei miscentur = Ulm eine considerable Freye Reichs Statt in Schwaben, wo die Flüsse Iler u. Blau in die Donau fallen, verfertigt durch Matthaeum Seutter, Seiner Kayserl. u. Königl. Cathol. Majest. Geogr. in Augspurg. It was published by Matthaeus Seutter, ca. 1740. Scale [ca. 1:4,300]. Covers Ulm, Germany. Map in Latin and German. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Deutsches Hauptdreiecksnetz (DHDN) 3-degree Gauss-Kruger Zone 3 coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, fortifications, ground cover, and more. Relief shown pictorially. Includes also index, text, and panorama of Ulm seen from the North East.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Nieuwe afteekening van de eylanden van Gozo en Melite of Malta : met desselfs haven, stad, kasteelen en sterktens, geleegen in de Middelandsche Zee. It was published by Gerard van Keulen, boek en zee kaert verkooper, and de Nieuwen brug, met previlegie, ca. 1716. Scale [ca. 1:62,000]. Map in Dutch. Covers Malta.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Europe Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, roads, cities and other human settlements, built-up areas, fortification, shoreline features, harbors, and more. Relief shown pictorially. Includes also index and three insets: map of the harbor of Valletta, "Gesigt van t' inkoomen van de haven van Malta", and "Gesigt van Capo La Marza aen de Golf van Malia in Sicilia".This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Melite vulgo Malta : cum vicinis Goza, quae olim Gaulos, et Comino insulis : sita est haec insula inter Barbariam et Siciliam ad 35. Grad 53 min. latitudinis et 32 Grad 30 min. long, uti exhibetur á Nic. de Fer ; nunc aeri incisa per Matth. Seutter, S. C. M. geogr. Augustanum. It was published by Matth. Seutter, ca. 1745. Scale [ca. 1:41,000]. Covers Malta. Map in Latin.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Europe Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, roads, cities and other human settlements, built-up areas, fortification, shoreline features, harbors, and more. Relief shown pictorially. Includes also inset map of Valletta, and "Nomina et insignia magistrorum equitum ordinis Melitensis ...".This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Les villes, forts et châteaux de Malte. It was published ca. 1724. Scale [ca. 1:14,000]. Cover Vallette, Malta. Map in French.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Europe Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, cities and other human settlements, built-up areas, fortification, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.