520 resultados para Sufism--Customs and practices--Early works to 1800
Thirteen slips of paper with fragments of handwritten alphabetical lists created by Isaac Smith presumably in his capacity as Harvard Librarian. Most of the entries are surnames or single-word subjects. For example, one slip with "M" entries includes: milway, miracles, miraculous, Mitchell, and Mitchell. Some of the lists have struck-through words or have entries annotated with numbers and the abbreviations "o" and "bk." The verso of one leaf has a brief, undated note regarding the transfer of books between Mr. Hilliard and Mr. Smith.
Ledger book of Isaac Rindge, chief clerk of the court of common pleas in New Hampshire, listing charges to various individuals for writs and fines.
A legal commonplace book by kept by Henry Wells of Worcester, Mass. Focuses on such topics as libel of a man to his wife, common recovery in writs and deeds, pleadings, trover, damages and costs, imprisonment, leases, mortgages, covenants, and ejectment. Also contains a number of miscellaneous entries touching on abridgements of law texts, minutes of court proceedings, kings of England, and biblical quotes. Five-page index located at the end of the work.
Contains the Inferior Court's register of debtor's cases heard for the Mayor's Court for the following counties: Orange County, Suffolk County, Westchester County, Ulster County, Duchess County, and Queens County, in New York state. The register, kept by William Wickham, cites parties to the action, sentencing, court costs, and has a name index at the end.
Document empowering John Harvey and Samuel Johnston to act as Barker's representatives to recover a debt from the estate of Dr. John Craven of North Carolina and to settle Barker's affairs and dispose of his property in North Carolina. Dated 23 May 1767.
Young's testimony regarding an altercation he witnessed between Israel Chittenden, Benjamin House, John Hyland, and John Lindsey in or near the town of Scituate in September 1732. Heard before justice of the peace John Cushing in September 1732, and before John Winslow in Plymouth County Court of Assize, April 28, 1733. Signed by both.
Plea in response to the plaintiff's declaration. Signed: (Charles) Pinckney, defendant's attorney, and John Rutledge (plaintiff's attorney?). Note on verso: Filed 4th May 1763.
A lawyer's commonplace book of New Hampshire cases. Contains summaries of cases covering such topics as trespass, witnesses, injuries, bailbonds, and counterfeit money. Possibly kept by Jonathan Sewell.
Contains legal cases transcribed by George Read containing accounts of cases before the Delaware Supreme Court.
Letter written from York to an unnamed correspondent, in which Sewall discusses political matters, court and legislative business, and news from a recent visit to Boston. With extensive comments on the nature of winter weather in New England.
Contains a record of cases before magistrate William Pynchon from 1639 to 1650. Notes are continued by his son, John, from 1652 to 1701. Included also are a record of marriages (1665-1702), a list of freemen, and a record of freemen meetings (1660-1696).
Includes notes and summaries of witnesses' testimony on cases involving contracts and land disputes. One pamphlet bears note "Lincolns. July 7th 1789. Pownalboro. Supreme Court." Pownalborough Court House is in Dresden, Maine, which succeded from Pownalborough. In 1804, the town Pownalborough was renamed Wiscasset.
Deed of sale in fee simple absolute of land in Boston to Abigail Brightman.
Includes notes on cases involving seizure of property, assault, riots, etc.
An order to the sheriff of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, for twelve men to serve on a jury in the trial of John Borrowes, for an unspecified crime. Signed: Jeremiah Langhorne (justice of the peace); dated 14 June 1731. With seal. With this document (originally attached) is the list of jurors chosen to serve at the trial.