241 resultados para Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803.
Two-leaf printed circular regarding the distribution of religious books according to the bequest of the estate of Samuel Phillips. The circular lists Eliphalet Pearson as a member of the Committee for distributing books. There is a struck-through handwritten note about the distribution of Dr. Watt's Divine Songs. The circular has the inscription: "Papers of 1794. College Papers."
Three pieces of paper consisting of a one-leaf handwritten summary of unidentified lectures about the divinity of Christ titled "lect. 62 to 66, page 51, March 22, 1803," and two slips of paper with handwritten copies of two declarations about the Christian trinity and divine nature. The copied declarations are in two different hands, and one copy is dated "Cambridge Novr 14th 1804."
Two leaves containing a handwritten letter of introduction for Stephen Deblois from Daniel E. Updike, Esqr. to Pearson.
The quarterly accounts are held in one tall folio volume spanning the years 1722-1751. The volume contains three sections: a journal of quarterly accounts tallying money owed to the Butler by students and tutors, followed by a journal of purchases made by the Butler, and finally, written tête-bêche (from the back cover forward), a ledger with weekly calculations and final quarterly sums owed the Butler by students and tutors.
Statement listing the "total due" for debts incurred between May 1790 and November 1791 on loans. "Thom. Adams note"--written on verso.
One leaf containing a letter from Samuel Webber to Pearson that accompanied a copy of the vote of the Corporation relative to compensation for Pearson's service to Harvard.
Handwritten certification from Samuel Topliff that Philip Draper boarded with his family and kept the town grammar school.
Two octavo-sized leaves containing a one-page handwritten letter from Samuel Phillips, President of the Massachusetts Senate, to Professor Pearson informing him of a bill before the Senate for enlarging the power of the College to hold tax-exempt real estate.
Vote to suspend students Barber, Tower, and Whitman for disorders in chapel.
Four folio-sized pages containing a handwritten letter from President Willard to the President of the Massachusetts Senate, Samuel Phillips, regarding the taxation of College real estate and the history of the College's compromise with the Committee of the town of Cambridge regarding taxation.
Letter to President Kirkland regarding a student named Hartshorn.
Three folio-sized pages containing a handwritten letter from President Willard to the President of the Massachusetts Senate, Samuel Phillips, regarding proposed changes to the tax law before the Senate regarding the tax exemptions of College administrators and faculty.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a three-page handwritten report sent by Nicholas Sever and William Welsteed to Judge Samuel Sewall outlining the historical precedence for the Tutors' claims. The body of the text begins, "What we assert in ye first place..."
This marbled hardcover volume contains a forty-one-page handwritten draft of the memorial from Nicholas Sever to the Harvard Board of Overseers providing a historical background on the College charters. The document begins, "May it please ye Excell: of ye Coll: to fav'r me w'th a few words for ye further support of this memorial." The draft includes struck-through words and page 41 contains directions for additional edits.