26 resultados para alumni
This folder contains three copies of the same handwritten document which presumably were circulated in order to collect signatures.
The Triennial Catalogues are chronological and cumulative lists of Harvard graduates published every three years from 1674 to 1875. The Catalogues represent Harvard’s first efforts to comprehensively document its graduates and were considered the official record of degree recipients. A dedicated group of alumni used the Catalogues as a basis for collecting additional biographical information.
Hand-sewn binding. Interleaved pages with biographical notes of varying length, usually on one to two alumni per page. Annotations are sporadic and generally note profession (such as "Juris" or "Med.") or residence. Annotations in different hands.
Modern hardcover binding around original handsewn paper binding. Missing title page and first page of text. Key to abbreviations titled "Explination" on flyleaf with abbreviations for Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Long Island, New York, Martha's Vineyard, New Jersey, Pensylvania [sic], Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, West Indies, Great Britain, Episcopalian, and Baptist. Heavily annotated with residence locations. Asterisks added next to the names of alumni who died after the Catalogue's publication, generally in 1795. Also includes a tipped-in page at front of volume with the names of thirteen alumni of various classes from 1650 through 1756, in one hand, a note "Joseph Lovett was of Beverly, and a minister in a town of Connecticut the name of which I do not recollect. JW" in a different hand, and a final note "I believe there was a Lovett at Norwich" in the original hand.
Marbled paper cover. The catalogue is annotated with the residence locations for alumni, becoming more sporadic for the later classes. Asterisks are added next to the names of alumni who died after the Catalogue's publication through the end of the 18th century. On inside of cover: "for the first 58 years from 1642 to 1700 inclusive, 448 persons were graduated." Note on last page: "84 died from 1791 to 1794."
Hand-sewn binding with marbled paper cover. Annotated throughout with the number of members in each class, and through the 1660 class, with sporadic notes on residence. From 1732 until 1782, the age of entry as a Harvard freshman is noted next to each name. There are few biographical notes in this volume. Asterisks are added next to the names of alumni who died after the Catalogue's publication through approximately the late 1810s.
Marbled paper cover. Includes a biographical note on Joshua Moody (Harvard AB 1707), and a few additional annotations. Asterisks added next to the names of alumni who died after the Catalogue's publication.
Hand-sewn marbled paper binding. Catalogue interleaved with unlined pages of biographical notes. Asterisks are added next to the names of alumni who died after the Catalogue's publication.
Hand-sewn marbled paper binding. "J. McKean" inscribed on title page. Catalogue interleaved with unlined pages holding occasional biographical notes. Handmade tabs with class years are cut into the right edge of the catalog pages. Asterisks are added next to the names of alumni who died after the Catalogue's publication.
Hand-sewn paper binding. Catalogue interleaved with unlined pages holding obituary information collected for graduates who died in 1818 through 1821, beginning with the Class of 1744. The catalogue pages are annotated with asterisks next to the names of alumni who died after the Catalogue's publication.
Hand-sewn paper binding. Handwritten title on paper cover: "Catalogue of Har. Coll. William Winthrop." Includes interleaved pages with biographical information. Asterisks are added next to the names of alumni who died after the Catalogue's publication.
Hand-sewn paper binding. Includes interleaved pages with biographical information. Asterisks are added next to the names of alumni who died after the Catalogue's publication.
Covered in torn 1802 magazine print; title page missing. Handwritten note on top of first page: "Catalogue of the men Educated at Harvard College." Infrequent annotations in an unknown hand, typically noting alumni who became governors, or who held other high public offices. There are some annotations with places of residence.
There are handwritten asterisks next to the names of alumni who died after the Catalogue's publication through 1785. The 1781 class list includes the annotations for "Tutor."
Minimal annotations for the years 1728 through 1732, noting residences for seven names and a footnote that James Pitt (AB 1731) "married Gov. Bowdoin's sister, [mat. in Boston]." From 1759 onward, there are handwritten asterisks next to the names of alumni who died after the Catalogue's publication through the mid 1810s. For the years 1781 and 1782, a "P" appears to mark members of Phi Beta Kappa. Pages unattached.