84 resultados para Williamson, Hugh, 1735-1819.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Nathanael Gardner on behalf of his son Nathaniel Gardner (Harvard AB 1739), signed by Thomas Foxcroft, Charles Chauncey, Samuel Marshall, Zechariah Thayer, and Thomas Waite.
An early colonial summons and recognizance for Hugh Woodcock, who was charged with adultery. John Shoreland was surety for Woodcock's appearance in court. Woodcock failed to appear, and Shoreland failed to produce him, so the Court declared a default and ordered Shoreland's arrest and detention.
Draft of a one-page letter to an unidentified recipient in Liverpool regarding an unpaid debt.
Draft of a one-page letter thanking Eliot for money.
Paper notebook containing copies of letters sent by Croswell to the Harvard Corporation in relation to his work on the Harvard Library Catalogue.
Six documents containing drafts and copies of eleven letters.
This folder contains three bills and receipts.
This subseries contains five one-page account statements consisting of "Col. Marshall's Account" for 1781 to 1790; washing charges in 1800; payments in 1807 and 1808 to "Mrs. C."; credits and debits for 1812-1813; and a statement of money received from the Pemberton Fund between 1812 and 1819.
One page containing handwritten copies of two Harvard Corporation votes related to Croswell's employment at Harvard.
One leaf containing a description by Croswell of nearly being run over by a carriage. The document is undated, but the date can be inferred from other diary entries in the collection.
The small hardcover volume contains excerpts copied by John Winthrop beginning at the age of thirteen as a freshman at Harvard College. Winthrop’s own description of this book as “a book of Extracts from many Authors” is accurate, as it includes neither personal information about Winthrop nor reflections on what he read. With the exception of occasional notations indicating the date he finished reading particular books, the volume consists of passages he copied from a wide range of sources. It begins with an index of the various sections of the book (History, Poetry, Miscellanies, Geography, Divinity, History, Philosophy, Philosophy, Miscellanies, Poetry, Divinity, Philosophy) and ends with an index of the extracts' authors.
Letter signed by William Emerson requesting John Sale pay the scholarship funds. The author of the letter is likely the son of the Reverend William Emerson, who died in 1811. William Emerson (1801-1868) received an AB from Harvard in 1818; his brother Ralph Waldo Emerson (Harvard AB 1821) received the Penn Scholarship from 1817 to 1820.
Small notebook with a handwritten copy of the 1692 College laws copied in Latin by Harvard undergraduate Noah Clap and signed by President Benjamin Wadsworth, Fellow Nathan Prince, and Tutor Stephen Sewall on August 9, 1731.
Notebook pages preserved in a modern hardcover binding, containing a handwritten copy of the 1692 College laws copied in English by Harvard undergraduate Richard Waldron and signed by President Benjamin Wadsworth, Fellow Henry Flynt, and Tutor Daniel Rogers on April 22, 1735. The "College Customs" are copied onto the last pages of the notebook.