31 resultados para Judah
One-page handwritten letter from Judah Monis to the Corporation discussing the potential long-term losses associated with a plan to advance twenty-five percent of the cost of the Hebrew Grammar to the College.
Two folio-sized leaves containing an October 3, 1735 letter from Judah Monis to the Harvard Corporation requesting an increased "reward" for the Hebrew Grammar and an increased salary. The document includes a financial outline of a "Scheme for 30 Years."
A half-page handwritten letter from Judah Monis to the Harvard Corporation on one folio-sized leaf requesting that his service with the College be extended.
A half-page handwritten letter from Judah Monis to the Harvard Corporation on an octavo-sized leaf requesting a salary increase.
A half-page handwritten request from Judah Monis to the Harvard Corporation on a folio-sized leaf requesting a salary increase due to the high cost of living. The petition was read to the Corporation on October 5, 1733.
Small slip of paper containing an order from President Benjamin Wadsworth to Treasurer Edward Hutchinson to pay Judah Monis's salary for half of one year.
This leather-bound volume contains ten handwritten Hebrew texts presumably compiled by Judah Monis in the early 18th century. The pieces range from three to 150 pages on different sized leaves and appear to be in multiple hands. The last page of the volume has the struck-through inscription, "Judah Monis' Book" and accompanies a 44-page text. The texts are unattributed and undated, but have been identified as transcriptions of cabalistic writings and include a short biography of Isaac Luria (1533-1572) and extracts from the work of Luria, Hayyim ben Joseph Vital, Jacob ben Hayyim Zemah, Abraham ben Isaac of Granada, and Naphtali Bachrach. The transcriptions appear to be unattributed and undated.
A one-page handwritten estimate of the "number & shape of ye letters wth dauguesh" needed to print the Hebrew Grammar sent by Judah Monis to the Corporation and a list of Hebrew characters with the related number of type needed for the printing. The document is undated but likely written in 1728 following the Harvard Corporation's vote on June 24, 1728 that the Treasurer should collect "so many Hebrew Types & points" needed for a complete set.
One octavo-sized leaf containing a handwritten financial plans for printing 500 copies of the Hebrew Grammar, and, on the verso, an outline for printing 1,000 copies, signed by Judah Monis.
A one-page handwritten computation by Judah Monis for printing the Hebrew Grammar and binding it in sheep and calf skins. The document was written on one folio-sized leaf that is torn in two pieces.
A half-page handwritten statement compiled by Judah Monis for the Harvard Corporation listing costs between July 2, 1734 and February 17, 1734 related to the printing of the Hebrew Grammar.
A half-page handwritten report by a committee of the Corporation endorsing the Judah Monis's Hebrew Grammar following their revision of the work as recommended by a June 8, 1724 vote of the Board of Overseers. The document is signed by President Benjamin Wadsworth, Professor Edward Wigglesworth, Tutor Henry Flynt, and Rev. Nathaniel Appleton. The document is a fragment and some of the missing text transferred to the back of the Hebrew Grammar Account (HUG 1580.5 Box 1, Folder 8).
One-page handwritten notes from a June 5, 1735 Board of Overseer meeting, in President Wadsworth's hand, listing "hints" about the Corporation's actions towards the publication of the Hebrew Grammar.
A one-page handwritten list of instructions, in President Benjamin Wadsworth's hand, for printing, distributing, and collecting revenue on the Hebrew Grammar.