32 resultados para Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations (Islamic law)
The long hardcover account book contains handwritten records of the Harvard College Lottery in the hand of College Treasurer Ebenezer Storer. The volume begins with a transcription of the Massachusetts General Court June 13, 1794 legislation sanctioning the lottery, and a note that the managers of the lottery gave security bonds to the Corporation. The bulk of the volume records the activities of the four classes of the lottery including lists of the individual tickets returned by the managers Benjamin Austin Jr., George R. Minot, Henry Warren, and John Kneeland, and the accounts of prizes drawn and tickets returned. The volume has a table of contents and there is a note pasted onto the third page calculating the sum raised if all tickets had been sold.
with a verbal translation and explanatory notes by William Jones.
[ʻAlī ibn ʻUthmān al-Ūshī].
According to the colophon, (f. 63r), copy completed on 14 Ṣafar 1293 AH [March 10, 1876 AD].
According to the colophon (f. 25v), copy completed in 1272 AH [1855 or 56 AD].
According to the colophons (ff. 15r and 25r), copy completed on 22 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 1247 AH [April 22, 1832 AD] or on 25 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 1247 AH [April 25, 1832 AD].
Title supplied by cataloger.
1. Kitāb Maqṣad al-asná fī dhikr mā yataʻallaq bi-al-asmāʼ al-ḥusná / Aḥmad Zarrūq, 1267 AH [1850 or 51 AD] (ff. 1r-21v) -- 2. Sharḥ sayyid al-istighfār / ʻAlī Mahāyimī, 1265 AH [1848 or 49 AD] (ff. 25r-32v) -- 3. Hādhā al-suʼāl nuqila min asʼilah suʼila ʻanhā ... Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Kurdī al-Shāmī al-Madanī (ff. 33r-39r) -- 4. Hādhā fawāyid nafīsah ... wa-mimmā suʼila ʻanhu ... al-Shaykh Saʻīd Sunbul al-Makkī, 1273 AH [1856 or 57 AD] (ff. 39r-51r) -- 5. Mā qawl al-sādah al-Ḥanafīyah fī ʻaṣīr qaṣab al-sukkar / ʻAbd al-Wahhāb al-Suyūṭī al-Ḥanafī, ʻAbd al-Qādir al-Rāfiʻī al-Ḥanafī, ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Baḥrāwī al-Ḥanafī, Muḥammad al-Rāfiʻī al-Ḥanafī (ff. 51v-55r).
Written in one column, 27 lines per page, in black and red.
Written in one column, 28 or 29 lines per page, in black rubricated in red. Comments in the margins.
Written in one column, 5 lines per page, in black rubricated in red. Text surrounded by comments in the margins.
Reading note dated Ṣafar 852 [April 5-14, 1448].
Copy completed in Rabīʻ al-Ākhir 1160 [1747].
Copy completed 13 Ramaḍān 1108 [April 5, 1697] in the hand of Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm al-Najāḥī al-Shāfiʻī.
Dated 1106 [1694-5] but it appears to be a mistake, the correct date should be 1160 [1747].