4 resultados para sobras aproveitaveis

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade Estadual de São Paulo - UNESP


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As atividades exercidas em uma Instituição acadêmica resultam na formação de diversos tipos de resíduos entre eles um volume considerável daqueles provenientes de celulose, principalmente variedades de papel e papelão, sendo o primeiro utilizado em larga escala para a confecção de objetos para os mais variados fins, de atividades didáticas, usos para fins de limpeza, até documentos. O presente trabalho foi realizado integrado às práticas do projeto PGR (Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos) desenvolvido no campus da Unesp de Rio Claro, tendo como objetivo o diagnóstico do gerenciamento dos resíduos de papel e papelão, tais como as práticas de descarte, reciclagem e/ou reutilização vigentes para posterior elaboração de um manual para o gerenciamento ambientalmente correto de tais tipos de resíduos. Para esse levantamento foi elaborado um questionário (Check-list) que foi aplicado nos diferentes setores da UNESP entre Novembro de 2014 e Abril de 2015. A partir desse levantamento preliminar e da quantificação aproximada do montante de resíduos e das porcentagens reutilizadas/recicladas e as descartadas, visou-se propor melhorias no processo de gerenciamento deste tipo de resíduo. O montante de resíduos provenientes de papel gerado nos 50 setores avaliados, sendo 27 do Instituto de Biociências, 21 do Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas e dois de uso comum entre os dois institutos, foi de aproximadamente 190kg de material, embora observado que na maioria das vezes os papéis tenham sido eliminados junto a resíduos de outra natureza, até mesmo orgânicos. Também foram constatadas a proporção de setores que procuram reduzir e reutilizar seus resíduos, sendo que a reutilização de papéis diversos para rascunhos e a utilização de caixas de papelão para o armazenamento de variados objetos foram as práticas mais comumente observadas, sendo apresentadas em maior ou menor grau em 62% dos setores visitados


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The Urban Solid Residues are the rests of human activity, popularly known by trash and considered by population like useless, undesirable and disposable. On the other hand, for the waste pickers, solid residues are the beginning of a cycle: they see in the other's people trash the only income, an economic value. Currently, in brazilian cities, one million collectors act, alone or in cooperatives, socially excluded by the work they do. The National Policy of Solid Residues (PNRS), instituted in 2010, established guidelines to the execution of integrated residues management, with should be practiced by city halls and other governmental institutions. This policy has, besides other things, goals of residues reduction and inclusion of waste pickers in the mechanism of selective collect and recycling. However, this and other public policies created for residue management are benefic only for cooperated waste pickers. That could negatively affect most of this class, since 90% are waste pickers working in a precarious way on the country's streets. This study has for objective show that most of waste pickers that work in a precarious way on the brazilian territory has a huge potential for the solid residues recycling chain and how they should be valued for the environmental services they provide, so they can be included with dignity on the society, ensuring economic and social benefits for this workers. The methodology adopted was based on the amount of residue collected by the 44 cooperated members of the Rio Claro‟s waste pickers cooperative to estimate the potential of collect and recycling did by 210 autonomous waste pickers who are active on city streets. It was observed that the cooperative collects the equivalent of 10.2% of all recyclable residues generated by city population. However, with the potential that these autonomous waste pickers have, which together could contribute 465 tonnes of solid residues per month, or 5,570 tons a year...


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Two of the major problems caused by construction activity are the production of construction and demolition waste (CDW) and the exploitation of mineral resources, causing big impacts on the environment. Therefore, the recycling has been shown as an alternative to mitigate the harmful effects of waste on the urban environment and prevent the exploitation of new raw materials. This course work aims to study the behavior of recycled aggregates from Vale do Paraíba in concrete and mortar. Initially, it presents the definitions of recycled aggregates according to CONAMA Resolution No. 307/2002, the aggregate settings for concrete and mortar (such as the grain size, its origin and density, and the characterization parameters according to ABNT), and the definition of ACI method of concrete mix design. Afterwards, it presents the characterization of materials separated by assays. After that, it shows the theoretical concrete proportioning applying the ACI method and experimental concrete proportioning. Then, the analysis of results is performed to finally conclude that the materials provided can't be used to replace natural aggregates because they cannot have the same performance. With the studies, it could be observed that the recycled aggregate presents a great complexity and diversity in origin, therefore the form how the material should be handled requires great care


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The construction industry is a large consumer of natural resources and one of the largest generators of residues with significant impacts on the environment. Because of the large production of Construction Industry Residues (RCC), it is essential reliable and updated information about generation, composition and classification sources of these residues, especially for management, recycling and final disposal. RCC represent the most part of solid residues generated in a city. In this way, the management of these residues is an issue that is gaining increasing importance in the Brazilian scenario, since the legal and society requirements to internalize the sustainability in the construction process - since the extraction, use, wastage savings, reutilization until the appropriate discard has been increasing in the last years. The present work objective is updating the quantities produced and collected in Guaratinguetá-SP, based on data collected with the municipal administrative entities that act direct or indirectly in the RCC management, elaborate a detailed bibliographic review, with special attention to the graduate works that were realized in FEG about this theme. With this material, scenarios to a better adequacy of the administrative structure to managements RCC activities, as well as was suggested actions to achieve these scenarios