7 resultados para Surdos Educação - Brasil Teses

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade Estadual de São Paulo - UNESP


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Levando em conta o modelo de desenvolvimento vigente, consideramos o momento atual, de crise ambiental, como fruto do estabelecimento de uma postura antropocêntrica frente à natureza. Assim, a EA vem sendo apontada como uma das possibilidades de mudança deste cenário. A EA que propomos se apoia em três dimensões, estabelecidas por Carvalho (1989), com especial enfoque na dimensão valorativa. Dentre os recursos potencialmente relevantes para o desenvolvimento da EA, destacamos o cinema ficcional e documentário. Possuidor de uma linguagem própria, o cinema pode e deve ser utilizado, visto que sua presença na sociedade atual é intensa. Dentre as inúmeras qualidades que este recurso possui, consideramos que ele apresenta imenso poder de atrair a atenção dos alunos, uma vez que possui por si só técnicas únicas para tal finalidade. O uso do cinema em sala de aula, entretanto, exige alguns cuidados e preparativos por parte de quem se propõe a utilizá-lo com este fim, ou corre-se o risco de recair em um uso corriqueiro, a fins de entretenimento, e portanto sem qualquer finalidade educativa. As perguntas que permeiam o presente trabalho são: este assunto tem sido abordado em teses e dissertações voltadas a pesquisas envolvendo a EA? Se sim, quais fundamentações teóricas abarcam, e o que está sendo levando em consideração para sua execução? Que aspectos significativos têm sido apontados sobre esses recursos, que podem subsidiar os trabalhos de EA? Para a coleta das teses de interesse, recorreremos ao banco de dissertações e teses de educação ambiental desenvolvido pelo projeto de pesquisa interinstitucional denominado Educação ambiental no Brasil: análise da produção acadêmica (teses e dissertações) - EArte. Verificamos que, apesar de muitos trabalhos apontarem o uso de filmes em suas pesquisas, este uso ainda é feito de maneira superficial e é tido apenas como mais um recurso de apoio. Existe uma...


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This paper addresses the democratic school management within the school organizations. For this, initially made brief remarks on labor relations, the development of administrative and organizational theories. Later, we reflect on how the se labor relations are organized in the educational environment and what education theoretical contributions to the development of school management in Brazil. Therefore, we discuss the Brazilian educational policies that postulate and legitimate democratic school management. Studies of everyday guided the theoretical basis of this work, we wonder what school subject dealing with the discourse of democratic and participative management. Forward the hypothesis that participatory management should be a prominent space in schools, the aim of this study was to investigate the school management of a municipal school of Youth and Adult Education, which brings in your organization pedagogical foundation and educational principles espoused by Paul Freire. The specific objectives of the study are: a) to investigate and describe how is the organization's management of school youth and adults; b) understand the role of managers; c) check how teachers and administrators understand the process of managing this school. From a methodological point of view the daily life of the studies led this work to procedures and qualitative analysis of ethnographic referring to practices that have occurred in adult education school along with the theoretical foundation. Participated in this research members of the school management group and four teachers of Youth and Adult Education rooms. The results obtained showed that dialogue and democracy go together, that the school is an organization with different world views, which need to be primarily present in the identity of the schools. It was also possible to find different democratic practices in the management and organization of the Educational Center that make school subjects become...


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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The Youth and Adult Education is a reality that still stands on the school benches of Brazil. Elderly people historically get more integration in the world when appropriate to the written code. One of the issues that touch this insertion is the right to vote and, more than that, the awareness of the vote of young and adult illiterate or poorly literate. Thus, this project aims to raise throug the point of view of this student how he see himself as voter and what is their role in the democratic consolidation of this act, even if he is in the condition of illiterate or poorly literate. Therefore, a qualitative approach to research will be conducted, in which individual audio recorded interviews will be held, later transcribed and the data will be analyzed in the light of the studied literature, based on the writings of Paulo Freire. Will participate as subjects Teachers of EJA and of study the students enrolled in the Education of Young Adults rooms on the city of Bauru. The results shown in interviews with the teachers confirmed the investigation of expectations in the study of Paulo Freire which has literacy training as part of the citizenship, the results allowed the construction of the profile of a group of students. We also concluded that it was possible to deconstruct the myth of non-political consciousness of the illiterate and the presence of dialogue in pedagogical practice enabling awareness of Educating


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This study aims to analyze the implementation of mediation in the school environment of São Paulo State Education Network through the figure of Teacher School and Community Mediator (PMEC). Mediation arises, as an alternative and effective method for conflict resolution from existing interpersonal relationships at school. The methodology used was the exploratory and empirical research literature on the subject mediation and the analysis of the resolutions of the Secretariat of São Paulo State Education establishing the School Protection System (SPE) and made possible the performance of the PMEC within that environment. Authors like Bonafé-Schmitt (2010); Caetano, Freire and Ferreira (2009); Calcaterra (2002); Freire (2010); Jares (2002); Lederach (1996); Littlejohn and Domenici (1999); Morgado and Oliveira (2009); Torremorell (2008) and Vecchi and Greco (1999) were selected in order to provide greater familiarity with the subject mediation and conflict mediation later in the school environment. The concept of mediation, mediation templates and profiles of mediators will be explained as well as PMEC function features as regards the selection methods training main assisted cases, assignments that are stipulated by the guiding documents and what actually happens in daily practice verified the reports obtained through a semi-structured interview. Finally, we present the PMEC situation regarding the review by the leaders and attended school community and the acceptance of their work within that environment


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)