3 resultados para Grupos operacionais
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade Estadual de São Paulo - UNESP
The theory of sexual selection states that individuals more capable of attracting, selecting and competing for partners are more successful on reproduction than the less fit individuals. Competition for sexual partners can be observed in different populations of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). These large cetaceans migrate seasonally from feeding areas, in high latitudes, to breeding areas, in low latitudes, where they spend the winter. During the breeding season females with and without calves are escorted by transient competitive groups of males. Seeking reproductive success in the same group, various males exhibit aggressive behaviors searching for proximity to the disputed female. Breeding areas are usually located in warm and shallow waters that provide greater security to newborn calves. The Abrolhos Bank, in the Bahia State, is the main breeding area of the species in Brazil. In this study, we used data collected in this region between 2003 and 2012. We tested the hypothesis that there is temporal fluctuation in the abundance of competitive groups and, thus, there is variation in the levels of competition among males during the breeding season. We expected to find higher competition at the beginning of the season since there are a large number of males competing for a small number of females available for mating, because some of them would still be pregnant with calves conceived on the previous year. As the pregnant females give birth to their calves and can again get into heat, the competition among males would be softened, represented by a smaller number of individuals in competitive groups and a larger number of groups sighted. To test this hypothesis we compared the number of individuals per group and number of groups sighted (response variables) between the beginning and the end of the reproductive season (explanatory variable) by using generalized linear models. We used the Living Planet Index (LPI),...
O Projeto de Iniciação Científica foi desenvolvido na Farmácia-Escola Prof. Dr. Antônio Alonso Martinez, uma unidade auxiliar da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da UNESP-Araraquara e que é parte integrante do NAC (Núcleo de Atendimento à Comunidade). Por ser vinculada à uma instituição pública ela serve como modelo para toda a comunidade, além de ser um estabelecimento de ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Por isso, ela tem o compromisso de cumprir com todas as exigências legais de maneira exemplar, garantindo a qualidade dos produtos manipulados. Realizou-se a revisão e adequação dos Procedimentos Operacionais Padrão (POPs) presente no Manual de Boas Práticas de Manipulação da Farmácia-Escola, baseando-se nas diretrizes da RDC 67/07 (Anexo I - Boas Práticas de Manipulação em Farmácia) e também uma inspeção na rotina dos processos envolvidos na manipulação e dispensação dos produtos manipulados. Fez-se a aplicação do Roteiro de Inspeção para Farmácia - Anexo VII da RDC 67/07 com a finalidade de constatar e avaliar o cumprimento das Boas Práticas de Manipulação em Farmácias (BPMF). Verificou-se que a Farmácia-Escola ainda não está em conformidade com todos os critérios estabelecidos pela RDC 67/07, mas que mesmo com as dificuldades enfrentadas para se adequar ela atende à quase todos os itens considerados imprescindíveis. Segundo as farmacêuticas responsáveis, medidas corretivas vêm sendo estudadas para que aos poucos todos os itens constantes na Resolução em questão sejam cumpridos.
This paper addresses the three-phase induction motor by a thermal analysis of its operation, under the gaze of the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards that deal with working arrangements (operating cycles) defined by appropriate tests and for each use of the motor basis of this study, emphasizing especially the fact of the first three cycles are the cycles with greater possibilities of use for scaling a three-phase induction motor for the main industrial processes, will also be made an analysis of the reasons why the three-phase induction motors have a loss of power at altitudes above 1000 m above sea level and some methods of how to define how a three phase induction motor can be used in one of the first three working arrangements