7 resultados para Ensino de astronomia. Abordagem humanística. Estações do ano e ambiente. Sol. Astronomia cultural
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade Estadual de São Paulo - UNESP
Snakes are ectothermic animals and, therefore, their physiological functions are strongly affected by temperature. For instance, the resting metabolic rate (RMR) of this animals increase with the rise in body temperature. However, metabolic determinations in ectothermic organisms, including snakes, are generally made by submitting the animals to constant temperature regimes. This experimental procedure, although widely used, accepted and certainly suitable in several cases, submit the animals to a very different situation from that experienced by them in nature. In fact, ectothermics are known by presenting extensive variations in their body temperatures trough the day and/or seasons. If this disagreement between the thermal biology of the animals and the experimental conditions, for instance over the circadian cycle, affects the determinations of metabolic rates of ectotherm animals, remains quite uncertain. Thus, this study aimed to test the effects of different thermal regimes (fluctuating vs constant) in different temperature ranges over the TMR of rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus). Therefore, the TMR of rattlesnakes was measured by the oxygen consumption rates ( V O2) in the constant temperatures of 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C and 35°C. For fluctuating regimes, snakes were measured in thermoperiods of 12/12 hours, as follows: 15°C and 25°C; 20°C and 30°C; 25°C and 35°C. Our results show that the RMR of C. durissus rises as the temperature increases, regardless of the thermal regime. The obtained RMR in the constant regimes of 20°C and 25°C was not different from that measured in the correspondent fluctuating regimes (i.e., 15 - 25°C e 20 - 30°C). However, at constant 30°C, the RMR was significantly higher than that obtained in the 30°C fluctuating regime (25 - 35ºC). This indicates that the potential effects in submitting of snakes to different thermal regimes of its thermal biology become more important with...
Pós-graduação em Matematica Aplicada e Computacional - FCT
The theme of the reading in the first year of the literacy cycle has become recurrent in academic papers, research groups, discussion forums, conferences etc. and raised different positions depending on the theoretical framework with which it is studied. While it is granted that reading instruction this school year is to ensure the ability to encode and decode and learn and understand the meanings and the meanings of what we read. In this work, it formed a general objective to investigate how reading skills are being developed in the classroom and the strategies used to develop decoding and understanding of meanings. The question that formed the north to the survey was as follows: The strategies and procedures being used in the teaching of reading in the early literacy process develop the coding and decoding skills beyond the grasp and understanding of the meanings of ideas? The specific objectives were established: a) investigate how is the teaching of reading in the first grade of elementary school; b) identify the teaching strategies and the design of reading and reader that the teacher of the class has observed and relate it to the way he teaches; c) verify that the teaching of reading in the first year of the literacy process, develop the early reading skills, decoding, and favors the development of the apprehension and understanding of the meanings of what we read. The methodology included field research, from a qualitative interpretation approach and had as direct data source the natural environment in which the teaching of reading has been developed. The work then displays data results analyzed in the light of literacy concepts distinguished by Soares (2011), and reading by Silva (1983), Foucambert (1994), Solé (1998), among others. The results were extracted inferences and interpretations. It is hoped that this work raises in literacy teachers, reflections on the teaching of reading in the literacy cicle, in order to establish the...
The theme of the writing learning in childhood education has conquered space in academic works, which occupy in analyze and understand how this process in contexts of meaning and not more before the mechanics of learning letters. Thus, in this work, it constitutes general objective to investigate whether and how the practice of teaching of oral and written expression in the last year of child education promotes the development of the symbol (sign) in children, so necessary to the learning of writing from inside to outside. The questions that served as the North for the study were the following: the teaching of writing, in the last year of child education, is organized to promote the development of the symbol (sign) in children? Which and how the ratings graphics made by children demarcate the stage of development of their writing? For its implementation, a bibliographic research was performed, using as a theoretical support for the prospect of Psychology socio-historical, especially authors as Vygotsky (1984), Luria (2001), Oliveira (1995) and Mello (2005). In addition to this was performed the empirical research of qualitative approach, according to his purpose. The data were collected by six instruments: systematic observation and direct in the classroom; audio-recording; records in a field diary, annual teaching plan of the school; lesson plan weekly and material produced by children, result of write activities. By means of the analysis of these data, we note that the writing has been worked from outside to inside, as an imposition, practice that opposes the theory of Vygotsky, already that the writing has been tackled in a way mechanical, in contexts not significant, with focused practices to the trace of the letters and copy of words, exclusive to the notion of symbol. This result points to the emergence of changes in education of writing in childhood education, without which becomes inglorious the search for a pedagogy of writing aware and...
This qualitative nature of work was developed with the participation of a group of students enrolled in the first year of high school from a public school of the state of São Paulo, in the city of Taubaté. Their goal was to determine how students deal with geometry tasks in investigative classes. To guide this research was drawn up the following question: As students of the first year of high school express their knowledge of building triangles and quads in classes of investigative activities?. The choice of investigative nature of this activity occurred by enhancing student participation and thus generate a greater chance of it not be guided only by what the teacher wants, but by his own curiosity and using their own tools for this. In the data analysis process stands out the interest generated in students for this type of activity and posture maintained throughout the work, mobilizing their expertise to answer the questions posed
In this work, we understand the importance of the use of manipulative resources for learning mathematics. For both we developed a qualitative phenomenological approach. Performing a case study with nine 7th grade students of the Elementary School, we used the abacus of the integers to examine in what way the use of Abacus contributes to students learning. The choice of material was made according to the focus of research, understanding the signs rule. In the analysis and interpretation of data, highlight lines of students, subject of the research, units of meaning that allow us to say that the material using awakened interest in students Who actively participated in the research and enabled them to understand the rule of signs, to operate with integers enabled them to understand the rule of signs, to operate with integers
The Children's Literature is an invaluable tool for human formation, ethics, aesthetics and politics, as well as serves as an instrument for the formation of interdiscourse and transforms teaching procedures of text written production. Then, the investigation of how the literature is being worked in school. Therefore, in this work, constitutes the general objective, to investigate how the teaching of Children's Literature is organized in the early years of elementary school and if that organization promotes the development of literary literacy of the student, and language skills written and the reader behavior, making it critical on several topics. The question that served as a north to the research was the following one: is Teaching Children's Literature, in the early years of elementary school, organized to develop the literary literacy while acting as a catalyst tool for learning to read and write? Have been established the following objectives: a) describe how the teaching of children's literature is organized (teaching routine) in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years of elementary school ; b) identify the literary genres that have worked in each school year, describe how they are worked out, analyze whether this work is related to the teaching of writing and the nature of that relation ship; c) verify if the Children's Literature teaching procedure seeks ways to articulate literary activities with the establishment of the interdiscourse as content for writing the textual production. The methodology that was included was the field research, from a qualitative interpretation approach and it had as direct data source the natural environment in which it was developed the teaching of Children's Literature. The work presents data results analyzed according to the concepts of Aesthetics of Reception (Iser, 1977; Jauss, 1977), and the functions of Literature, according to Candido (2000), Yasuda (2004), among others. From the results were extracted