6 resultados para Controle integrado de processos
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade Estadual de São Paulo - UNESP
In which refers to statistical process control, the analysis of univariate cases is not enough for many types of company, being necessary to resort to multivariate cases. Besides, it is usually supposed that the observations are independent. However, the violation of this hypothesis indicates the existence of autocorrelation in the process. In this work, by a basic quantitative approach for an exploratory and experimental research, the study target are the multivariate autocorrelated control charts, using Hotteling T². The ARL values were collected by simulations of a computational program on FORTRAN language, with objective of studying the charts properties, in addition to compare with the
This work studies and develops a machine automation for tyre truing. It is discussed industry development, industrial processes automation, tyre-recycling process, advantages of tyre reuse for preservation of the environment and probable gains from the automation of part of the tyre-recycling process. In this text, it is detailed the work done to configure, program and optimize the truing process through automation components as CNC, PLC and drives. Tests and simulations are performed to determine the payback necessary period in productivity and profit gains
In a highly competitive and globally integrated market, excellence in production processes has become a survival factor, instead of just a differential point. In this context, companies from various sectors have resorted to philosophies and techniques already established in the literature to improve the efficiency of their production processes. This paper discusses aspects and techniques used to improve the production efficiency of a multinational company that manufactures surgical devices to a global market. Through DMAIC methodology, there were found opportunities to improve machines' efficiency by OEE, an efficiency indicator, in Kaizen Events. A case study was conducted to analyze the methodology and to identify good practices and difficulties along the way
Em condições de hipóxia (redução da pressão parcial de oxigênio), respostas reflexas de aumento da ventilação pulmonar, aumento da pressão arterial e diminuição da frequência cardíaca são observadas com o objetivo de aumentar os processos de trocas gasosas e perfusão tecidual. Para que essas respostas reflexas à hipóxia ocorram, quimiorreceptores periféricos são ativados pela redução da pressão parcial de oxigênio arterial e enviam sinais excitatórios para o sistema nervoso central, promovendo a excitação de importantes núcleos cerebrais envolvidos com o controle das atividades respiratória, simpática e parassimpática. Evidências experimentais sugerem que os neurônios do complexo parabraquial/Kölliker-Fuse (PBN/KF), importante região respiratória localizada na porção dorsolateral da ponte, contribuem para o processamento das respostas cardiorrespiratórias do quimiorreflexo. Contudo, os neurotransmissores envolvidos ainda não foram explorados. No presente projeto, exploraremos a hipótese de que a neurotransmissão glutamatérgica da região PBN/KF é importante para a manutenção da ventilação basal e para o processamento das respostas ventilatórias à hipóxia. Para tanto, utilizamos a técnica de microinjeção de agonistas e antagonistas dos receptores de L-glutamato no PBN/KF de animais anestesiados e não anestesiados, avaliando parâmetros ventilatórios (eletromiografia dos músculos diafragma e abdominal em animais anestesiados; e frequência respiratória, volume corrente e ventilação minuto em animais não anestesiados) e parâmetros cardiovasculares (pressão arterial e frequência cardíaca em ambas condições experimentais) em condições de repouso ou em situações de estimulação dos quimiorreceptores periféricos (com cianeto de potássio). Nossos dados mostram que nos animais anestesiados houve uma redução...
Stricter environmental policies are shown necessary to ensure an effective pollutant emission control. It is expected for the present year of 2015, that Brazil will assume, at the 21th United Nation's Climate Change Conference (COP21), implementation of commitment to a low carbon economy. This positioning affects the industrial environment, so that is deemed necessary to search for new technologies, less aggressive to the environment, so the adequacies to the new emission policies do not cause a negative effect on production. Almost all of the processes performed in the steel industry demand burning fuel and, therefore, flue gases are sent to the atmosphere. In this present work is discussed the utilization of heat exchangers so, by recovering part of the available heat from the flue gases of certain industrial process, the combustion air is preheated. The combustion air preheat results in less energy requirement, i.e., less need of fuel consumption and, in addition, minor amount of pollutants to be emitted. Due to better fitting to the process, it is studied the utilization of spiral plate heat exchangers. The heat exchanger dimensioning is made by an iterative method implemented in the software Microsoft Excel. Subsequently are analyzed the gains in terms of process's thermal efficiency improvement and the percentage of fuel saving. The latter implies in reduction of the same percentage of greenhouse gases emission
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)