6 resultados para Véhicules hippomobiles -- Philippines

em Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Málaga


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The Philippines are currently facing a process of regional economic integration inside the ASEAN, in some way similar to the process undertaken by Spain and the European Union decades ago. Since January 2016, the ASEAN has become a Common Market, for whose effective achievement Competition and Innovation Law and Policies may play a crucial role. The scope of these pages is to overview the importance of the regulation in these issues and the promotion of competition within the member States throughout the process of regional economic integration. Then, we will consider the role that Competition and Intellectual Property Law and Policies have played in the construction of the European Union, and we will point out some current challenges that are still to be faced. Finally, we will offer some comparative conclusions considering the importance that these norms and policies will have in the construction of the ASEAN as an economic integrated area, and the way the ASEAN might follow the footsteps set by the European Union in its integration process.


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Lectura jurídico-civil de la novela "La tía Julia y el escribidor", de Mario Vargas Llosa. Esta novela se presta a una lectura desde la óptica del Derecho civil que puede ser muy sugerente, prestándose a un repaso de diversas instituciones jurídico-privadas y de su reflejo en la novela.


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Para reseñar los efectos de la Constitución Española en el Derecho Privado Español se recuerdan en primer lugar algunas generalidades sobe el Derecho Constitucional Español y a continuación se repasan, a título de ejemplo, los efectos de la Constitución sobre los derechos de la personalidad, el derecho a la propiedad privada y el derecho al matrimonio.


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Along this work we wish to highlight the main influence of Procedural Law in some as-pects in our Maritime Law. Our point of view has been supported by new Maritime Naviga-tion Act of 2014, when including the Title X ruling "Procedures Specialities in Maritime Navigation". We are focusing on the Bill of Lading as an essential document in maritime shipping from a procedural point of view. It is particulary relevant the express recognition of its enforce-able nature through the Spanish Maritime Navigation Act, giving to the bill of lading the consideration as an true extrajudicial enforceable title. We will point out the main error of the spanish regulator in the new Maritime Navigation Act, when repeating the provided posibility in the Spanish Civil Procedure Act, of a direct procedure of execution grounded on a extrajuditial enforcement such as the bill of lading. Finally, we would like to conclude the work studying the possible uses of Small Claim Procedure of the 812 article and followings of Spanish Civil Procedure Law, for the pur-pose of safeguarding credit, so as a short mention to other procedural figures expressly in-cluded in the Title IX of Maritime Navigation Law.


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On 13 December 2006, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It is the first comprehensive human rights treaty of the 21st century. The Convention is intended as a human rights instrument with an explicit, social development dimension. It adopts a broad categorization of persons with disabilities and reaffirms that all persons with all types of disabilities must enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms. Precisely, the Convention marks a 'paradigm shift' in attitudes and approaches to persons with disabilities The Convention contains two articles directly connected with judicial effective protection, one more than the other, but on the other hand, one cannot be understood without the other. Both articles are Article 12 –Equal recognition before the law- and Article 13 –access to justice- As a scholar in Procedural Law, my contribution to the International Scientific Congress on Private Law of the Philippines and Spain aims to enshrine the relevant importance of the both provisions that guarantee effective judicial protection for persons with disabilities in order to analyze, subsequently, the implementation of them in Spanish legislation


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En el presente trabajo se estudian los límites de la autonomía privada desde la perspectiva del derecho a la igualdad y del principio de no discriminación tanto en el derecho norteamericano como en el europeo, con especial incidencia a la doctrina española. Por un lado se plantea si la piedra angular a la hora de establecer límites a la autonomía privada debe ser el concepto de dignidad o el de igualdad, por otro superando dicho debate se propone un acercamiento al problema entendido como una colisión entre derechos fundamentales en la que en cada concreto supuesto ha de estudiarse cual debe prevalecer. Finalmente se estima conveniente seguir el modelo de la Constitución de Sudáfrica y entender que los derechos fundamentales afectan directamente tanto a las relaciones horizontales como verticales, es decir tanto al ámbito público como privado.