2 resultados para Spinal injury, Classification system, Severity measure, Treatment algorithm, Methodological review

em Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Málaga


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Las úlceras por presión representan un importante problema de salud pública y tienen un importante impacto económico en los sistemas de salud. La mayoría de los estudios para prevenir las úlceras por presión se han llevado a cabo en contextos hospitalarios, usando ácidos grasos hiperoxigenados (AGHO) y hasta la fecha, no se ha realizado ningún estudio específico con aceite de oliva virgen extra (AOVE) en el entorno domiciliario. Material y método Objetivo principal: evaluar si la utilización de AOVE no es inferior a los AGHO en la prevención de úlceras por presión (UPP) en pacientes inmovilizados en el entorno domiciliario. Diseño: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado multicéntrico, paralelo, a triple ciego, de no inferioridad. Ámbito: Población consultante de centros de salud andaluces. Muestra: 831 pacientes inmovilizados en riesgo de padecer UPP. Resultados El período de seguimiento fue de 16 semanas. En el análisis por protocolo, ninguna de las zonas evaluadas presentó diferencias de riesgo de incidencia de las úlceras por presión que superasen el valor delta establecido (10%). Sacro: AOVE 8 (2,55%) vs AGHO 8 (3,08%), RAR 0,53 (-2,2 a 3,26). Talón derecho: AOVE 4 (1,27%) vs AGHO 5 (1,92)%, RAR 0,65 (-1,43 a 2,73). Talón izquierdo: AOVE 3 (0,96%) vs AGHO 3 (1,15%), RAR 0.2 (-1,49 a 1,88). Trocánter Derecho: AOVE 0 (0%) vs AGHO 4 (1,54%), RAR 1,54 (0,04-3,03). Trocánter izquierdo: AOVE 1 (0,32%) vs AGHO 1 (0,38%), RAR 0.07 (-0,91 a 1,04). Discusión Este ensayo clínico pretendía evaluar si la prevención de las UPP usando una fórmula de AOVE no era inferior a la prevención de UPP con el uso AGHO, en el entorno domiciliario y con pacientes inmovilizados de alto riesgo. Los resultados han mostrado esta no inferioridad al no observarse diferencias que hayan superado el límite inferior del intervalo de confianza y convierte al aceite de oliva en un producto eficaz para la prevención de UPP en este tipo de pacientes. Se necesitan más estudios para investigar el mecanismo de acción del AOVE en la prevención de las UPP y relacionarlo con la etiopatogenia de éstas. Bibliografía 1. Gorecki C, Brown JM, Nelson EA, Briggs M, Schoonhoven L, Dealey C, et al. Impact of pressure ulcers on quality of life in older patients: a systematic review. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2009 Jul;57(7):1175–83. 2. Yamamoto Y, Hayashino Y, Higashi T, Matsui M, Yamazaki S, Takegami M, et al. Keeping vulnerable elderly patients free from pressure ulcer is associated with high caregiver burden in informal caregivers. J Eval Clin Pract. 2010 Jun;16(3):585–9. 3. Hanson D, Langemo DK, Anderson J, Thompson P, Hunter S. Friction and shear considerations in pressure ulcer development. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2010 Jan;23(1):21–4. 4. Soldevilla Agreda JJ, Torra i Bou J-E, Verdú Soriano J, López Casanova P. 3.er Estudio Nacional de Prevalencia de Úlceras por Presión en España, 2009: Epidemiología y variables definitorias de las lesiones y pacientes. Gerokomos. 2011 Jun;22(2):77–90. 5. Kottner J, Lahmann N, Dassen T. [Pressure ulcer prevalence: comparison between nursing homes and hospitals]. Pflege Z. 2010 Apr;63(4):228–31. 6. Wilborn D, Halfens R, Dassen T, Tannen A. [Pressure ulcer prevalence in German nursing homes and hospitals: what role does the National Nursing Expert Standard Prevention of Pressure Ulcer play?]. Gesundheitswesen Bundesverb Ärzte Öffentl Gesundheitsdienstes Ger. 2010 Apr;72(4):240–5. 7. Tubaishat A, Anthony D, Saleh M. Pressure ulcers in Jordan: a point prevalence study. J Tissue Viability. 2011 Feb;20(1):14–9. 8. James J, Evans JA, Young T, Clark M. Pressure ulcer prevalence across Welsh orthopaedic units and community hospitals: surveys based on the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel minimum data set. Int Wound J. 2010 Jun;7(3):147–52. 9. Defloor T, Schoonhoven L, Katrien V, Weststrate J, Myny D. Reliability of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel classification system. J Adv Nurs. 2006 Apr;54(2):189–98


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This research is based on the hypothesis that law and order model is displacing the procedura justice system in Spain. After a thorough review of the international literature, one can observe that the traditional structure of the penal system does not seem to be capable of containing the new forms of crime. The new penal model assumes that public opinion is alarmed and unwilling to understand rational approaches to crime, so it will be likely to accept measures aimed at calming the fear of crime, through extensive control policies and penal tools to manage uncivil behavior. Objectives and methodology A measuring instrument has been developed to confirm this hypothesis, consisting of ten features that characterize the law and order model. This instrument has been used to identify examples of its ten features in the rules and practices developed at each phase of the Spanish criminal justice system. The analysis has focused specifically on public discourse about delinquency, criminal policy decisions, legislative processes, police routines, judicial dynamics, and prison system practices. Main results The investigation has shown that there are many processes and practices indicating that the law and order model is consolidating itself in the Spanish penal system. Nevertheless this process has a different intensity at each phase, being stronger at the legislative stage and softer in the penitentiary enforcement phase. One of the main conclusions is, therefore, that the designed instrument is ideal for measuring the degree of penetration of the model throughout the system. Some of the most striking results of the reasearch will be presented at the conference. Finally, proposals arise that could prevent the new model is fully seated in our criminal justice system, finding that the trend toward more severe penalties shown already unsustainable.