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Efficient hill climbers have been recently proposed for single- and multi-objective pseudo-Boolean optimization problems. For $k$-bounded pseudo-Boolean functions where each variable appears in at most a constant number of subfunctions, it has been theoretically proven that the neighborhood of a solution can be explored in constant time. These hill climbers, combined with a high-level exploration strategy, have shown to improve state of the art methods in experimental studies and open the door to the so-called Gray Box Optimization, where part, but not all, of the details of the objective functions are used to better explore the search space. One important limitation of all the previous proposals is that they can only be applied to unconstrained pseudo-Boolean optimization problems. In this work, we address the constrained case for multi-objective $k$-bounded pseudo-Boolean optimization problems. We find that adding constraints to the pseudo-Boolean problem has a linear computational cost in the hill climber.