14 resultados para L50 Fisiología y bioquímica animal

em Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Málaga


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El interferón beta (IFNb) ha sido uno de los fármacos más utilizados en el tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple (EM), gracias a su efecto inmunomodulador, antiproliferativo y antiviral. Sin embargo, existe un porcentaje de pacientes que responden de forma subóptima al tratamiento, sugiriendo la necesidad de buscar alternativas terapéuticas innovadoras. En este contexto se ha observado que las células madre mesenquimales derivadas del tejido adiposo (AdMSCs) presentan capacidad inmunomoduladora, neuroprotectora y regeneradora del tejido dañado en ensayos preclínicos con el modelo animal más frecuentemente usado en el estudio de la EM, la Encefalomielitis Autoinmune Experimental (EAE), lo que las hace buenas candidatas como terapia alternativa para la EM. Además, su capacidad de migración hacia el tejido dañado les confiere potencial para ser utilizadas como transportadoras de factores terapéuticos hacia las zonas lesionadas del SNC. Por ello, nos planteamos evaluar la eficacia terapéutica de las terapias celular con AdMSCs y génica con AdMSCs modificadas genéticamente para producir IFNb, en modelos de EAE. Para llevarlo a cabo se realizó la caracterización de la población de AdMSCs de la cepa de ratón SJL/jCrL (SJL-AdMSCs), usando como control las AdMSCs de la cepa C57BL/6, ampliamente caracterizadas en la literatura, la generación de líneas de AdMSCs secretoras de IFNb (AdMSCs-IFNb) mediante lentivirus y su posterior caracterización y comparación con las mismas células sin transducir, la evaluación de los efectos de las terapias celulares autóloga, alogénica y génica en los modelos de EAE crónico progresivo (EAE-CP) y remitente recurrente (EAE-RR) y el estudio de la migración de las AdMSCs administradas como terapia autóloga y de las AdMSCs-IFNb. Los resultados obtenidos en cada uno de los objetivos planteados nos condujeron a una serie de conclusiones: las SJL-AdMSCs aisladas, cultivadas y expandidas bajo nuestras condiciones experimentales, cumplen los criterios mínimos determinados para ser consideradas células madre mesenquimales. Además, estas células presentan eficacia clínica y efectos neuroinmunomoduladores al ser utilizadas como transplantes autólogos y alogénicos en animales con EAE-RR y EAE-CP respectivamente. Por otro lado, las SJL-AdMSCs constituyen una población apta para dar soporte al desarrollo de la terapia génica, ya que la alteración de su material genético por la inserción del IFNb no supone la modificación de sus propiedades biológicas ni funcionales en estudios preclínicos en modelos de EM. Estas AdMSCs-IFNb, constituyen una línea de células mesenquimales de crecimiento estable que produce elevados niveles de IFNb de forma constitutiva. Además, los transplantes con AdMSCs-IFNb son eficaces como tratamiento terapéutico en animales con EAE-RR y EAE-CP al modular tanto la sintomatología como los procesos inflamatorios y neurodegenerativos propios de la enfermedad. Sin embargo, los resultados no permiten discriminar si los efectos observados son debidos a las propiedades del inmunomodulador secretado, a las propias células mesenquimales o a la acción conjunta de ambos. En último lugar, la migración celular de las AdMSCs autólogas se potencia por los estados de inflamación activa en ambos modelos de EAE, mostrando una amplia biodistribución celular. La localización prioritaria fue inicialmente en pulmones y, posteriormente en zona de órganos linfáticos, como hígado y bazo, y del SNC a nivel de la médula espinal. La señal bioluminiscente de las AdMSCs-IFNb en el modelo EAE-CP es mayor que la emitida por las células de la terapia autóloga. Sin embargo, la migración de las células transfectadas no aparece fuertemente influenciada por los procesos proinflamatorios. En el modelo EAE-RR estas diferencias entre terapias son incluso más moderadas. Las áreas donde se registra señal son similares a las de las células autólogas, apareciendo principalmente en zonas correspondientes a pulmones, hígado, bazo y médula espinal a lo largo del tiempo experimental.


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The Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) allows to sequence the whole genome of an organism, compared to Maxam and Gilbert and Sanger sequencing that only allow to sequence, hardly, a single gene. Removing the separation of DNA fragments by electrophoresis, and the development of techniques that let the parallelization (analysing simultaneously several DNA fragments) have been crucial for the improvements of this process. The new companies in this ambit, Roche and Illumina, bet for different protocols to achieve these goals. Illumina bets for the sequencing by synthesis (SBS), requiring the library preparation and the use of adapters. Likewise, Illumina has replaced Roche because its lower rate of misincorporation, making it ideal for studies of genetic variability, transcriptomic, epigenomic, and metagenomic, in which this study will focus. However, it is noteworthy that the last progress in sequencing is carried out by the third generation sequencing, using nanotechnology to design small sequencers that sequence the whole genome of an organism quickly and inexpensively. Moreover, they provide more reliable data than current systems because they sequence a single molecule, solving the problem of synchronisation. In this way, PacBio and Nanopore allow a great progress in diagnostic and personalized medicine. Metagenomics provide to make a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the various species present in a sample. The main advantage of this technique is the no necessary isolation and growth of the species, allowing the analysis of nonculturable species. The Illumina protocol studies the variable regions of the 16S rRNA gene, which contains variable and not variables regions providing a phylogenetic classification. Therefore, metagenomics is a topic of interest to know the biodiversity of complex ecosystems and to study the microbiome of patients given the high involvement with certain microbial profiles on the condition of certain metabolic diseases.


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Phylogenetic inference consist in the search of an evolutionary tree to explain the best way possible genealogical relationships of a set of species. Phylogenetic analysis has a large number of applications in areas such as biology, ecology, paleontology, etc. There are several criterias which has been defined in order to infer phylogenies, among which are the maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. The first one tries to find the phylogenetic tree that minimizes the number of evolutionary steps needed to describe the evolutionary history among species, while the second tries to find the tree that has the highest probability of produce the observed data according to an evolutionary model. The search of a phylogenetic tree can be formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem, which aims to find trees which satisfy simultaneously (and as much as possible) both criteria of parsimony and likelihood. Due to the fact that these criteria are different there won't be a single optimal solution (a single tree), but a set of compromise solutions. The solutions of this set are called "Pareto Optimal". To find this solutions, evolutionary algorithms are being used with success nowadays.This algorithms are a family of techniques, which aren’t exact, inspired by the process of natural selection. They usually find great quality solutions in order to resolve convoluted optimization problems. The way this algorithms works is based on the handling of a set of trial solutions (trees in the phylogeny case) using operators, some of them exchanges information between solutions, simulating DNA crossing, and others apply aleatory modifications, simulating a mutation. The result of this algorithms is an approximation to the set of the “Pareto Optimal” which can be shown in a graph with in order that the expert in the problem (the biologist when we talk about inference) can choose the solution of the commitment which produces the higher interest. In the case of optimization multi-objective applied to phylogenetic inference, there is open source software tool, called MO-Phylogenetics, which is designed for the purpose of resolving inference problems with classic evolutionary algorithms and last generation algorithms. REFERENCES [1] C.A. Coello Coello, G.B. Lamont, D.A. van Veldhuizen. Evolutionary algorithms for solving multi-objective problems. Spring. Agosto 2007 [2] C. Zambrano-Vega, A.J. Nebro, J.F Aldana-Montes. MO-Phylogenetics: a phylogenetic inference software tool with multi-objective evolutionary metaheuristics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. En prensa. Febrero 2016.


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Nanopore-based sequencer will open the path to the fourth-generation DNA sequencing technology. The main differences between this technique and the previous ones are: DNA molecule that will be sequenced does not need a previous amplification step, is not necessary any type of specific label both molecular adaptors, and it has been abolished enzymatic process in the nucleotide sequence identification event. These differences have as result a more economic method since don’t spend the necessary reagents for the previous techniques, furthermore it lets to sequence samples with a low DNA concentration. This technique is based in the use of a membrane with a biologic nanopore inserted in it whereby the molecule to analyze (analyte) it made to pass, this membrane is placed between two reservoirs containing ions, when an external volatage is applied in both sides this lead to an ion current through the nanopore. When an analyte cross the nanopore the ion current is modified, that modification in the amplitude and duration of ion current determine the physical and chemical properties of that analyte. By means of subsequent statistical analyzes it can be determined to what sequence own this ion current blockade patterns. More used nanopores are the biologic ones, although they are working to develop synthetic nanopores. The main biologic nanopores are: α-Hemolysin from Staphylococcus aureus (α-HL), Mycobacterium smegmatis porin A (MspA) and bacteriophage phi29 pore (phi29). Α-HL and MspA have in their narrowest point a diameter similar to nucleotide size, they are functional at high temperature both wide range of pH (2-12) but MspA is able to read four nucleotide at the same time while α- HL just can read one by one. Finally, phi29 present a bigger diameter what let to get information about DNA spatial conformation and their interaction with proteins (Feng et al., 2015). Nowaday Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) is the only company which has developed Nanopore technology; they have two devices available to sequencing (PromethION and MinION). The MinION is a single-use DNA sequencing device with the size of a USB memory with a total of 3000 nanopores that can sequence until 200kb. The PrometheION is big size sequencer that own 48 different cells, what let to sequence different samples at the same time, with a total of 144.000 nanopores and reading of several megabases (https://www.nanoporetech.com/). The high processivity and low cost become this technique in a great option to massive- sequencing.


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Knowing a cell’s transcriptome is a fundamental requisite in order to analyze its response to the environment. Microarrays have supposed a revolution on this field as they are able to yield an overview of gene expression at any environmental condition on a genome-wide scale. This technique consists in the hybridisation of a nucleic acid sample, previously marked, with a probe (which might be made up of cDNA, oligonucleotides or PCR products) anchored to a solid surface (made of glass, plastic, silicon...) giving as a result a dot grid which reveals, after image analysis, which genes are being expressed. Nevertheless, this only can be achieved if information on the species genome has been generated. Different kinds of expression microarrays exist attending to the probe’s nature and the method used in its synthesis. In this poster two of these will be treated: Spotted Microarrays, for which the probe is synthesised prior to its fixation to the array and allow the analysis of two targets simultaneously. They can be easily customized, but lack high reproducibility and sensitivity. Oligonucleotide Microarrays, which are characterized by the direct printing of the probe on the array. In this case the probes consist on, invariably, oligonucleotides that are complementary to a small fraction of the gene it is representing at the microarray. Their application is somewhat restricted. This fact, however, makes them more reproducible. Currently, the approach towards the transcriptome studies from the Next Generation Sequencing technologies offers a large volume of information in a short amount of time needing less previous information on the target organism than that needed by microarrays, but their expensive price limits their use. The versatility of the latter, together with their reduced costs in comparison to other techniques, makes them an interesting resource in applications that may need less complexity.


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The quality and the speed for genome sequencing has advanced at the same time that technology boundaries are stretched. This advancement has been divided so far in three generations. The first-generation methods enabled sequencing of clonal DNA populations. The second-generation massively increased throughput by parallelizing many reactions while the third-generation methods allow direct sequencing of single DNA molecules. The first techniques to sequence DNA were not developed until the mid-1970s, when two distinct sequencing methods were developed almost simultaneously, one by Alan Maxam and Walter Gilbert, and the other one by Frederick Sanger. The first one is a chemical method to cleave DNA at specific points and the second one uses ddNTPs, which synthesizes a copy from the DNA chain template. Nevertheless, both methods generate fragments of varying lengths that are further electrophoresed. Moreover, it is important to say that until the 1990s, the sequencing of DNA was relatively expensive and it was seen as a long process. Besides, using radiolabeled nucleotides also compounded the problem through safety concerns and prevented the automation. Some advancements within the first generation include the replacement of radioactive labels by fluorescent labeled ddNTPs and cycle sequencing with thermostable DNA polymerase, which allows automation and signal amplification, making the process cheaper, safer and faster. Another method is Pyrosequencing, which is based on the “sequencing by synthesis” principle. It differs from Sanger sequencing, in that it relies on the detection of pyrophosphate release on nucleotide incorporation. By the end of the last millennia, parallelization of this method started the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) with 454 as the first of many methods that can process multiple samples, calling it the 2º generation sequencing. Here electrophoresis was completely eliminated. One of the methods that is sometimes used is SOLiD, based on sequencing by ligation of fluorescently dye-labeled di-base probes which competes to ligate to the sequencing primer. Specificity of the di-base probe is achieved by interrogating every 1st and 2nd base in each ligation reaction. The widely used Solexa/Illumina method uses modified dNTPs containing so called “reversible terminators” which blocks further polymerization. The terminator also contains a fluorescent label, which can be detected by a camera. Now, the previous step towards the third generation was in charge of Ion Torrent, who developed a technique that is based in a method of “sequencing-by-synthesis”. Its main feature is the detection of hydrogen ions that are released during base incorporation. Likewise, the third generation takes into account nanotechnology advancements for the processing of unique DNA molecules to a real time synthesis sequencing system like PacBio; and finally, the NANOPORE, projected since 1995, also uses Nano-sensors forming channels obtained from bacteria that conducts the sample to a sensor that allows the detection of each nucleotide residue in the DNA strand. The advancements in terms of technology that we have nowadays have been so quick, that it makes wonder: ¿How do we imagine the next generation?


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Background: At the end of 80s, cloning technologies with the increase of the antibodies’ sensibility made easier the development of technologies based on Fluorescence in situ Hibridation (FISH). Nowadays, It’s widely used in the field of basic investigation as much as clinic diagnostic. Method: FISH is a technique that combines molecular biology with histochemistry way to detect specific nucleotide sequences so that chromosome’s section or even whole chromosome can be marked on metaphases cells (cell in division) and on attached cellular nucleus. This detection is realized using DNA fluorescence probes (marked with fluorophores), that can be different according to the structures manage to detect: large single-locus probes, small unique-sequence probes, chromosome- or region-specific “paints” or repetitive sequence probes and genomic DNA probes. Some of the applications of this technique is that can be so useful in the detection of numerical and structural chromosomal alterations such as polyploidies or genomic rearrangement, to mapping metaphases cells and even to detect bacteria or another type of microorganism. In addition, FISH allows us to monitoring diseases (antitumor therapies, quantification of genomic altered cells…) and the precise location of chromosomic broken spots on tumor searching for new genes involved in cancer and detect and map interested known genes. Conclusion: FISH has many advantages ahead of conventional cytogenetic techniques (bands G karyotype) overall at the time of establish a clinic diagnostic to detect tumors and chromosomic aberration, presenting a higher sensibility and specificity as well as being a relative quick technique (24 hours).


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The purpose of this communication is to make a bibliographic review of Quantum Dots methods and their applications in the field of Biotechnology. Quantum dots (QDs) are a novel class of inorganic fluorophores, which are gaining widespread recognition as a result of their exceptional photophysical properties.


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Before the rise of the Multidimentional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT), protein and peptide mixtures were resolved using traditional proteomic technologies like the gel-­‐ based 2D chromatography that separates proteins by isoelectric point and molecular weight. This technique was tedious and limited, since the characterization of single proteins required isolation of protein gel spots, their subsequent proteolyzation and analysis using Matrix-­‐ assisted laser desorption/ionization-­‐time of flight (MALDI-­‐TOF) mass spectrometry.


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We propose the SRM technology as a complementary method to the Western Blot for the detection and quantification of proteins in a sample. The technique Western Blot has its own limitations: i) only a protein-of-choice is detected, ignoring any non-relevant proteins, ii) the sensitivity of the technique depends on the specificity of the antibody and iii) Western Blot is expensive and time-consuming. The advantages of SRM with respect Western Blot are remarkable: i) you can detect up to hundreds of different proteins in a sample, ii) SRM is more sensitive, because just 50 copies of the target protein per cell are enough for the detection and iii) once it has been made an investment in the necessary machinery to develop this technique, the detection of proteins in a sample turns into a cheaper, faster, more specific and full-quantitative procedure, without the need of using antibodies. First of all, SRM requires the identification of little peptides, obtained by tryptic digestion, whose sequence must be unique for a single protein or isoform. There is software for that aim. Then, it’s necessary to create isotope-labeled peptides of that identified for acting as internal standards. That sample is introduced in a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer: it passes through a first quadrupole, which functions as a filter, where the fragments are selected, previously ionized, attending to the mass/charge (m/z) relation that correspond to that unique fragments of the protein of interest. In this first selection may be other peptides from other proteins, with the same m/z but with different sequence. To select those that are exclusive from the target protein, the fragments are moved to a second quadrupole, where they are fragmented again with a physical method, and so new smaller fragments are generated. All the new fragments are conduced to the third quadrupole, where just those which come from the protein of interest are selected, attending at their m/z again. The target peptide concentration is determined by measuring the observed signal response for the target peptide relative to that of the isotopic-labeled peptide, the concentration of which is calculated from a pre-determined calibration-response curve. Calibration curves have to be generated for each target peptide in the sample. Because SRM technology is increasing its use, there have been developed databases where the scientific community upload information about protocols and standards for each protein with the aim to facilitate the work to other researchers.


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Aunque hace más de 50 años que se describió que la glutamato descarboxilasa (GAD) lleva a cabo la descarboxilación del glutamato para producir GABA, y en animales ha sido muy estudiada debido al papel del GABA como neurotransmisor, la información disponible sobre las GADs de plantas es aún limitada, conociéndose sólo algunos aspectos de la regulación por calcio de su actividad enzimática o de expresión de algunos de los genes de su familia génica. El GABA es un metabolito que tradicionalmente se ha asociado a estrés, pero su papel en plantas todavía no está claro. En las últimas dos décadas los resultados experimentales obtenidos sobre la GAD y el GABA, destacando las alteraciones fenotípicas mostradas por plantas tratadas con GABA y por plantas transgénicas para GAD, han generado preguntas interesantes sobre el posible papel de este metabolito y la enzima en señalización en plantas. En plantas, son varios los papeles que se han propuesto para el metabolismo del GABA tales como su participación como componente del metabolismo del carbono y del nitrógeno (Fait y col., 2008), protección frente especies reactivas de oxigeno (Liu y col., 2011), regulación de la expresión génica incluyendo la regulación de genes implicados en la síntesis de hormonas (Khatiresan y col., 1997; Shi y col., 2010; Lancien y Roberts, 2006) y señalización a larga distancia (Beuve y col., 2004) y en gradiente guiando el crecimiento del tubo polínico (Palanivelu y col., 2013). Nuestro grupo de investigación ha sugerido un papel novedoso para la producción de GABA durante la xilogénesis en pino (Molina-Rueda y col., 2010, 2015). En base a estos antecedentes, los objetivos planteados para este trabajo han sido: la asignación de posibles funciones a las GADs de Populus en condiciones normales de crecimiento y en estrés abióticos, estudiar la adquisición del dominio de unión a calmodulina (CaMBD) de las GADs de plantas vasculares y analizar el efecto del GABA y del glutamato en las raíces de Populus. Las conclusiones que se derivan de los resultados de este trabajo se detallan a continuación. El dominio de unión a calmodulina de la GAD de plantas esta conservado en GADs de plantas consideradas ancestros de plantas vasculares y ausente en plantas no vasculares, lo que sitúa juntos en la evolución los eventos de adquisición del dominio de unión a CaM y el desarrollo del tejido vascular de plantas. Los resultados similares de la localización de GABA en xilema y una expresión GAD asociada a la formación de madera de reacción tanto en pino como en chopo apuntan a un papel relevante de la producción de GABA durante la xilogénesis en leñosas. La familia génica GAD posee seis genes codificando todos ellos para proteínas aparentemente funcionales y susceptibles de ser reguladas por calcio. Esta familia génica ha sufrido duplicaciones y eventos de especialización durante la evolución de Populus. Este trabajo ha posibilitado la asociación entre papeles específicos y los diferentes genes de esta familia. Beuvé N, Rispail N, Laine P, Cliquet J-B, Ourry A, Deunff F (2004) Putative role of Υ-aminobutyric acid as a long-distance signal in up-regulation of nitrate uptake in Brassica napus L. Plant Cell Environ. 27: 1035-1046 Fait A, Fromm H, Walter D, Galili G, Fernie AR (2008) Highway or byway: the metabolic role of the GABA shunt in plants. Trends in plant science 13: 14-19 Kathiresan A, Tung P, Chinnappa CC, Reid DM (1997) gamma-Aminobutyric acid stimulates ethylene biosynthesis in sunflower. Plant Physiol. 115: 129-135 Lancien M, Roberts MR (2006) Regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana 14-3-3 gene expression by ϒ-aminobutyric acid. Plant Cell Environ. 29: 1430-1436 Liu C, Zhao L, Yu G (2011) The dominant glutamic acid metabolic flux to produce gamma-amino butyric acid over proline in Nicotiana tabacum leaves under water stress relates to its significant role in antioxidant activity. Journal of integrative plant biology 53: 608-618 Molina-Rueda JJ, Pascual MB, Canovas FM, Gallardo F (2010) Characterization and developmental expression of a glutamate decarboxylase from maritime pine. Planta 232: 1471-1483 Molina-Rueda, J.J. y col., 2015. A putative role for γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in vascular development in pine seedlings. Planta 241: 257-267 Palanivelu R, Brass L, Edlund AF, D P (2003) Pollen tube growth and guidance is regulated by POP2, an Arabidopsis gene that controls GABA levels. Cell 114: 47-59 Shi SQ, Shi Z, Jiang ZP, Qi LW, Sun XM, Li CX, Liu JF, Xiao WF, Zhang SG (2010) Effects of exogenous GABA on gene expression of Caragana intermedia roots under NaCl stress: regulatory roles for H2O2 and ethylene production. Plant, cell & environment 33: 149-162


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AMMONIUM UPTAKE, TRANSPORT AND NITROGEN ECONOMY IN FOREST TREES Francisco M. Cánovas, Concepción Avila, Fernando N. de la Torre, Rafael A. Cañas, Belén Pascual, Vanessa Castro- Rodríguez, Jorge El-Azaz Departamento de Biología Molecular y Bioquímica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Málaga, Spain. Email: canovas@uma.es Forests ecosystems play a fundamental role in the regulation of global carbon fixation and preservation of biodiversity. Forest trees are also of great economic value because they provide a wide range of products of commercial interest, including wood, pulp, biomass and important secondary metabolites. The productivity of most forest ecosystems is limited by low nitrogen availability and woody perennials have developed adaptation mechanisms, such as ectomycorrhizal associations, to increase the efficiency of N acquisition and metabolic assimilation. The efficient acquisition, assimilation and economy of nitrogen are of special importance in trees that must cope with seasonal periods of growth and dormancy over many years. In fact, the ability to accumulate nitrogen reserves and to recycle N is crucial to determine the growth and production of forest biomass. Ammonium is the predominant form of inorganic nitrogen in the soil of temperate forests and many research efforts are addressed to study the regulation of ammonium acquisition, assimilation and internal recycling for the biosynthesis of amino acids, particularly those relevant for nitrogen storage. In our laboratory, we are interested in studying nitrogen metabolism and its regulation in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster L. Aiton), a conifer species of great ecological and economic importance in Europe and for which whole-transcriptome resources are available. The metabolism of phenylalanine plays a central role in the channeling of carbon from photosynthesis to the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids and the regulation of this pathway is of broad significance for nitrogen economy of maritime pine. We are currently exploring the molecular properties and regulation of genes involved in the biosynthesis and metabolic fates of phenylalanine in maritime pine. An overview of this research programme will be presented and discussed. Research supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Junta de Andalucía (Grants BIO2015-69285-R, BIO2012-0474 and research group BIO-114).


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P2-2 NAC-MYB-BASED TRANSCRIPCIONAL NETWORK INVOLVED IN THE REGULATION OF PHENYLALANINE BIOSYNTHESIS IN P. PINASTER Mª Belén Pascual, Rafael A. Cañas, Blanca Craven-Bartle, Francisco M. Cánovas and Concepción Ávila Departamento de Biología Molecular y Bioquímica. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de teatinos s/n, Málaga, Spain Email: cavila@uma.es Conifer trees divert large quantities of carbon into the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids, particularly to generate lignin, an important constituent of wood. Since phenylalanine is the precursor for phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, the precise regulation of phenylalanine synthesis and use should occur simultaneously. This crucial pathway is finely regulated primarily at the transcriptional level. Transcriptome analyses indicate that the transcription factors (TFs) preferentially expressed during wood formation in plants belong to the MYB and NAC families. Craven-Bartle et al. (2013) have shown that Myb8 is a candidate regulator of key genes in phenylalanine biosynthesis involved in the supply of the phenylpropane carbon skeleton necessary for lignin biosynthesis. This TF is able to bind AC elements present in the promoter regions of these genes to activate transcription. In Arabidopsis, the transcriptional network controlling secondary cell wall involves NAC-domain regulators operating upstream Myb transcription factors. We have identified in the P. pinaster genome three NAC proteins as potential candidates to be involved in vascular development. One of them, PpNAC1 is expressed both in xylem and compression wood from adult trees and has been thoroughly characterized. Its role upstream the transcriptional network involving Myb8 will be discussed. The understanding of the transcriptional regulatory network associated to phenylpropanoids and lignin biosynthesis in conifers is crucial for future applications in tree improvement and sustainable forest management.


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METABOLIC CHANNELING OF PHE FOR LIGNIN BIOSYNTHESIS IN MARITIME PINE Jorge El-Azaz, Fernando de la Torre, Belén Pascual, Concepción Ávila and Francisco M. Cánovas Departamento de Biología Molecular y Bioquímica, Universidad de Málaga. Málaga, Spain Email: jelazaz@alu.uma.es The amino acid phenylalanine (Phe) is the main precursor of phenylpropanoids biosynthesis in plants. This vast family of Phederived compounds can represent up to 30% of captured photosynthetic carbon, playing essential roles in plants such as cell wall components, defense molecules, pigments and flavors. In addition to its physiological importance, phenylpropanoids and particularly lignin, a component of wood, are targets in plant biotechnology. The arogenate pathway has been proposed as the main pathway for Phe biosynthesis in plants (Maeda et al., 2010). The final step in Phe biosynthesis, catalyzed by the enzyme arogenate dehydratase (ADT), has been considered as a key regulatory point in Phe biosynthesis, due to its key branch position in the pathway, the multiple isoenzymes identified in plants and the existence of a feedback inhibition mechanism by Phe. So far, the regulatory mechanisms underlying ADT genes expression have been poorly characterized, although a strong regulation of the Phe metabolic flux should be expected depending on its alternative use for protein biosynthesis versus phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. This second fate involves a massive carbon flux compared to the first one. In this study we report our current research activities in the transcriptional regulation of ADT genes by MYB transcription factors in the conifer Pinus pinaster (maritime pine). The conifers channels massive amounts of photosynthetic carbon for phenylpropanoid biosynthesis during wood formation. We have identified the complete ADT gene family in maritime pine (El-Azaz et al., 2016) and a set of ADT isoforms specifically related with the lignification process. The potential control of transcription factors previously reported as key regulators in pine wood formation (Craven-Bartle et al., 2013) will be presented. Maeda et al. (2010) Plant Cell 22: 832-849. El-Azaz et al. (2016) The Plant Jounal. Accepted article, doi: 10.1111/tpj.13195 Craven-Bartle et al. (2013). The Plant Journal 74(5):755-766