10 resultados para Ecosistemas mediterráneos

em Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Málaga


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Soil erosion and unsustainable land use produce adverse effects on SOC content. Soil management techniques and corrections can be applied for soil recovery, especially, with afforestaion purposes. This study presents the short term effects on the application of different treatments on soil properties for soil included in several sets of closed plots located in the experimental area of Pinarillo (Nerja, Spain). The analysed soil properties were: PH, EC, organic carbon, total nitrogen and total carbon. In order to verify possible differences, we applied the test of Mann-Whitney U in corroboration with the previous homogeneity test of variance.


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During dry periods in the Mediterranean area, the lack of water entering the soil matrix reduces organic contribu- tions to the soil. These processes lead to reduced soil fertility and soil vegetation recovery which creates a positive feedback process that can lead to desertification. Restoration of native vegetation is the most effective way to regenerate soil health, and control runoff and sediment yield. In Mediterranean areas, after a forestry proposal, it is highly common to register a significant number of losses for the saplings that have been introduced due to the lack of rainfall. When no vegetation is established, organic amendments can be used to rapidly protect the soil surface against the erosive forces of rain and runoff. In this study we investigated the hydrological effects of five soil treatments in relation to the temporal vari- ability of the available water for plants. Five amendments were applied in an experimental set of plots: straw mulching; mulch with chipped branches of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis L.); TerraCotten hydroabsobent polymers; sewage sludge; sheep manure and control. Plots were afforested following the same spatial pattern, and amendments were mixed with the soil at the rate 10 Mg ha-1. In control plots, during June, July, August and September, soils were registered below the wilting point, and therefore, in the area of water unusable by plants. These months were coinciding with the summer mediter- ranean drought. This fact justifies the high mortality found on plants after the seeding plan. Similarly, soils have never exceeded the field capacity value measured for control plots. Conversely, in the straw and pinus mulch, soils were above the wilting point during a longer time than in control plots. Thus, the soil moisture only has stayed below the 4.2 pF suction in July, July and August. Regarding the amount of water available was also higher, especially in the months of December, January and February. However, the field capacity value measured has not showed any differences regarding the control. For these treatments, the survival sapling rates measured were the highest. Sludge, manure and polymers showed a moisture retention capacity slightly more limited than straw and pinus mulch. Likewise, it has been found that the area of usable water by plants was also lower, especially during the months of January and February. This situation is especially sharpened in plots amended with manure. In this treatment, the upper part of the soil profile was below the wilting point for six months a year (from April to August). For this treatment, the survival sapling rates measured were the lowest. In conclusion, from a land management standpoint, the pinus and straw mulch treatments have been shown as effective methods reducing water stress for plants. In this research, mulching has been proved as a significant method to reduce the mortality sapling rates during the mediterranean summer drought.


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Restoring the native vegetation is the most effective way to regenerate soil health. Under these conditions, vegetation cover in areas having degraded soils may be better sustained if the soil is amended with an external source of organic matter. The addition of organic materials to soils also increases infiltration rates and reduces erosion rates; these factors contribute to an available water increment and a successful and sustainable land management. The goal of this study was to analyze the effect of various organic amendments on the aggregate stability of soils in afforested plots. An experimental paired-plot layout was established in southern of Spain (homogeneous slope gradient: 7.5%; aspect: N170). Five amendments were applied in an experimental set of plots: straw mulching; mulch with chipped branches of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis L.); TerraCotten hydroabsobent polymers; sewage sludge; sheep manure and control. Plots were afforested following the same spatial pattern, and amendments were mixed with the soil at the rate 10 Mg ha-1. The vegetation was planted in a grid pattern with 0.5 m between plants in each plot. During the afforestation process the soil was tilled to 25 cm depth from the surface. Soil from the afforested plots was sampled in: i) 6 months post-afforestation; ii) 12 months post-afforestation; iii) 18 months post-afforestation; and iv) 24 months post-afforestation. The sampling strategy for each plot involved collection of 4 disturbed soil samples taken from the surface (0–10 cm depth). The stability of aggregates was measured by wet-sieving. Regarding to soil aggregate stability, the percentage of stable aggregates has increased slightly in all the treatments in relation to control. Specifically, the differences were recorded in the fraction of macroaggregates (≥ 0.250 mm). The largest increases have been associated with straw mulch, pinus mulch and sludge. Similar results have been registered for the soil organic carbon content. Independent of the soil management, after six months, no significant differences in microaggregates were found regarding to the control plots. These results showed an increase in the stability of the macroaggregates when soil is amended with sludge, pinus mulch and straw much. This fact has been due to an increase in the number cementing agents due to: (i) the application of pinus, straw and sludge had resulted in the release of carbohydrates to the soil; and thus (ii) it has favored the development of a protective vegetation cover, which has increased the number of roots in the soil and the organic contribution to it.


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During dry periods in the Mediterranean area, the lack of water entering the soil matrix reduces organic contribu- tions to the soil. These processes lead to reduced soil fertility and soil vegetation recovery which creates a positive feedback process that can lead to desertification. Restoration of native vegetation is the most effective way to regenerate soil health, and control runoff and sediment yield. In Mediterranean areas, after a forestry proposal, it is highly common to register a significant number of losses for the saplings that have been introduced due to the lack of rainfall. When no vegetation is established, organic amendments can be used to rapidly protect the soil surface against the erosive forces of rain and runoff. In this study we investigated the hydrological effects of five soil treatments in relation to the temporal vari- ability of the available water for plants. Five amendments were applied in an experimental set of plots: straw mulching; mulch with chipped branches of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis L.); TerraCotten hydroabsobent polymers; sewage sludge; sheep manure and control. Plots were afforested following the same spatial pattern, and amendments were mixed with the soil at the rate 10 Mg ha-1. In control plots, during June, July, August and September, soils were registered below the wilting point, and therefore, in the area of water unusable by plants. These months were coinciding with the summer mediter- ranean drought. This fact justifies the high mortality found on plants after the seeding plan. Similarly, soils have never exceeded the field capacity value measured for control plots. Conversely, in the straw and pinus mulch, soils were above the wilting point during a longer time than in control plots. Thus, the soil moisture only has stayed below the 4.2 pF suction in July, July and August. Regarding the amount of water available was also higher, especially in the months of December, January and February. However, the field capacity value measured has not showed any differences regarding the control. For these treatments, the survival sapling rates measured were the highest. Sludge, manure and polymers showed a moisture retention capacity slightly more limited than straw and pinus mulch. Likewise, it has been found that the area of usable water by plants was also lower, especially during the months of January and February. This situation is especially sharpened in plots amended with manure. In this treatment, the upper part of the soil profile was below the wilting point for six months a year (from April to August). For this treatment, the survival sapling rates measured were the lowest. In conclusion, from a land management standpoint, the pinus and straw mulch treatments have been shown as effective methods reducing water stress for plants. In this research, mulching has been proved as a significant method to reduce the mortality sapling rates during the mediterranean summer drought.


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Soil degradation affects more than 52 million ha of land in counties of the European Union. This problem is particularly serious in Mediterranean areas, where the effects of anthropogenic activities (tillage on slopes, deforestation, and pasture production) add to problems caused by prolonged periods of drought and intense and irregular rainfall. Soil microbiota can be used as an indicator of the soil healthy in degraded areas. This is because soil microbiota participates in the cycle elements and in the organic matter decomposition. All this helps to the young plants establishment and in long term protect the soils against the erosion. During dry periods in the Mediterranean areas, the lack of water entering the soil matrix leads to a loss of soil microbiological activity and it turns into a lower soil production capabilities. Under these conditions, the aim of this study was to evaluate the positive effect on soil biological components produced by an hydro absorbent polymer (Terracottem). The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the impact assessment of an hydropolymer (Terracottem) on the soil biological components. An experimental flowerpot layout was established in June 2015 and 12 variants with different amount of Terracottem were applied as follow: i) 3.0 kg.m3 ; ii) 1.5 kg.m3 and; iii) 0 kg.m3. In all the variants were tested the further additives: a) 1% of glucose, b) 50 kg N.ha-1 of Mineral nitrogen, c) 1% of Glucose + 50 kg N.ha-1 of Mineral nitrogen d) control (no additive). According to natural conditions, humidity have been kept at 15% in all the variants. During four weeks, mineral nitrogen leaching and soil respiration have been measured in each flowerplot. Respiration has been quantified four times every time while moistening containers and alkaline soda lime has been used as a sorbent. The amount of CO 2 increase has been measured with the sorbent. Leaching of mineral nitrogen has been quantified by ion exchange resins (IER). IER pouches have been placed on the bottom of each container, and after completion of the experiment mineral nitrogen leaching has been evaluated by distillation and titration method. Results from respiration have shown statistically significant differences between the variants. According to control, soil with polymers have shown significant difference when comparing respiration with independence of the additive used. CO 2 production in the first week has exceeded the sum of the outputs of the following weeks. Mineral nitrogen leaching measurement has shown statistically significant differences. The lowest leaching has been occurred in control variant, while the highest in variant containing only the addition of mineral nitrogen. Research results may conclude that the biological part of the test soil is not limited by a lack of components, the only thing that suppresses its activity is the lack of moisture. After moistening it leads to a rapid growth of soil activity, without causing the nutrients loss. Besides, Terracottem has affected soil activity neither positively nor negatively, but it considers being a suitable tool for reducing the drought impact in arid and semi-arid areas.


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Is phraseology the third articulation of language? Fresh insights into a theoretical conundrum Jean-Pierre Colson University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) Although the notion of phraseology is now used across a wide range of linguistic disciplines, its definition and the classification of phraseological units remain a subject of intense debate. It is generally agreed that phraseology implies polylexicality, but this term is problematic as well, because it brings us back to one of the most controversial topics in modern linguistics: the definition of a word. On the other hand, another widely accepted principle of language is the double articulation or duality of patterning (Martinet 1960): the first articulation consists of morphemes and the second of phonemes. The very definition of morphemes, however, also poses several problems, and the situation becomes even more confused if we wish to take phraseology into account. In this contribution, I will take the view that a corpus-based and computational approach to phraseology may shed some new light on this theoretical conundrum. A better understanding of the basic units of meaning is necessary for more efficient language learning and translation, especially in the case of machine translation. Previous research (Colson 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014), Corpas Pastor (2000, 2007, 2008, 2013, 2015), Corpas Pastor & Leiva Rojo (2011), Leiva Rojo (2013), has shown the paramount importance of phraseology for translation. A tentative step towards a coherent explanation of the role of phraseology in language has been proposed by Mejri (2006): it is postulated that a third articulation of language intervenes at the level of words, including simple morphemes, sequences of free and bound morphemes, but also phraseological units. I will present results from experiments with statistical associations of morphemes across several languages, and point out that (mainly) isolating languages such as Chinese are interesting for a better understanding of the interplay between morphemes and phraseological units. Named entities, in particular, are an extreme example of intertwining cultural, statistical and linguistic elements. Other examples show that the many borrowings and influences that characterize European languages tend to give a somewhat blurred vision of the interplay between morphology and phraseology. From a statistical point of view, the cpr-score (Colson 2016) provides a methodology for adapting the automatic extraction of phraseological units to the morphological structure of each language. The results obtained can therefore be used for testing hypotheses about the interaction between morphology, phraseology and culture. Experiments with the cpr-score on the extraction of Chinese phraseological units show that results depend on how the basic units of meaning are defined: a morpheme-based approach yields good results, which corroborates the claim by Beck and Mel'čuk (2011) that the association of morphemes into words may be similar to the association of words into phraseological units. A cross-linguistic experiment carried out for English, French, Spanish and Chinese also reveals that the results are quite compatible with Mejri’s hypothesis (2006) of a third articulation of language. Such findings, if confirmed, also corroborate the notion of statistical semantics in language. To illustrate this point, I will present the PhraseoRobot (Colson 2016), a computational tool for extracting phraseological associations around key words from the media, such as Brexit. The results confirm a previous study on the term globalization (Colson 2016): a significant part of sociolinguistic associations prevailing in the media is related to phraseology in the broad sense, and can therefore be partly extracted by means of statistical scores. References Beck, D. & I. Mel'čuk (2011). Morphological phrasemes and Totonacan verbal morphology. Linguistics 49/1: 175-228. Colson, J.-P. (2011). La traduction spécialisée basée sur les corpus : une expérience dans le domaine informatique. In : Sfar, I. & S. Mejri, La traduction de textes spécialisés : retour sur des lieux communs. Synergies Tunisie n° 2. Gerflint, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, p. 115-123. Colson, J.-P. (2012). Traduire le figement en langue de spécialité : une expérience de phraséologie informatique. In : Mogorrón Huerta, P. & S. Mejri (dirs.), Lenguas de especialidad, traducción, fijación / Langues spécialisées, figement et traduction. Encuentros Mediterráneos / Rencontres Méditerranéennes, N°4. Universidad de Alicante, p. 159-171. Colson, J.-P. (2013). Pratique traduisante et idiomaticité : l’importance des structures semi-figées. In : Mogorrón Huerta, P., Gallego Hernández, D., Masseau, P. & Tolosa Igualada, M. (eds.), Fraseología, Opacidad y Traduccíon. Studien zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation (Herausgegeben von Gerd Wotjak). Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, p. 207-218. Colson, J.-P. (2014). La phraséologie et les corpus dans les recherches traductologiques. Communication lors du colloque international Europhras 2014, Association Européenne de Phraséologie. Université de Paris Sorbonne, 10-12 septembre 2014. Colson, J-P. (2016). Set phrases around globalization : an experiment in corpus-based computational phraseology. In: F. Alonso Almeida, I. Ortega Barrera, E. Quintana Toledo and M. Sánchez Cuervo (eds.), Input a Word, Analyse the World: Selected Approaches to Corpus Linguistics. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 141-152. Corpas Pastor, G. (2000). Acerca de la (in)traducibilidad de la fraseología. In: G. Corpas Pastor (ed.), Las lenguas de Europa: Estudios de fraseología, fraseografía y traducción. Granada: Comares, p. 483-522. Corpas Pastor, G. (2007). Europäismen - von Natur aus phraseologische Äquivalente? Von blauem Blut und sangre azul. In: M. Emsel y J. Cuartero Otal (eds.), Brücken: Übersetzen und interkulturelle Kommunikationen. Festschrift für Gerd Wotjak zum 65. Geburtstag, Fráncfort: Peter Lang, p. 65-77. Corpas Pastor, G. (2008). Investigar con corpus en traducción: los retos de un nuevo paradigma [Studien zur romanische Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation, 49], Fráncfort: Peter Lang. Corpas Pastor, G. (2013). Detección, descripción y contraste de las unidades fraseológicas mediante tecnologías lingüísticas. In Olza, I. & R. Elvira Manero (eds.) Fraseopragmática. Berlin: Frank & Timme, p. 335-373. Leiva Rojo, J. (2013). La traducción de unidades fraseológicas (alemán-español/español-alemán) como parámetro para la evaluación y revisión de traducciones. In: Mellado Blanco, C., Buján, P, Iglesias N.M., Losada M.C. & A. Mansilla (eds), La fraseología del alemán y el español: lexicografía y traducción. ELS, Etudes Linguistiques / Linguistische Studien, Band 11. München: Peniope, p. 31-42. Leiva Rojo, J. & G. Corpas Pastor (2011). Placing Italian idioms in a foreign milieu: a case study. In: Pamies Bertrán, A., Luque Nadal, L., Bretana, J. &; M. Pazos (eds), (2011). Multilingual phraseography. Second Language Learning and Translation Applications. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag (Colección: Phraseologie und Parömiologie, 28), p. 289-298. Martinet, A. (1966). Eléments de linguistique générale. Paris: Colin. Mejri, S. (2006). Polylexicalité, monolexicalité et double articulation. Cahiers de Lexicologie 2: 209-221.


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El proyecto Acceso al Agua por Sistemas de Atrapanieblas de la Asociación “Peruanos sin Agua” con aguas no convencionales, Lluvias y Neblina. Por: Abel Cruz, Emprendedor Social y Líder del Movimiento Peruanos sin Agua El sistema atrapanieblas consiste en atrapar las gotas de agua microscópicas de la neblina a través del uso de mallas parecidas a una red. Las pequeñas gotas de la niebla quedan adheridas en los hilos de las mallas para luego ser redirigidas y acumuladas en depósitos. Abel Cruz, Líder y emprendedor social del Movimiento "Peruanos sin Agua" es el encargado de desarrollar este sistema de Atrapanieblas en Perú donde una de cada tres personas no tiene acceso al agua potable. Su proyecto de emprendimiento social se desarrolla con la comunidad, mediante la cooperación entre la sociedad civil organizada, la empresa privada y el Estado. Un sistema de atrapanieblas de 24Mts2 logra captar de 200 hasta 350 litros de agua al día, lo que permite abastecer de agua a 3 familias. El agua es utilizada por las familias para distintos usos: lavar utensilios/ropa, bañarse, agricultura orgánica, reforestar, ahora con este proyecto pretendemos dar agua potable, a más de 500 familias, en el distrito de villa María del triunfo en el asentamiento humano, villa Lourdes ecológico II. El proyecto es una fuente alternativa de recursos hídricos en zonas semiáridas con sistemas de captación altamente eficientes y usos no tradicionales. Busca generar conocimiento e información relevante para el aprovechamiento de un bien público clave como la niebla, en zonas de alta escasez hídrica y extrema pobreza. Este proyecto busca rescatar y recuperar parques ecológicos, conservar y proteger la biodiversidad del ecosistema de Lomas. Es una iniciativa que busca resolver el problema de escases de agua en los asentamientos humanos y que permite a las familias de escasos recursos económicos encontrar otras fuentes de ingreso como; agricultura urbana, reforestación, conservación de ecosistemas y turismo ecológico.


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El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en actualizar el mapa de vegetación del afloramiento ultramáfico de Sierra Bermeja (Málaga, España), reduciendo a unidades básicas de vegetación los polígonos fotointerpretados y deinidos de modo isionómico, para ser nominadas bajo aspectos itosociológicos, que luego puedan ser transcritas a hábitats de la Directiva 92/43UE. Se ha puesto especial énfasis en la diferenciación de los polígonos correspondientes a la zonopotencialidad de Pinus pinaster versus Abies pinsapo. La metodología utilizada se ha basado en el uso de SIG para fusionar polígonos homogéneos utilizando para ello la tabla de atributos con el campo de deinición de la vegetación de cada polígono. Se han identiicado 52 tipos de vegetación con sus correspondientes áreas, destacando el tipo de matorral-jaguarzal serpentinícola como el más abundante (56,4% del área total), mientras que los bosques de Abies pinsapo se reducen a solo 53 Ha. Son destacables los matorrales tipo jarales serpentinícolas (24,2% del areal total), por su relación con el dinamismo post-fuego. Este tipo de datos junto con otros tipos de unidades, incluidas zonas antropizadas, son de importancia para una ordenación y gestión de un futuro parque nacional en la zona.


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El manejo y la conservación de los recursos suelo y agua han sido y son motivo de gran preocupación para la sostenibilidad del Planeta en cuanto a la soberanía alimentaria y el desarrollo de la vida en general, esto se remarca en los países en vías de desarrollo que presentan fuertes contrastes, como lo es el Ecuador. Las limitaciones en la recolección de los datos climatológicos, de suelo, cobertura vegetal, entre otros; así como la aplicación de metodologías que se adapten a las realidades locales en cuanto a la medición de parámetros de calidad de agua y suelo, y la estimación de la erosión, motivaron el desarrollo de esta investigación; que inicialmente genera y analiza datos originales, estima con los modelos tradicionales el riesgo de pérdida de suelo, y propone un nuevo modelo para implementarlo en la región. Esto facilitaría la oferta de políticas o estrategias de manejo y conservación de los recursos naturales a diferentes escalas. En el Capítulo I, se hace una introducción general al tema de la tesis en relación al área de estudio, con una revisión del estado de la cuestión con algunos datos de investigaciones previas para la región. Se plantea el estado actual y en relación a este se describe el fin y los objetivos de la investigación. El Capítulo II, describe a detalle el área general de estudio y las zonas específicas, que por motivos de formato y limitaciones de espacio no pudieron ser incluidos en los artículos de los capítulos siguientes. También se describen los materiales y métodos que fueron requeridos para la generación de información de campo y laboratorio, durante el proceso de investigación y desarrollo de la tesis. En el Capítulo III, se describen las primeras relaciones de la cobertura vegetal con algunos parámetros de suelo y agua. Este capítulo describe un acercamiento al tema de investigación tanto de campo como de laboratorio a escala local (7 cuencas). El muestreo del suelo fue sistemático y el del agua uno en la estación seca y otro en la lluviosa. En este apartado se analiza únicamente la erodabilidad y topografía del suelo. El Capítulo IV, estima el riesgo de erosión del suelo causado por el cambio de la cubierta vegetal en un ecosistema de bosque de neblina montano, este análisis es a escala local. Fue modelada para esta zona la Ecuación Universal de Perdida de Suelo Revisada (RUSLE), para entender cómo se desarrolla el proceso erosivo y estimar los posibles escenarios futuros si es que la dinámica del cambio de uso de suelo continuara al ritmo actual. En el Capítulo V, se desarrolla el modelo a escala regional, en una cuenca semiárida con un fuerte gradiente altitudinal y pluviométrico. La cuenca representa un corte transversal del sistema montañoso de los Andes del sur de Ecuador. Aquí se observan grandes diferencias climáticas en distancias relativamente cortas, principalmente con la precipitación, estas diferencias son producto de una topografía accidentada. En este capítulo se propone una metodología con buenas posibilidades de ser utilizada para estimar el riesgo de la erosión del suelo, en regiones con datos escasos. Finalmente, el Capítulo VI contiene la discusión general de la tesis, incluyendo las conclusiones más relevantes. Fue posible analizar la espacio-temporalidad de los procesos erosivos para dos ecosistemas de un gradiente altitudinal y pluviométrico de los Andes. Por lo tanto, consideramos este trabajo útil para emprender investigaciones a mayor detalle y a diferentes escalas de los procesos erosivos del suelo, y así ir entendiendo y midiendo la relación e influencia de los diferentes factores que intervienen en dichos procesos, para proponer alternativas fundamentadas en bien del manejo y conservación del recurso suelo.