23 resultados para biología molecular de microorganismos
Strawberry fruits are highly appreciated worldwide due to their pleasant flavor and aroma and to the health benefits associated to their consumption. An important part of these properties is due to their content in secondary metabolites, especially phenolic compounds, of which flavonoids are the most abundant in the strawberry fruit. Although the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway is uncovered, little is known about its regulation. The strawberry Fra a (Fra) genes constitute a large family of homologs of the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 and for which no equivalents exist in Arabidopsis. Our group has shown that Fra proteins are involved in the formation of colored compounds in strawberries (Muñoz et al., 2010), which mainly depends on the production of certain flavonoids; that they are structurally homologs to the PYR/PYL/RCAR Arabidopsis ABA receptor, and that they are able to bind flavonoids (Casañal et al., 2013). With these previous results, our working hypothesis is that the Fra proteins are involved in the regulation of the flavonoids pathway. They would mechanistically act as the ABA receptor, binding a protein interactor and a ligand to regulate a signaling cascade and/or act as molecular carriers. The main objective of this research is to characterize the Fra family in strawberry and gain insight into their role in the flavonoid metabolism. By RNAseq expression analysis in ripening fruits we have identified transcripts for 10 members of the Fra family. Although expressed in all tissues analyzed, each family member presents a unique pattern of expression, which suggests functional specialization for each Fra protein. Then, our next approach was to identify the proteins that interact with Fras and their ligands to gain knowledge on the role that these proteins play in the flavonoids pathway. To identify the interacting partners of Fras we have performed a yeast two hybrid (Y2H) screening against cDNA libraries of strawberry fruits at the green and red stages. A protein that shares a 95% homology to the Heat stress transcription factor A-4-C like of Fragaria vesca (HSA4C) interacts specifically with Fra1 and not with other family members, which suggests functional diversification of Fra proteins in specific signaling pathways. The Y2H screening is not yet saturated, so characterization of other interacting proteins with other members of the Fra family will shed light on the functional diversity within this gene family. This research will contribute to gain knowledge on how the flavonoid pathway, and hence, the fruit ripening, is regulated in strawberry; an economically important crop but for which basic research is still very limited. References: Muñoz, C, et al. (2010). The Strawberry Fruit Fra a Allergen Functions in Flavonoid Biosynthesis. Molecular Plant, 3(1): 113–124. Casañal, A, et al (2013). The Strawberry Pathogenesis-related 10 (PR-10) Fra a Proteins Control Flavonoid Biosynthesis by Binding Metabolic Intermediates. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288(49): 35322–35332.
Genome editing is becoming an important biotechnological tool for gene function analysis and crop improvement, being the CRISPR-Cas9 (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat-CRISPR associated protein 9) system the most widely used. The natural CRISPR/Cas9 system has been reduced to two components: a single-guide RNA (sgRNA) for target recognition via RNA-DNA base pairing, which is commonly expressed using a promoter for small-RNAs (U6 promoter), and the Cas9 endonuclease for DNA cleavage (1). To validate the CRISPR/Cas9 system in strawberry plants, we designed two sgRNAs directed against the floral homeotic gene APETALA3 (sgRNA-AP3#1 and sgRNA-AP3#2). This gene was selected because ap3 mutations induce clear developmental phenotypes in which petals and stamens are missing or partially converted to sepals and carpels respectively (2). In this work, we used two different U6 promoters to drive the sgRNA-AP3s expression: AtU6-26 from Arabidopsis (4), and a U6 promoter from Fragaria vesca (FvU6) (this work). We also tested two different coding sequences of Cas9: a human- (hSpCas9) (3) and a plant-codon optimized (pSpCas9) (this work). Transient expression experiments using both CRISPR/Cas9 systems (AtU6-26:sgRNA-AP3#1_35S:hSpCas9_AtU6-26:sgRNA-AP3#2 and FvU6:sgRNA-AP3#1_35S:pSpCas9_FvU6:sgRNA-AP3#2) were performed infiltrating Agrobacterium tumefaciens into F. vesca fruits. PCR amplification and sequencing analyses across the target sites showed a deletion of 188-189 bp corresponding to the region comprised between the two cutting sites of Cas9, confirming that the CRISPR/Cas9 system is functional in F. vesca. Remarkably, the two systems showed different mutagenic efficiency that could be related to differences in expression of the U6 promoters as well as differences in the Cas9 transcripts stability and translation. Stable transformants for both F. vesca (2n) and Fragaria X anannassa (8n) are currently being established to test whether is possible to obtain heritable homozygous mutants derived from CRISPR/Cas9 strategies in strawberry. Thus, our work offers a promising tool for genome editing and gene functional analysis in strawberry. This tool might represent a more efficient alternative to the sometimes inefficient RNAi silencing methods commonly used in this species.
El interferón beta (IFNb) ha sido uno de los fármacos más utilizados en el tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple (EM), gracias a su efecto inmunomodulador, antiproliferativo y antiviral. Sin embargo, existe un porcentaje de pacientes que responden de forma subóptima al tratamiento, sugiriendo la necesidad de buscar alternativas terapéuticas innovadoras. En este contexto se ha observado que las células madre mesenquimales derivadas del tejido adiposo (AdMSCs) presentan capacidad inmunomoduladora, neuroprotectora y regeneradora del tejido dañado en ensayos preclínicos con el modelo animal más frecuentemente usado en el estudio de la EM, la Encefalomielitis Autoinmune Experimental (EAE), lo que las hace buenas candidatas como terapia alternativa para la EM. Además, su capacidad de migración hacia el tejido dañado les confiere potencial para ser utilizadas como transportadoras de factores terapéuticos hacia las zonas lesionadas del SNC. Por ello, nos planteamos evaluar la eficacia terapéutica de las terapias celular con AdMSCs y génica con AdMSCs modificadas genéticamente para producir IFNb, en modelos de EAE. Para llevarlo a cabo se realizó la caracterización de la población de AdMSCs de la cepa de ratón SJL/jCrL (SJL-AdMSCs), usando como control las AdMSCs de la cepa C57BL/6, ampliamente caracterizadas en la literatura, la generación de líneas de AdMSCs secretoras de IFNb (AdMSCs-IFNb) mediante lentivirus y su posterior caracterización y comparación con las mismas células sin transducir, la evaluación de los efectos de las terapias celulares autóloga, alogénica y génica en los modelos de EAE crónico progresivo (EAE-CP) y remitente recurrente (EAE-RR) y el estudio de la migración de las AdMSCs administradas como terapia autóloga y de las AdMSCs-IFNb. Los resultados obtenidos en cada uno de los objetivos planteados nos condujeron a una serie de conclusiones: las SJL-AdMSCs aisladas, cultivadas y expandidas bajo nuestras condiciones experimentales, cumplen los criterios mínimos determinados para ser consideradas células madre mesenquimales. Además, estas células presentan eficacia clínica y efectos neuroinmunomoduladores al ser utilizadas como transplantes autólogos y alogénicos en animales con EAE-RR y EAE-CP respectivamente. Por otro lado, las SJL-AdMSCs constituyen una población apta para dar soporte al desarrollo de la terapia génica, ya que la alteración de su material genético por la inserción del IFNb no supone la modificación de sus propiedades biológicas ni funcionales en estudios preclínicos en modelos de EM. Estas AdMSCs-IFNb, constituyen una línea de células mesenquimales de crecimiento estable que produce elevados niveles de IFNb de forma constitutiva. Además, los transplantes con AdMSCs-IFNb son eficaces como tratamiento terapéutico en animales con EAE-RR y EAE-CP al modular tanto la sintomatología como los procesos inflamatorios y neurodegenerativos propios de la enfermedad. Sin embargo, los resultados no permiten discriminar si los efectos observados son debidos a las propiedades del inmunomodulador secretado, a las propias células mesenquimales o a la acción conjunta de ambos. En último lugar, la migración celular de las AdMSCs autólogas se potencia por los estados de inflamación activa en ambos modelos de EAE, mostrando una amplia biodistribución celular. La localización prioritaria fue inicialmente en pulmones y, posteriormente en zona de órganos linfáticos, como hígado y bazo, y del SNC a nivel de la médula espinal. La señal bioluminiscente de las AdMSCs-IFNb en el modelo EAE-CP es mayor que la emitida por las células de la terapia autóloga. Sin embargo, la migración de las células transfectadas no aparece fuertemente influenciada por los procesos proinflamatorios. En el modelo EAE-RR estas diferencias entre terapias son incluso más moderadas. Las áreas donde se registra señal son similares a las de las células autólogas, apareciendo principalmente en zonas correspondientes a pulmones, hígado, bazo y médula espinal a lo largo del tiempo experimental.
The central role of translation regulation in the control of critical cellular processes has long been recognized. Yet the systematic exploration of quantitative changes in translation at a genome-wide scale in response to specific stimuli has only recently become technically feasible. Using a genetic approach, we have identified new Arabidopsis weak-ethylene insensitive mutants that also display defects in translation, which suggested the existence of a previously unknown molecular module involved in ethylene-mediated translation regulation of components of this signaling pathway. To explore this link in detail, we implemented for Arabidopsis the ribosome-footprinting technology, which enables the study of translation at a whole-genome level at single codon resolution[1]. Using ribosome-footprinting we examined the effects of short exposure to ethylene on the Arabidopsis translatome looking for ethylene-triggered changes in translation rates that could not be explained by changes in transcript levels. The results of this research, in combination with the characterization of a subset of the aforementioned weak-ethylene insensitive mutants that are defective in the UPF genes (core-components of the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay machinery), uncovered a translation-based branch of the ethylene signaling pathway[2]. In the presence of ethylene, translation of a negative regulator of ethylene signaling EBF2 is repressed, despite induced transcription of this gene. These translational effects of ethylene require the long 3´UTR of EBF2 (3´EBF2), which is recognized by the C-terminal end of the key ethylene-signaling protein EIN2 (EIN2C) in the cytoplasm once EIN2C is released from the ER-membrane by proteolytic cleavage. EIN2C binds the 3´EBF2, recruits the UPF proteins and moves to P-bodies, where the translation of EBF2 in inhibited despite its mRNA accumulation. Once the ethylene signal is withdrawn, the translation of the stored EBF2 mRNAs is resumed, thus rapidly dampening the ethylene response. These findings represent a mechanistic paradigm of gene-specific regulation of translation in response to a key growth regulator. Translation regulatory elements can be located in both 3′ and 5′ UTRs. We are now focusing on the ead1 and ead2 mutants, another set of ethylene-signaling mutants defective in translational regulation. Ribosome-footprinting on the ead1 mutant revealed an accumulation of translating ribosomes in the 5´UTRs of uORF-containing genes and reduction in the levels of ribosomes in the main ORF. The mutant is also impaired in the translation of GFP when this reporter is fused to WT 5´UTR of potential EAD1 targets but not when GFP is fused to the uORF-less versions of the same 5´UTRs. Our hypothesis is that EAD1/2 work as a complex that is required for the efficient translation of mRNAs that have common structural (complex 5´UTR with uORFs) and functional (regulation of key cellular processes) features. We are working towards the identification of the conditions where the EAD1 regulation of translation is required. [1] Ingolia, N. et al. (2009) Genome-Wide Analysis in Vivo of Translation with Nucleotide Resolution Using Ribosome Profiling. Science, 324; 218-222 [2] Merchante, C. et al. (2015) Gene-Specific Translation Regulation Mediated by the Hormone-Signaling Molecule EIN2. Cell, 163(3): 684-697
AMMONIUM UPTAKE, TRANSPORT AND NITROGEN ECONOMY IN FOREST TREES Francisco M. Cánovas, Concepción Avila, Fernando N. de la Torre, Rafael A. Cañas, Belén Pascual, Vanessa Castro- Rodríguez, Jorge El-Azaz Departamento de Biología Molecular y Bioquímica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Málaga, Spain. Email: canovas@uma.es Forests ecosystems play a fundamental role in the regulation of global carbon fixation and preservation of biodiversity. Forest trees are also of great economic value because they provide a wide range of products of commercial interest, including wood, pulp, biomass and important secondary metabolites. The productivity of most forest ecosystems is limited by low nitrogen availability and woody perennials have developed adaptation mechanisms, such as ectomycorrhizal associations, to increase the efficiency of N acquisition and metabolic assimilation. The efficient acquisition, assimilation and economy of nitrogen are of special importance in trees that must cope with seasonal periods of growth and dormancy over many years. In fact, the ability to accumulate nitrogen reserves and to recycle N is crucial to determine the growth and production of forest biomass. Ammonium is the predominant form of inorganic nitrogen in the soil of temperate forests and many research efforts are addressed to study the regulation of ammonium acquisition, assimilation and internal recycling for the biosynthesis of amino acids, particularly those relevant for nitrogen storage. In our laboratory, we are interested in studying nitrogen metabolism and its regulation in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster L. Aiton), a conifer species of great ecological and economic importance in Europe and for which whole-transcriptome resources are available. The metabolism of phenylalanine plays a central role in the channeling of carbon from photosynthesis to the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids and the regulation of this pathway is of broad significance for nitrogen economy of maritime pine. We are currently exploring the molecular properties and regulation of genes involved in the biosynthesis and metabolic fates of phenylalanine in maritime pine. An overview of this research programme will be presented and discussed. Research supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Junta de Andalucía (Grants BIO2015-69285-R, BIO2012-0474 and research group BIO-114).
P2-2 NAC-MYB-BASED TRANSCRIPCIONAL NETWORK INVOLVED IN THE REGULATION OF PHENYLALANINE BIOSYNTHESIS IN P. PINASTER Mª Belén Pascual, Rafael A. Cañas, Blanca Craven-Bartle, Francisco M. Cánovas and Concepción Ávila Departamento de Biología Molecular y Bioquímica. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de teatinos s/n, Málaga, Spain Email: cavila@uma.es Conifer trees divert large quantities of carbon into the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids, particularly to generate lignin, an important constituent of wood. Since phenylalanine is the precursor for phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, the precise regulation of phenylalanine synthesis and use should occur simultaneously. This crucial pathway is finely regulated primarily at the transcriptional level. Transcriptome analyses indicate that the transcription factors (TFs) preferentially expressed during wood formation in plants belong to the MYB and NAC families. Craven-Bartle et al. (2013) have shown that Myb8 is a candidate regulator of key genes in phenylalanine biosynthesis involved in the supply of the phenylpropane carbon skeleton necessary for lignin biosynthesis. This TF is able to bind AC elements present in the promoter regions of these genes to activate transcription. In Arabidopsis, the transcriptional network controlling secondary cell wall involves NAC-domain regulators operating upstream Myb transcription factors. We have identified in the P. pinaster genome three NAC proteins as potential candidates to be involved in vascular development. One of them, PpNAC1 is expressed both in xylem and compression wood from adult trees and has been thoroughly characterized. Its role upstream the transcriptional network involving Myb8 will be discussed. The understanding of the transcriptional regulatory network associated to phenylpropanoids and lignin biosynthesis in conifers is crucial for future applications in tree improvement and sustainable forest management.
METABOLIC CHANNELING OF PHE FOR LIGNIN BIOSYNTHESIS IN MARITIME PINE Jorge El-Azaz, Fernando de la Torre, Belén Pascual, Concepción Ávila and Francisco M. Cánovas Departamento de Biología Molecular y Bioquímica, Universidad de Málaga. Málaga, Spain Email: jelazaz@alu.uma.es The amino acid phenylalanine (Phe) is the main precursor of phenylpropanoids biosynthesis in plants. This vast family of Phederived compounds can represent up to 30% of captured photosynthetic carbon, playing essential roles in plants such as cell wall components, defense molecules, pigments and flavors. In addition to its physiological importance, phenylpropanoids and particularly lignin, a component of wood, are targets in plant biotechnology. The arogenate pathway has been proposed as the main pathway for Phe biosynthesis in plants (Maeda et al., 2010). The final step in Phe biosynthesis, catalyzed by the enzyme arogenate dehydratase (ADT), has been considered as a key regulatory point in Phe biosynthesis, due to its key branch position in the pathway, the multiple isoenzymes identified in plants and the existence of a feedback inhibition mechanism by Phe. So far, the regulatory mechanisms underlying ADT genes expression have been poorly characterized, although a strong regulation of the Phe metabolic flux should be expected depending on its alternative use for protein biosynthesis versus phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. This second fate involves a massive carbon flux compared to the first one. In this study we report our current research activities in the transcriptional regulation of ADT genes by MYB transcription factors in the conifer Pinus pinaster (maritime pine). The conifers channels massive amounts of photosynthetic carbon for phenylpropanoid biosynthesis during wood formation. We have identified the complete ADT gene family in maritime pine (El-Azaz et al., 2016) and a set of ADT isoforms specifically related with the lignification process. The potential control of transcription factors previously reported as key regulators in pine wood formation (Craven-Bartle et al., 2013) will be presented. Maeda et al. (2010) Plant Cell 22: 832-849. El-Azaz et al. (2016) The Plant Jounal. Accepted article, doi: 10.1111/tpj.13195 Craven-Bartle et al. (2013). The Plant Journal 74(5):755-766
Las proteínas amiloides son un grupo heterogéneo de proteínas diferentes en secuencia aminoacídica, pero similares en su estructura cuaternaria: fibras enriquecidas en láminas beta, con gran estabilidad, resistencia y capacidad de unión de colorantes específicos, como el rojo congo o la thioflavina T. Estas proteínas han estado tradicionalmente asociadas a patologías neurodegenerativas en humanos como el Alzheimer o el Parkinson. Sin embargo, los miembros dentro de esta familia están ampliamente distribuidas en la naturaleza, desde bacterias hasta humanos, e intervienen en un amplio rango de funciones biológicas, motivo por el que se han denominado “amiloides funcionales”. En bacterias, los amiloides funcionales son responsables de participar en funciones muy diversas como la interacción célula-célula, con superficies abióticas, y formación de biofilms. En Bacillus subtilis, la proteína amiloide TasA es el componente proteico mayoritario de la matriz extracelular del biofilm de este microorganismo y el principal elemento que constituye las fibras amiloides, mientras que la proteína auxiliar TapA, presente en mucha menor proporción, actúa favoreciendo el ensamblaje de las mismas. Estas actúan como un andamiaje proteico donde se disponen el resto de componentes de la matriz extracelular, lo que confiere a esta estructura una mayor estabilidad y, por consiguiente, proporcionan una mayor robustez al biofilm. En este este trabajo se pretende llevar a cabo el análisis de regiones o dominios tanto de TasA como de TapA importantes para la amiloidogénesis, así como para la funcionalidad de ambas proteínas. Para ello, el estudio se ha enfocado desde un punto de vista multidisciplinar, combinando pruebas clásicas de caracterización de amiloides con técnicas de biología molecular y diversas pruebas biofísicas. Los resultados obtenidos hasta la fecha han demostrado la existencia de pequeñas secuencias, dentro de las proteínas TasA o TapA con capacidad para polimerizar en la forma de fibras, lo que muestra su importancia en el proceso de fibrilación y en la funcionalidad de ambas proteínas. En el caso de la proteína TapA, las regiones analizadas ponen de manifiesto la importancia de su extremo amino-terminal tanto en la funcionalidad de la proteína como en su interacción con TasA.