3 resultados para Mundos

em Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna


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The prose poem has traditionally been considered above all a lyrical genre. Nevertheless, there are short fictions showing the main features of the prose poem, such as brevity, intensity, autonomy, importance of connotation, visionary character and, above all, the dominance of description. The fictional prose poem gives shape to an imaginary world which is poetically described, rather than narrated. The fictional character of this kind of prose poem is especially clear when what is described is a future reality, as it is the case in Stéphane Mallarmé’s «Le Phénomène futur» and in later series of prose poems which create prospective universes. Among them, the series collected by Daniel Walther in 2010 under the title of Les Chasseurs du temps stands out for its mysterious force, its fictional coherence and the beauty of its ima¬ges.


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[es] El nacimiento de la lengua castellana se produjo en estrecho contacto con la lengua vasca: es probable que el espacio navarro haya sido el punto de conexión entre ambas. Pero la historia lingüística común de español y vasco se desarrolla, sobre todo, desde el siglo xvi hasta hoy. En este trabajo consideramos algunos hitos que permiten afirmar que, hasta fines del siglo xix, el universo vasco y el castellano convivieron sin tensión social: a pesar de los avatares del siglo xx, las relaciones entre el español y el vasco no han conocido fronteras a lo largo de la historia. Por ello es posible imaginar, en el futuro, una convivencia respetuosa (mejor todavía si fuera integradora) de ambas lenguas y de ambos mundos. [en] The birth of the Castilian language occurred in close contact with the Basque language: it seems that Navarra has been the connecting point between both of them. But the common linguistic history of both Spanish and Basque runs together from the sixteenth century until today. In this paper we consider some milestones that support the conclusion that, until the late nineteenth century, Basque and Castilian universe lived without special conflicts: so and in spite of the vicissitudes of the twentieth century, the relations between the Spanish and Basque have not known borders throughout history. Therefore it is possible to imagine, in the future, a respectful coexistence (even better if it were inclusive) of both languages and of both worlds.


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[es] En esta entrevista se pretende indagar en los mundos imaginarios de Mélanie de Coster, una escritora belga de literatura fantástica actual. Desde que publicase su primer libro en 2003, De Coster ha experimentado la fusión de elementos pertenecientes a la estética de lo fantástico con otros géneros haciendo de este su sello personal. Lo fantástico se revela así como una aproximación que no centra la acción narrada, sino que la enriquece aportándole elementos de sorpresa, de angustia o de misterio. En su novela más puramente fantástica, De l’autre côté des mondes, la trama principal adquiere incluso matices sociales. Todo ello resulta en una producción ciertamente heterogénea en la que lo fantástico se erige como hilo conductor. [es] This interview explores the imaginary worlds created by Mélanie de Coster, a Belgian writer of contemporary fantastic literature. Ever since she published her first book in 2003, De Coster has combined elements from the aesthetics of the fantastic with other genres, thus making this her personal trademark. The fantastic becomes then an approach which is not at the core of the story told, but it rather complements it by adding some features like surprise, anxiety or mystery. In her most recent novel, De l’autre côté des mondes, the main plot even includes some social worries. Eventually, the fantastic becomes the leading thread of such a heterogeneous production.