3 resultados para estabilização de enzimas imobilizadas

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (RIUT)


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Molybdenum is one of the essential micronutrients for soybeans, acting directly on nitrogen metabolism as enzyme cofactor of nitrogenase. Usually, this nutrient is supplied to the plants through seed treatment or foliar application. The aim of this study was to evaluate the molybdenum effects by foliar in the physiological potential of soybean seeds and verify its interference in the enzyme activities involved in nitrogen metabolism. Soybean seeds of BMX Turbo cultivar were used, produced in Erechim, RS, harvest 2013, from plants treated with the following Mo concentrations: 0; 25; 50 and 75 g ha-1, supplied through two commercial products (Biomol and Molybdate) and stored during 0 and 6 months in uncontrolled conditions. The first experiment was conducted in Seedtes Seed Analysis Laboratory in Pato Branco, PR. The used design was completely randomized in a factorial analysis 4 x 2 x 2 with four replications each. The physiological potential of the seeds was evaluated by the germination test, seedling growth, accelerated aging and emergence on the soil. The second experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, where the seeds derived from treatments with different concentrations of Mo: 0; 25; 50 and 75 g ha-1 supplied through two commercial products (Biomol and Molybdate) were grown in vases. The used design was completely randomized in a factorial analysis 4 x 2 with four replications. Evaluations were performed when the plants reached the R1 phenological stage concerning the nodulation, dry matter of root and shoot of the plants and the determination of the activity of the enzymes glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthetase and the content of total soluble proteins. The data were submitted to variance analysis and when significant they were assessed by Tukey’s test for comparison of products and seed storage and with regression study to the concentrations at 5% probability. Analyses were performed using SISVAR statistical software. The soybean seed storage under uncontrolled conditions affected the seed vigour produced with Mo, regardless of the commercial product used during production. The application of Mo through foliar positively influences the production of soya beans which presented increasing responses in the germination and vigour with the application of Mo above 25 g ha-1 . The enrichment of Mo through foliar did not affect the nodulation of plants of the next generation, however, the use of Mo above 25 g ha-1 provided an increase in the activity of enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism as well as on the total protein content.


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In the industrial production of soluble coffee, huge amounts of extracted coffee residues are generated; onaverage, for eachtonne of green coffee extracted, 480 kg of coffee ground waste is produced. This is a solid residue currently used to generate energy at the steam boilers from the soluble coffee industry. Some is also used or as fertilizer on agriculture fields. Seeking a better end use, the work reported here aimed to study the viability of hydrolyzing the coffee ground residue for the production of carbohydrates. Hydrolysis was undertaken with hydrochloric acid at different temperatures and pressures, using a water bath or autoclave.An enzymatic hydrolysis with Viscozyme Lwas developed using Whatman filter paper No1 and the optimal conditions were determined using a rotational central composite experimental design (DCCR).The best conditions to hydrolyze filter paper cellulose were 50 FBG (Fungal β-glucanase) of Viscozyme L at pH 4.0 for 1.0 h and 45 ºC. The ground coffee was hydrolyzed under the same conditions as described above for filter paper, however this enzymatic hydrolysis was not efficient. A combination of enzymatic hydrolysis as a pre-treatment for the ground coffee followed by acid hydrolysis using HCl conducted in an autoclave (120 C for 2.0 h) resulted in higher production of glucose as analyzed by HPLC. Another end use of the ground coffee evaluated was as source of substrate in the culture medium to grow Botryosphaeria rhodina MAMB-05 to produce the enzymes laccase and cellulase. Highest enzyme titres obtained were with 8% (w/v) coffee grounds to which was added a minimum salts medium(Vogel), under agitation conditions (180 rpm) at 28ºC. The phenolic compounds present in the coffee grounds appear to have induced laccase by Botryosphaeria rhodina.


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Urban paving is of paramount importance for a city, both socioeconomic and in quality of life. The urban flooring not different so-called road surface are constituted by a set of horizontal layers, overlaid on the ground, which have the main function of supporting the actions induced by the vehicle redistributing the stresses transmitted to the ground. Soils are important materials for the execution of paving, mainly because they are part of the basic structure of the floor and mostly be available in abundance, with a very low cost, however, their properties usually do not meet the requirements necessary to perform the floor. The soil stabilization for the implementation of urban pavement bases and sub-bases is an increasingly important aspect in the current situation, because always there is the concern with the environment, and there is now the clear awareness that every effort should be made to minimize the effects caused by the exploitation of deposits and deposition of material. In this sense this work presents the effects of adding different proportions of lime to stabilize a sedimentary soil sample from the urban area of the city of Curitiba. It selected a sample quantity of soil in the region to study the stabilization insertion of hydrated lime type (CHIII) powder. The two variables in the study are related to the content of lime mixed with the soil at 0% percentages of 3%, 6%, 8% and 16%, and cure times at which these mixtures were subjected to (0, 7, 14, 28 and 56 days). The tested mixtures were prepared from dosages defined by two methods: one checking the chemical behavior of the samples by means of changes in pH values, and the second analyzing the mechanical behavior through the RCS values. It has been found that the chemical stability analyzed by addition of lime, provided an average increase of RCS in most soil samples studied, because of some physical and chemical characteristics thereof. For mixtures with 6%, 8% and 16% of lime after 28 days of curing, the average RCS was 0,57 MPa, 1,06 MPa and 2,37 MPa, respectively, for the normal proctor, and as for intermediate proctor, in the same curing time and on the same percentages RCS results were 0,54 MPa, 1,04 MPa and 2,71 MPa, respectively. In global terms, the soil-lime mixtures studied showed acceptable behavior by law to use as layers of sub-base. However, only the mixture with 16% of lime, at 28 days, is recommended for use on floors bases. Even so, the mixtures studied constitute a good alternative economic and socio-environmental.