1 resultado para Student learning experience
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This collection is the result of theoretical considerations made in the education field with emphasis on the teacher’s professional development. The diversity of authors, which came from distinctive higher education institutions located in Brazil and some arising from international context, reveals a multiplicity of relations between the themes that blend the centrality of “Rede de Aprendizado em Foco”. The studies and researches are organized around three themes: teacher’s learning in initial training and professional integration; teacher learning’s evaluations process and policies; and teacher’s professional development. The professionality’s formation in a period of deep and complex transformations in the social and educational scenarios is projected as a big challenge, especially when it is understood that a person is not born as a teacher, but it is constituted as such by processes that occur over a long period. The contact with the professional practice stands as an essential element in the context of teacher training, which in the course of professional learning experience different stages of training. The one that should be highlighted would be the learning moments that involve teaching’s practices. Thus, the main point of this work was based on the reflection of the teacher’s formative processes from the initial training to the professional development going through the teaching practice, which is considered as the beginning of the relationship between theoretical and practical knowledge in the context of educational reality and reporting formative experiences that have contributed to this training.