5 resultados para Poluição radioativa

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (RIUT)


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Air pollution can threat the environment and public health, and is assess by pollutant ́s concentration measurements in order to verify whether the limits set by environmental agencies are being respected. However, these measures do not indicate immediately the impacts to living beings. To faced this problem, plants are been investigated as potential bioindicators of air pollution and, among them, stand out bromeliads Tillandsia genus which colonize various substrates,. obtaining water and nutrients from the atmosphere directly. In this context, this research assessed the potential of epiphytic bromeliad Tillandsia recurvata (L.) L. found in urbanized areas of the city of Curitiba - PR as a bioindicator of urban air pollution. According to vehicle traffic, five sample points were selected and classified. Points P1 and P2 were classified as high-traffic vehicle due presenting trucks and urban transport; point P3 was classified as moderate traffic due the predominance of private vehicles and urban transport; and points P4 and P5 were classified as low-traffic, presenting circulation of private vehicles only. There were analyzed the abundance of T. recurvata, morphophysiological parameters (leaf area, leaf specific area, sclerophylly index, percentage dry weight / fresh weight, chlorophyll (a + b), analysis of structural mesophyll organization) and the heavy metals accumulation (Fe, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn). The abundance analysis and the results obtained for metals analysis were correlated with the intensity of vehicular traffic, directing the sampling points P1 > P2 = P3 > P4 = P5. This result demonstrate that the abundance of T. recurvata is greater in urban air pollution impacted areas, thus indicating that T. recurvata absorbs and accumulates metals and can be used in biomonitoring of urban air pollution in areas impacted by vehicular traffic. Morphophysiological parameters analyzed shows that the internal plant ́s structure is not significantly impacted by urban air pollution due plant ́s adptations. The presence of absorbing scales, the CAM metabolism pathway and it ́s store water ability, among other features, demonstrate their potential as bio-indicator in urban areas, especially regarding heavy metals accumulation .


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The main aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the urban pollution plume from the city of Manaus by emissions from mobile and stationary sources in the atmospheric pollutants concentrations of the Amazon region, by using The Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) model. The air pollutants analyzed were CO, NOx, SO2, O3, PM2.5, PM10 and VOCs. The model simulations have been configured with a grid spacing of 3 km, with 190 x and 136 y grid points in horizontal spacing, centered in the city of Manaus during the period of 17 and 18 of March 2014. The anthropogenic emissions inventories have gathered from mobile sources that were estimated the emissions of light and heavy-duty vehicles classes. In addition, the stationary sources have considered the thermal power plants by the type of energy sources used in the region as well as the emissions from the refinery located in Manaus. Various scenarios have been defined with numerical experiments that considered only emissions by biogenic, mobile and stationary sources, and replacement fuel from thermal power plant, along with a future scenario consisting with twice as much anthropogenic emissions. A qualitative assessment of simulation with base scenario has also been carried out, which represents the conditions of the region in its current state, where several statistical methods were used in order to compare the results of air pollutants and meteorological fields with observed ground-based data located in various points in the study grid. The qualitative analysis showed that the model represents satisfactorily the variables analyzed from the point of view of the adopted parameters. Regarding the simulations, defined from the base scenarios, the numerical experiments indicate relevant results such as: it was found that the stationary sources scenario, where the thermal power plants are predominant, resulted in the highest concentrations, for all air pollutants evaluated, except for carbon monoxide when compared to the vehicle emissions scenario; The replacement of the energy matrix of current thermal power plants for natural gas have showed significant reductions in pollutants analyzed, for instance, 63% reductions of NOx in the contribution of average concentration in the study grid; A significant increase in the concentrations of chemical species was observed in a futuristic scenario, reaching up to a 81% increase in peak concentrations of SO2 in the study area. The spatial distributions of the scenarios have showed that the air pollution plume from Manaus is predominantly west and southwest, where it can reach hundreds of kilometers to areas dominated by original soil covering.


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The main issues related to water conservation in urban centers are the increase in water supply cost, demand growth, pollution and differences in the distribution of water resources. Water conservation, the controlled and efficient use of water, includes both measures as reasonable means of water reuse. Thus, conservation practices are an effective way to meet demand and supply water to new activities and users without jeopardizing the supplying water bodies and preserving the natural environment. This study aims to examine the water management of a shopping mall and the use of rainwater harvesting combined with greywater reuse. For buildings in general, water loss is common due to leaks in the hydraulic and restroom equipment. These losses, which are caused by a high volume of water used and wasted in the system, are often the result of design errors, incorrect maintenance procedures and users' bad habits In southern Brazil, where there is rainfall almost all year long, water shortages occasionally occur, particularly in some winter mouths. One difficulty that appears on rainwater studies is the proper determination of rainwater volume that can be used to address water supply systems. In this work, the simulation method was used to determine this volume. Thus, simulations with the following variables: rainfall, catchment area and water consumption were performed. For mall's hydraulic systems, segmented alternatives are adopted. That is, focusing on the use of rainwater or greywater reuse. Other alternatives of effluent reuse have been slightly discussed due to sanitary issues, those are effluents from toilets and kitchen sinks. The adoption of greywater may be feasible if there is a significant flow of greywater to comply water demand for toilet flushing. The inspections made in this study found that the quantity of sinks was insufficient to supply an adequate amount of water to toilets and urinals. The greywater reuse system was found to be infeasible in terms of demand and supply of water. Conversely, the rainwater harvesting system was entirely feasible and easily supplied water to all restrooms and contributed to the cooling of the air conditioning system with a short payback period. One of the challenges of this work was the need to compare the actual water consumption with a water consumption parameter used in buildings. Thus, a method that addresses the generation of specific consumption indexes for specific activity (like a mall) was used. The water consumption indices showed that this mall has a satisfactory water management program.


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The environmental pollution caused by industries has increased the concentration of pollutants in the environment, especially in water. Among the most diverse contaminants, there is the metals, who may or may not to be heavy/toxic, causing effluent of difficult treatment when in low concentrations. The search for alternative measures of wastewater effluent treatment has led to studies using phytoremediation technique through the various matrices (plant, fungi, bacteria) as means of polishing treatment to remove contaminants by means of biosorption/bioaccumulation. In order to use the phytoremediation technique for removing metals of the environmental, it have been performed bioassay with the macrophyte Pistia stratiotes. The bioassays were realized with healthy plants of P. stratiotes acclimatized in a greenhouse, at room temperature and lighting conditions during 28 days of cultivate. The cultivations were performed in glass vessels containing 1 L of the hydroponic solution with chromium (VI) in the potassium dichromate form with concentration range 0.10 to 4.90 mg L-1. The experiments were performed by Outlining Central Composite Rotational (OCCR), where the kinetics of bioaccumulation and chlorophyll a fluorescence were monitored in plants of P. stratiotes during cultivation. The collections of the samples and cultive solution were performed according to the OCCR. The chromium levels were measured in samples of P. stratiotes and the remaining solutions by the methodology of atomic absorption spectrometry by flame. The tolerance of P. stratiotes in relation to exposure to chromium (VI) was analyzed by parameters of physiological activity by means of chlorophyll a fluorescence, using the portable fluorometer PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation). The development of P. stratiots and their biomass were related to the time factor, while bioaccumulation capacities were strongly influenced by factors of time and chromium concentration (VI). The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were affected by chromium and the exposure time at the bioassays. It was obtained an higher metal removal from the root in relation to the sheet, reaching a high rate of metal removal in solution. The experimental data removal kinetics were represented by kinetic models Irreversibly Langmuir, Reversible Langmuir, Pseudo-first Order and Pseudo-second Order, and the best fit for the culture solution was the Reversible Langmuir model with R² 0.993 and for the plant the best model was Pseudo-second order with R² 0.760.


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Due to the high supply and its attractive cost, the poultry litter has been used in the southwestern region of Parana to the improvement of soil fertility seeking greater production of grains and pastures. However, the use without technical knowledge can minimize the benefits of poultry litter or even cause undesirable effects on soil, environmental pollution and also productivity losses in the used crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different times of poultry litter application, predating the winter crop, associated with increasing levels, about soil chemical properties, release of nutrients and crop performances in four consecutive years (2011-2014). In the first three years the experimental design was randomized blocks with a split plot system and four replications. In the main plots were tested four poultry litter application times preceding the wheat production: 0, 15, 30 and 45 days before sowing (DAS); in the subplots were applied four poultry litter levels (wet basis): 0, 4, 8 and 12 Mg ha-1. Last year one more subdivision of plots was done, evaluating the use or not of nitrogen in coverage in wheat, at a dose of 100 kg N ha-1. The wheat cultivar used in the four years was the BRS 220. In three years it was evaluated the residual effect on soybean production (cultivar - BMX Turbo RR) and in one year on the beans. The chemical soil attributes were evaluated at four depths 0-2,5cm, 2,5-5cm, 5-10cm and 10-20cm, and also the rate of decomposition and nutrient release of poultry litter and the crop productivity. The different times of application concerning the poultry litter had little influence on the studied variables, demonstrating that the producer does not need to have a specific date (before planting) to the application of poultry litter. Potassium was fully released 60 days after the allocation of litter bags into the field; for nitrogen and phosphorus the release was slower. The use of increasing levels of poultry litter increased the levels of various soil elements, highlighting the potassium which reached 20 cm deep in the second year of evaluation. The increase in pH and in the base saturation occurred only in the upper layers, while the phosphorus reached 10 cm deep in the third year of the study. It was observed increased pH and base saturation. The use of increasing doses of poultry litter contributed to the wheat plant nutrition, significantly increasing the weight of a thousand grains, and the grain yield of wheat in all the evaluated years; the nitrogen fertilization in coverage also had significant effect for the fourth evaluated year. Also there was a significant response from the residual effect of poultry litter for crops planted in summer for both soybeans and beans.