13 resultados para Parana Rhyolites

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (RIUT)


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This book didactically addresses relevant issues for researchers in the linguistic field as well as professors, journalists and whoever else is interested in understating the so called “paranaense dialect”. It is relevant to clarify, however, that there is not one single dialect from Parana as the state has three distinctive dialectal areas. That means the traditional speech from the state corresponds to its historical settlement. The first area dates back to the XVIII century in the center-south-coast direction; the second area dates from the 1920´s and 1930´s matching the arrival of immigrants from Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina in the search for new territories, clearing forestry regions from the Southwest and Western regions in Parana, turning them into harvesting areas. The third linguistic area corresponds to the North and Northwest of Parana, which were colonized in the 1940´s and 1950´s by immigrants from Minas Gerais and São Paulo who came to grow coffee plants in its rich red land. Such dialectal diversity constitutes only a small fraction of what is understood as the Brazilian Portuguese. So, having it described means to collaborate to map the great linguistic mosaic that characterizes the whole Brazilian territory. We then seek to offer readers a small sample of the analyses carried out by researchers concerning the different performances of the Portuguese spoken in Parana (Banco VARSUL, ALERS, Atlas Linguístico do Paraná, Banco VARLINFE). We expect these findings encourage new approaches and Linguistic studies from other regions of the state.


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Scientific research in forest production technology area search techniques that increase production per unit area, with high economic viability and reducing environmental impacts. When dealing with forest plantations, studies are needed in the production of biomass and its nutrient content, and these are data parameters for planning the environmental implications of different intensities of forest harvesting. Given the above, this study aimed to elucidate the production and export of biomass and nutrients for two species of the genus Eucalyptus (E. grandis and E. urophylla) grown in the southwestern region of Parana. For this, it was evaluated: the stock of biomass and nutrients in eucalyptus (wood, bark, branches and leaves) at 60 months of age; the export rate of nutrients; the calorific value and economic viability. The biomass and the largest eucalyptus nutrient stocks are predominantly allocated to the stem (wood + bark). The components of biomass showed different chemical compositions, generally being higher in the leaves and bark and lower in wood and branches components. As for the calorific value, the leaves had its calorific value statistically superior than the other fractions, followed by branches, wood and bark. The organic carbon content (C.O.) is directly connected to the calorific value, and the calorific value increases as its content increase. The wood had the highest nutrient use efficiency values, something highly desirable and of great interest to forestry. The leaves showed smaller nutrient utilization efficiency values, with the exception of Ca and Mg that were smaller in the bark, indicating the importance of maintaining these components in the soil after harvest. The wood fraction presents the biomass lower cost when considering the replacement of nutrients exported by its biomass. On the other hand, the leaf fraction showed NPK higher cost of replacement.


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The crops are affected by pests and diseases that decrease productivity. Among them are the damping off of seedlings that can occur in pre and post-emergence. In bean crops, cucumber and beet these diseases occur, being caused by various pathogens, especialy fitopathogenic fungi. Several measures are used for the controle of such diseases, among them, is the chemical seed treatment fungicides. However, society has become increasingly concerned about the quality and food and environmental contamination, generation a growting search for sensitive products to humans and the environment. The use of essential oils to control plant pathogens is an example of alternative tested by science in the search for less aggressive technologies. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the use of essential oil Aloysia citriodora, in control of pathogens causing damping off in beans, cucumber and beet. This thesis was divided in four chapters, the introductory first, and the other addressing the control of Pythium sp. in beans, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on cucumber, and Fusarium sp. on beet. The methodology consisted of four experiments in each pathosystem, with all the work done at the Federal Technological University of Parana, Campus Dois Vizinhos. In the first experiment evaluated the fungistatic and fungicidal effect of the essential oil of A. citriodora on PDA in vitro in mycelial growth of pathogens studied. In the second experiment evaluated the in vitro effect of essential oil concentrations of A. citriodora in BD medium on microscope slides, on the germination of sporangia Pythium sp. and conidia Fusarium sp., and in Petri dishes with PDA medium, the sclerotia germination speed index of S. sclerotiorum. In the third experiment, we evaluated in germination test in paper roll (PR), the phytotoxic effect or not the use of essential oil concentrations of A. citriodora in dry bean seed, cucumber and beet. The variables used to assess this experiment were the germination percentage, mediun green mass per plant and average length of seedlings. In the fourth experiment we assessed the effect of treating bean seeds, cucumber and beet with essential oil contents of A. citriodora, seeds in their subsequent substrates contamined with pathogens studied, Pythium sp., S. sclerotiorum and Fusarium sp. In this experiment we used the following variables: percentage of emergence, percentage of post-emergence damping off, green average mass per plant, average length per plant and biochemical analyzes. The biochemistry of plant tissues evaluated were as follows: protein content, enzymatic activities of peroxidases, phenylalanine ammonia-liase (PAL), chitinases and β-1,3-glucanases. The in vitro results show that the essential oil has fungistatic and fungicidal effect on mycelial growth, on sporangia germination, conidia and sclerotia of the pathogens studied in this work, wich may be related to its major components, citral and limonene. The oil also exhibits low phytotoxicity to seeds of the species studied, only in beans decreases germination in most studied dosage (0,25%), cucumber also in the higher dosage (0,25%) reduce the length of seedlings, and beet there were no negative effects to the seedlings. In the test in substrate contaminated with the pathogens, the use of essential oil: increased germination and decreased post emergence damping off of beans seedlings; at a concentration of 0,0625% decreases post emergence damping off in cucumber. In biochemical analyzes found an increase in the enzymatic activity of peroxidases and β-1,3-glucanases on beans, and glucanases on cucumber, and increased enzyme activity of peroxidases on beet, showing action in resistance induction at damping off.


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The urban mobility has in the bicycle its symbol of the most environmentally sustainable modal of transportation of the planet, title conferred by the United Nations Organization (ONU). Nevertheless, the cities suffer with the traffic jam caused by the automobile fleet growth, what implies in a larger displacement time, injuries to the environment, to financials and to the quality of life. In order to build in a sustainable way the urban mobility, public policies are necessary to encourage the preferential usage, by the society, of the mass transit or the non-motorized type of transportation. Objecting cooperate with the public power and the civil society, this study intents to, through an analysis about the UFPR Extension Program - CICLOVIDA, propose a sustainable urban mobility public policy development, with emphasis in the bicycle´s usage. eferentially, it is discussed concepts such as Society, State and Government as well as public policies, which go in cycles to the State´s and Government´s responsibilities; and are presented the Sustainable Urban Mobility Public Policies (PPMUS) in Brazil. Also, it is debated about the transport by bicycle as an option to the sustainable mobility. Methodologically, the study is of an empiric-social nature, with the application of both qualitative and observational methods, what characterizes as an exploratory level of research, with the researcher´s involvement in the participant form, due to her acting on the Program. Regarding the research lineation, it was used the bibliographic and documental form as well as case study, by means of the nonparametric sampling by accessibility or convenience. Related to the data collection technique, it was used structured interviews with self-applied questionnaires and natural participant observation. Aligned with the research´s objective and matter, the outcome confirmed that the Extension Program CICLOVIDA of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) may effectively contribute in the development of a PPMUS proposal with emphasis in the bicycle usage. Thus, it was built a political proposal with a free form writing, objecting subsidize policies both institutional as public MUS through the bicycle usage and therefore, support the mobility, also contributing to the sustainability and to the public development planning.


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This research aimed to investigate the possibility to develop the process of teaching and learning of the division of rational numbers with guided tasks in interpretation of measure. Adopted as methodology the Didactic Engineering and a didactic sequence in order to develop the work with students of High School. Participated of training sessions twelve students of one state school of Porto Barreiro city - Paran´a. The results of application of the didactic engineering suggest the importance of utilization of guided tasks in interpretation of measure, since strengthened the understanding, on the part of students, the concept of division of fractional rational numbers and contributed for them develop the comprehension of others questions associated to the concept of rational numbers, such as order, equivalence and density.


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The Pedagogy of Alternation (PA) is a differentiated teaching methodology, originally created to meet the needs that involve the population of the field. Through its educational procedures, distinct from the traditional education, demand, with autonomy, to form children and young people through the articulation of time and space, and involve the family and community in the educational process and in local development. Having been established as an alternative that generated positive results, the PA has expanded the world and today, with the formation of various movements, is present on five continents. In Brazil, there are two active movements using the PA, the Italian, which afforded the EFAs and the French, responsible for implantation the CFRs. Is in this context, the present research is inserted, which the following objective: to analyse the origins, principles and theoretical-methodological foundations of Pedagogy of Alternation and its implantation in Brazil, as well as some of its current unfolding. With this, it takes into consideration, besides the Brazilian movements, those who influenced its origin, the raised in France and the raised in Italy. The study is characterized as a theoretical, qualitative, bibliographic and documental. The data collection was carried out by searching in the CEPAD/UTFPR database and in the web pages of the institutions involved. After the identification and selection of documents and bibliographies, was realized the qualitative analysis of the data. The results indicate that the Pedagogy of Alternation practiced by the Italian EFAs and the Brazilian CFRs has undergone significant changes over time, keeping only firm the principle alternation of time and space, while the French MFRs and Brazilian EFAs, passed by adaptations, but still solid to principles of PA. The survey also showed that the CFRs in Parana are in a situation of instability about their future, since the links with the government are weakened. Thus, the present study sought to reflect on the meaning and the scope of the PA and its foundations that guarantee the autonomy and strength of this methodology in their places of origin. Therefore, the research presents contributions regarding the elucidation about expansion process of the movements in the three covered countries as well as those faced tensions by each and their transformations in order to highlight the importance of PA for education, comprehensive training of young and to development of the middle.


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Everyone has a right to health and the State’s duty is to provide it. SUS (unified health system) main principles are universalization, integrality and equality which are based on the decentralization, regionalization and hierarchization directives and shows the importance of a territorial perspective for planning healthcare actions. Decentralization was the strategy chosen to implant SUS, since municipalities were in charge of providing and organizing the municipal healthcare services. Nevertheless regionalization, that’s to say service, institution and practice integration, was not performed satisfactorily, thus jeopardizing the health system decision making process and causing disputes between municipalities over financial resources instead of developing an interdependent and cooperative net. This way, it is important to analyze if health regionalization has a good potential for being used as public governance tool. The present study aims at giving answers to the following research problem: What are the contributions of regionalism to the State of Paraná public governance applied to health? Besides that, it also aims at assessing the State of Parana health regionalization to identify healthcare gaps and help the State actions through public governance principles applied to healthcare. Therefore, the study used a quantitative-qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, plus secondary data concerning bibliographic and documental research. The present study analyzed the current hospital bed distribution by compared to the ideal distribution allowing the identification of healthcare gaps in the regional healthcare centers, besides considering medical specialties in the State of Paraná. The study conclusion is that health regionalization is an important tool for reducing healthcare gaps concerning hospital beds permitting the use of seven to ten public governance principles applied to healthcare, as established in the present study, and shows health regionalization is an important pubic governance tool.


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The southern region of Brazil, especially the states of Parana and Santa Catarina stand out for growing grapes and apples for fresh consumption and in order to add value to these products, process the material for the production of wine, juices and jellies . As a result large quantities of by-products, such as peels, seeds and pulp are produced becoming environmental problems. Studies reuse of these by-products have attracted interest because they have shown a high biological potential, due to the presence of high levels of phenolic compounds, which are associated with a lower incidence of disease caused by oxidative stress, due to its antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antibacterial properties. Currently, few studies are presented on the phenolic composition and biological potential of waste grape variety Bordô (Vitis labrusca) and apple (Malus domestica) Gala variety, cultivated in southern Brazil. Within this context, the objectives of this study were: compare the efficiency of solidliquid and liquid-liquid extraction, perform the optimization and validation of analytical methodology by HPLC-DAD for the separation, identification and quantification of multiclass phenolic compounds, evaluate the activity antioxidant by sequestering methods of free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1 picrilhidrazina (DPPH) and 2,2-azino-bis (3- ethyl-benzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) solution, reduction of Fe3+ in Fe2+ method (FRAP), ORAC, RP-HPLC-ABTS online, Rancimat and determination of total phenolics three agro-industrial byproducts, pomace and stems grape Bordô produced in Paraná Southwest region and Gala apple pomace coming from the Santa Catarina West. Optimization and validation of chromatographic method showed satisfactory quality parameters for the compounds of interest and the solidliquid extraction was more efficient in extracting phenolic evaluated. The three byproducts evaluated showed significant levels of phenolic compounds when analyzed by HPLC, especially flavonoids, catechin and epicatechin besides that showed significant antioxidant capacity. The grape stems extract had the highest sequestration capacity of DPPH and ABTS radical and reduced iron, and high content of phenolic compounds. The apple pomace extract showed the best response to the Rancimat method, which indicates a high potential to protect the oil from lipid oxidation, was no significant difference when compared to synthetic antioxidant TBHQ. The results of this study showed that the agro-industrial coproducts analyzed are rich in phenolic compounds of high antioxidant capacity and therefore must be better explored by the food and pharmaceutical industries.


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Two cheese formulations made from raw milk and endogenous yeasts with 30, 60 and 180 days of maturation in two dairy Paraná Southwest were studied to evaluate their quality through physical, physical-chemical, microbiological and sensorial characteristics, as one of the stages of development of a typical regional cheese. The production was accompanied from designing the flowchart processing, where the samples were collected to perform the analysis of proteins, lipids, moisture, ash, carbohydrates, total solids, fat in dry matter, calories; water activity, instrumental texture (hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, resiliency and chewiness), instrumental color (CIE Lab); microbiological quality was assessed searching for total and thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase positive staphylococci and Salmonella spp.; the acceptance related to sensory characteristics of color, appearance, flavor, texture, taste and purchase intent was evaluated through the structured hedonic scale. This research contributed information relevant to the production process, such as the realization of the viability in freeze-drying lactic acid bacteria yeast isolated from milk in the Southwestern Mesoregion of Parana and the results of the analysis of the cheese showed similarity between formulations, regarding the physical, physical-chemical characterization, moreover good microbiological quality, where the differences between samples of dairy products were not perceived by sensory panelists. Adjustments in standardization related to technological quality control is an extremely important factor for the success of dairy companies and small producers involved in the project and that they have the option of producing the Santo Giorno, a fine cheese, with the great advantage of adding features of region, with high standard of sanitary conditions and with great consumer acceptance of indicative.


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Due to the high supply and its attractive cost, the poultry litter has been used in the southwestern region of Parana to the improvement of soil fertility seeking greater production of grains and pastures. However, the use without technical knowledge can minimize the benefits of poultry litter or even cause undesirable effects on soil, environmental pollution and also productivity losses in the used crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different times of poultry litter application, predating the winter crop, associated with increasing levels, about soil chemical properties, release of nutrients and crop performances in four consecutive years (2011-2014). In the first three years the experimental design was randomized blocks with a split plot system and four replications. In the main plots were tested four poultry litter application times preceding the wheat production: 0, 15, 30 and 45 days before sowing (DAS); in the subplots were applied four poultry litter levels (wet basis): 0, 4, 8 and 12 Mg ha-1. Last year one more subdivision of plots was done, evaluating the use or not of nitrogen in coverage in wheat, at a dose of 100 kg N ha-1. The wheat cultivar used in the four years was the BRS 220. In three years it was evaluated the residual effect on soybean production (cultivar - BMX Turbo RR) and in one year on the beans. The chemical soil attributes were evaluated at four depths 0-2,5cm, 2,5-5cm, 5-10cm and 10-20cm, and also the rate of decomposition and nutrient release of poultry litter and the crop productivity. The different times of application concerning the poultry litter had little influence on the studied variables, demonstrating that the producer does not need to have a specific date (before planting) to the application of poultry litter. Potassium was fully released 60 days after the allocation of litter bags into the field; for nitrogen and phosphorus the release was slower. The use of increasing levels of poultry litter increased the levels of various soil elements, highlighting the potassium which reached 20 cm deep in the second year of evaluation. The increase in pH and in the base saturation occurred only in the upper layers, while the phosphorus reached 10 cm deep in the third year of the study. It was observed increased pH and base saturation. The use of increasing doses of poultry litter contributed to the wheat plant nutrition, significantly increasing the weight of a thousand grains, and the grain yield of wheat in all the evaluated years; the nitrogen fertilization in coverage also had significant effect for the fourth evaluated year. Also there was a significant response from the residual effect of poultry litter for crops planted in summer for both soybeans and beans.


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This study developed the Magnetic Proprioceptive Stimulator – MPS at the Technological Federal University of Parana - UTFPR to stimulate, record and quantify the proprioceptive activity of the shoulder joint, using permanent magnets. A pilot study was conducted to investigate the proprioceptive stimulation generated by MPS. The results of this study show that the magnetic and mechanical forces generated by permanent magnets can change the static and dynamic stability of the shoulder joint. The angular changes of the shoulder joint during the stimulation of proprioception were photographed, videotaped and analyzed by vector editing program. The joint movements caused by the action of the magnets were recorded by an optical sensor installed in the MPS and displayed in a graphical interface for analyzing the proprioceptive dynamics. The study concluded that the Magnetic Proprioceptive Stimulator is safe, effective to stimulate proprioception and features high economic viability.


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This work was general-purpose, develop a proposal of a theoretical model of decisionmaking with a focus on management of small family farms costs, which enables support for decision making. And the following objectives: i) develop a structured methodology, which allows to form a literary basis to provide scientific support for the implementation of research; ii) develop based on the literature the dimensions and variables of the necessary models to propose an application and iii tooling) to implement the proposed model within the dimensions and variables, and validate every stage background and perform the necessary conclusions to verify the effectiveness of applied model. In terms of methodology, we used a structured methodology, which allowed forming a bibliographic portfolio of 29 articles, and through the research constructs developed, based on an existing model, an activity segmentation model for aid farmer of small family farms in the decision-making process with emphasis on cost management. The model was applied in six family farms in the South West region of Parana and Santa Catarina West. With regard to the search results, it was identified that the model can be applied to the specific context for which it was created. It was also possible to identify that the proposed model was valid and relevant to aid in the management of family farms by identifying, through the targeting of productive activities, investment priorities guided by the balance between managing costs and return activities. Moreover, possible to target the activities of six surveyed properties, demonstrating that the property 02, has the shape of more complex segmentation should be divided into three groups of activities, which can be conducted in parallel without any restrictions between activities. Other properties have the segmentation of the simplest activities, allowing viewing in this way that there are activities of groups that require prioritizing investments. Specifically the property 01 and 04 have the highest priority investment target groups, the most prominent activities of groups representing respectively 49.32% and 47.40%, which are represented by grain production activities on the property 01 and grain production, beef cattle and eggs on the property 04.


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Brazil is internationally acknowledged for its renewable sources, most notably, hydroelectric power plant projects which correspond to 65% of electricity production supply to the National Interconnected System. The main question behind this research is: what are the weights and the relative importance of the variables which have influence on the decision making process for the expansion of hydroelectric generation projects in Parana? The main objective is to propose a multi-criteria decision procedure, in association with water sources options that take into consideration the weight and relative importance of the alternatives having influence on the decision by enterprises in the generation of electricity in the state of Paraná. As far as the approach to the problem is concerned, this research can be classified as having mixed methodologies, applying Content Analysis, Delphi technique and the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Following Delphi methodology, a group of 21 was selected for data collection, all of those linked to Paranaense hydroelectricity market. And the main result was the construction of a decision tree in which it was possible to identify the importance and relative weight of the elements associated with the four dimensions of energy. In environmental dimension, the highest relative weight was placed on the loading capacity of Parana system; the economic dimension, the amortization of investment; in social dimension, the generation of direct work places and in institutional dimension, the availability of suitable sources of financing. Policy makers and business managers make their decisions based on specific criteria related to the organization segment, market information, economic and political behavior among other indicators that guide them in dealing with the typical tradeoffs of projects in hydropower area. The results obtained in the decision tree show that the economic bias is still the main factor in making investment decisions. However, environmental impacts on the State loading capacity, income generation, providing opportunities for direct as well as indirect jobs. And at an institutional level, the absence of funding sources show that the perception of experts is focused on other issues beyond the logic behind development per se. The order of priority of variables in this study indicates that in the current environment of uncertainty in the Brazilian economy as many variables must be analyzed and compared in order to optimize the scarce resources available to expand local development in relation to Paranaense water matrix.