3 resultados para Independence of irrelevant alternatives

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (RIUT)


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The most native fruit trees are belonging to Myrtaceae family, which it have as main marketing potential their fruit. Despite the wide acceptance of the fruits of these native fruit cultura, the establishment of commercial orchards is still necessary, because if it prevails extraction in the forest. To start the cultivo in the orchard, the first point is on the mother plant choice, which should provide superior characteristics when compared to other genotypes. Then, it is necessary to choose the method to can produce satisfactory amount of seedlings and preferably without it to lose the mother plant characteristics. For this, it adopts the asexual thechniques, with option for grafting, cuttings and air layering. These techniques when tested with native fruits tree, it proved limiting in theses results, with this, it should to test other it to recommend its use, especially, those fruit native of higher potential as jabuticaba tree, pitanga tree, sete capote tree and araça amarelo tree. The aim of this study was to test the use of asexual propagation through mini-cuttings in these native fruit trees, according to the time of collection, the mini-cutting length and concentration of IBA, as well as, it to relate the results of rooting with tryptophan extracted at certain times. The work was carried out at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, Brazil. The samples were collected each two months. The mini-cutting were prepared with 6 or 8 cm, with a pair of leaves reduced to 25% of the original size. The mini-cuttings had their base immersed in liquid solution of indole-butyric acid (IBA) in the concentrations of 0, 3000 and 6000 mg L-1 and then were placed in tubes containing commercial substrate. The experimental design was completely randomized with factorial 2 x 3 x 6 (mini-cutting length x IBA concentration x time of collection), with four replications, it being each plot varied according to the amount of shoots obtained by period time. After 120 days, the rooting and callus formation (%), average number of roots per mini-cutting and the average length of the roots were evaluated. After 60 days of these evaluations, the survival of mini-cuttings rooted after transplant was evaluated. It was evaluated also the production of mini-cuttings of each size in each period time. At the end of the experiment it was evaluated the percentage of survival of mother plantlets. For analysis of tryptophan was used materials branches, leaves and twigs with leaves, taken from the materials used for the production of mini-cutting. It was recommended for hybrid jabuticaba tree the use mini-cutting with eight cm, treated with 6000 mg L-1 of IBA and collected in June. For jabuticaba tree of cabinho and araça amarelo tree the period for propagation by mini-cuttings should be in August, regardless of IBA concentration and length of the mini-cutting. In the jabuticaba tree sabara and sete capote tree is important to obtain more satisfactory results realized the collect in October or December, with the same independence of other levels tested in other factors. However, for sete capote tree should test other techniques to increase the efficiency of propagation. And with pitanga tree recommended to the collection in June, but with 6cm the application of 3000 mg L-1 of IBA and 8 cm with 6000 mg L-1 of IBA.


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The Brazilian agricultural research agency has, over the years, contributed to solve social problems and to promote new knowledge, incorporating new advances and seeking technological independence of the country, through the transfer of knowledge and technology generated. However, the process of transfering of knowledge and technology has represented a big challenge for public institutions. The Embrapa is the largest and main brazilian agricultural research company, with a staff of 9.790 employees, being 2.440 researchers and an annual budget of R$ 2.52 billion. Operates through 46 decentralized research units, and coordinate of the National Agricultural Research System - SNPA. Considering that technology transfer is the consecration of effort and resources spent for the generation of knowledge and the validity of the research, this work aims to conduct an assessment of the performance of Embrapa Swine and Poultry along the production chain of broilers and propose a technology transfer model for this chain, which can be used by the Public Institutions Research – IPPs. This study is justified by the importance of agricultural research for the country, and the importance of the institution addressed. The methodology used was the case study with a qualitative approach, documentary and bibliographic research and interviews with use of semi-structured questionnaires. The survey was conducted in three stages. In the first stage, there was a diagnosis of the Technology Transfer Process (TT), the contribution of the Embrapa Swine and poultry for the supply chain for broiler. At this stage it was used bibliographical and documentary research and semi- structured interviews with agroindustrial broiler agents, researchers at Embrapa Swine and Poultry, professionals of technology transfer, from the Embrapa and Embrapa Swine and Poultry, managers of technology transfer and researchers from the Agricultural Research Service - ARS. In the second step, a model was developed for the technology transferring poultry process of Embrapa. In this phase, there were made documentary and bibliographic research and analysis of information obtained in the interviews. The third phase was to validate the proposed model in the various sectors of the broilers productive chain. The data show that, although the Embrapa Swine and Poultry develops technologies for broiler production chain, the rate of adoption of these technologies by the chain is very low. It was also diagnosed that there is a gap between the institution and the various links of the chain. It was proposed an observatory mechanism to approximate Embrapa Swine and Poultry and the agents of the broiler chain for identifying and discussing research priorities. The proposed model seeks to improve the interaction between the institution and the chain, in order to identify the chain real research demands and the search and the joint development of solutions for these demands. The proposed TT model was approved by a large majority (96.77%) of the interviewed agents who work in the various links in the chain, as well as by representatives (92%) of the entities linked to this chain. The acceptance of the proposed model demonstrates the willingness of the chain to approach Embrapa Swine and Poultry, and to seek joint solutions to existing problems.


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Brazil is internationally acknowledged for its renewable sources, most notably, hydroelectric power plant projects which correspond to 65% of electricity production supply to the National Interconnected System. The main question behind this research is: what are the weights and the relative importance of the variables which have influence on the decision making process for the expansion of hydroelectric generation projects in Parana? The main objective is to propose a multi-criteria decision procedure, in association with water sources options that take into consideration the weight and relative importance of the alternatives having influence on the decision by enterprises in the generation of electricity in the state of Paraná. As far as the approach to the problem is concerned, this research can be classified as having mixed methodologies, applying Content Analysis, Delphi technique and the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Following Delphi methodology, a group of 21 was selected for data collection, all of those linked to Paranaense hydroelectricity market. And the main result was the construction of a decision tree in which it was possible to identify the importance and relative weight of the elements associated with the four dimensions of energy. In environmental dimension, the highest relative weight was placed on the loading capacity of Parana system; the economic dimension, the amortization of investment; in social dimension, the generation of direct work places and in institutional dimension, the availability of suitable sources of financing. Policy makers and business managers make their decisions based on specific criteria related to the organization segment, market information, economic and political behavior among other indicators that guide them in dealing with the typical tradeoffs of projects in hydropower area. The results obtained in the decision tree show that the economic bias is still the main factor in making investment decisions. However, environmental impacts on the State loading capacity, income generation, providing opportunities for direct as well as indirect jobs. And at an institutional level, the absence of funding sources show that the perception of experts is focused on other issues beyond the logic behind development per se. The order of priority of variables in this study indicates that in the current environment of uncertainty in the Brazilian economy as many variables must be analyzed and compared in order to optimize the scarce resources available to expand local development in relation to Paranaense water matrix.