7 resultados para Formação continuada de alfabetizadores
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (RIUT)
Acompanha: Teachers thinking together: novas tecnologias aplicadas à formação continuada de professores de língua inglesa
Currently, there are several factors that suggest the need for the school to review their teaching practices: 1) the speed with which information and communication technologies - ICT are spread throughout society and in particular the increasing use of mobile phone by groups in school age;2) the scope and power of integrating ICT convergence of these technological resources, that can be used as teaching resources; 3) the fact that nowadays students grow up in a technological world and make their thought patterns operating in accordance with this reality, etc... In contrast, there are educators unrelated to the appropriation of ICT, presenting, in many cases, resistance to them. There is a incongruity between how individuals use mobile phones, for example, inside and outside the school. There are also educators, schools, public educational departments claiming to be against mobile phones usage; bills and laws regulating their use in educational space, etc... For these controversial aspects we have investigated whether cell phone use as a teaching resource practices mediator in Physics teaching. For this purpose, we developed an applied research with qualitative and exploratory approach about the objectives, adopting participant and the technical procedures. A documental and bibliographical research was taken. First of all, data were collected by e-mail, through a multiple choice questionnaire applied to private school teachers in southern Brazil, to identify the researched reality and develop teaching practices likely to be applied in the studied corpus. Then, such practices were applied in workshops located in Curitiba and Ponta Grossa cities, in Paraná state. During the application, data was collected by the researcher's field notes. Then, we recorded chats about the workshops from an instant message software (msn messenger), and we took photographic records. Data analysis was performed by triangulation. The results showed the need to enhance continuing education courses for teachers and the production of national academic literature, such as articles, dissertations, theses and books that explore the theme of the cell phone and its functionality in educational spaces as an educational resource mediator in the practices of teaching Physics. They are available in the dissertation defended in 2012, and now are also systematized in this book, organized as a final product of research conducted by the Graduate Program in Science Education and Technology UTFPR, Campus Ponta Grossa-PR.
This work is part of the Graduate Program in Regional Development of the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Pato Branco campus, the research line Education and Development. The line of research concerns the Regionality and Development. In this study, investigate sought the implementation of the Field Education Curriculum Guidelines in the State of Paraná, whose locus, SEED / PR, the NRE / Pato Branco and Field Schools belonging to the NRE. The theme is to respond to the research problem, to identify the limits and challenges of the implementation process of Rural Education in rural schools in the Regional Center of Pato Branco Education. Exploratory research covers a time frame comprising the years 2002-2014 in order to identify and analyze the documents and perceptions of the subjects that guide the implementation of the field of education in the state of Paraná. The results show that the education field has not yet overcame the challenge of implementing public policies, in particular the field of Education Curriculum Guidelines. In general, the texts point to the concerned school education with the urban environment, in an attempt to solve the problems related to truancy, low school enrollment,flunk, among others. The reality of the field displays more serious such problems, however, is visible the development of proposals in an attempt to achieve definitive solutions to the issues of the field. However, a positive factor is the increase in continuing education courses, some offered by the Department of Education Field Regional Center of Education, others initiatives by the own teacher, which demonstrate the concern in improving their teaching practices, concomitant with need to change the identity of the field school. In this sense, we seek to deepen the discussion in order to demystify the idea that the subject field to be synonymous with poor education, poor quality. Documents such as the Field Operational Guidelines established by the CNE - National Education Council in 2002, the Curriculum Guidelines field developed by SEED - Secretary of State and Education in the State of Paraná in 2004 and established as a public policy in 2010 provide data that allow make a study of public policy and educational field context in order to understand the challenges for the development of an education as culture, ways of life, history, finally, the specificities of the subject field.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar resultados preliminares de uma pesquisa de mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional (PPGDR) da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Câmpus Pato Branco (UTFPR-PB). Essa pesquisa está vinculada ao Programa de Formação Docente Continuada intitulado “Práticas Docentes: dialogar, compartilhar & refletir”, em andamento na mesma Instituição. A fundamentação teórica se respalda em Bakhtin, Vigotski e Clot. A metodologia é desenvolvimentista e o método é o da autoconfrontação simples e cruzada. Os protagonistas da intervenção foram uma dupla de Professores da Área de Informática. Os dados foram gravados audiovisualmente, transcritos e posteriormente analisados.
This article presents an analysis of the results of an action of teacher continuing education in a public Brazilian university. It presents and discusses relations that proved to be necessary between the aforementioned action, the development of classroom pedagogical practices and the promotion of teachers’ health. Its theoretical and methodological foundations consist on a clinic, developmental and dialogic-argumentative character and employ the method of simple and crossed self-confrontation,in order to address professional teaching gestures. The results indicate the necessity of actions related to teachers’ continuing education, focused primarily on the concrete classroom work, which, in addition to allowing the development of pedagogical practices, makes the promotion of teachers’ health itself possible.
The objective of this text is to discuss a central question in a doctorate study, in progress, about the learning of the speech genre in self-confrontation situations. This consists of a procedure, which a worker observes your own images, video recorded at the time it performs activities related to their craft; It requests that he comment on what he was doing on the images in order to clarify matters for himself and another - be it a intervenant (simple self-confrontation) or a coworker (crossed self-confrotation). (CLOT, 2008/2010). In the context of this research, the confronted workers are university teachers and students who participate in an action of teacher continuing education. The object of the research is the process of speech genre of learning self-confrontation situation, having as subject a person who conducts self-confrontations training, which initially observed the conduct of dialogues and reflections, and will gradually participating in the self-confrontation activity and becoming also forming another. The theoretical foundations of the research seeks an articulation between sciences such as the Psychology of Labor, the Cultural-historical Psychology and Linguistics. The concepts that are employed come from Clot´s theory of the Psychology of Labor, that is, from the Clinic of Activity and from the activity genre studies (CLOT, 2008/2010); they also come from the Vygotskian theory of human development, with the concepts of thinking and speech (VIGOTSKI, 1934/1998); and from the Bakhtinian dialogic principle (BAKHTIN, 1979/2011). We believe that the formation of the person conducting self-confrontation occurs through learning a gender of speech and a genre of activity.
The theme of teacher education has always been rich in discussion and presents an abundant literature on the subject. Historically this topic has generated concerns in both development bodies and universities / schools where these people learn or are engaged in professional work. Training teachers is complex and these elements of complexity make necessary a review of paradigms of initial and continuing education. Despite the efforts of the past decades, the lack of teachers in some areas of knowledge is still a big concern, and it can become even worse in the future, what reinforces the importance of new decisions and new directions in order to change this situation. Therefore, the university-school relationship is of fundamental importance, linking and articulating theory and school practice, contextualizing knowledge, renewing and adapting curricula to current times and spaces in order to be able to improve and recover the social and professional value of teachers. From this perspective the education public policies should turn to the encouragement and the rescue of values and principles in quality teacher training. In the course comes the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarships Program - PIBID as an innovative program of teacher education working and adding essential factors to the university-school to reinforce good teaching practices taking up the role of co-developer schools. This research is aimed at analyzing the factors that PIBID inserts in the university-school relationship within IFPR Campus Palmas. The theoretical route was marked by authors as Edgar Morin (2003, 2010a, 2010b, 2012), Enrique Leff (2002a, 2002b, 2003, 2010), Boaventura Sousa Santos (1988, 2010a, 2010b, 2013) Menga Lüdke (2005, 2013), Demerval Saviani (2000, 2013), Paulo Freire (2011), among others, among them official documents of PIBID were used in this research too. The methodological approach with exploratory approach, descriptive explanatory was of fundamental importance through data collected by the documentary analysis (BRAZIL, 2007, 2009, 2013) and in the focus groups activities (GATTI, 2012). The focus groups interlocutors constituted of three groups: Area Coordinators, supervisors and teaching initiation scholarships. The categories were defined a priori from the Programme's objectives and emerging categories identified from the analysis process. After both documentary and interlocutors analysis, it was possible to identify that PIBID inserts the following factors in the university-school relationship: the Recognition of the Profession; Innovative Program and Dialogues of Knowledge. For the recognition of the profession mainly because it is an initial and continuing education program; it approximates theory and practice; upgrades the role of the teacher at school and motivates methodological innovations. This Innovative Program promotes the role of co-educational school and it also approximates knowledge of the school reality and promotes the continuous training. The third emerging category university-school relationship promotes dialogs of knowledge; bringing together theory and practice; it allows information exchange and opens new perspectives for teacher training. Finally, it is possible to realize that besides being a new program, PIBID has promoted visible changes through the actions carried out by all subprojects in partnerships between universities and schools, restoring and giving new meanings to the pedagogical practices.