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The job security issue is crucial for the development of construction due to the need to ensure the health of workers, which is done by means of laws and production management. Thus, among various other laws, was enacted NR-18, in order to ensure the worker's minimum conditions for the development work. Despite legislative developments on the subject, they have become ineffective against the excessive number of accidents in the construction industry, bringing the company to greater in ensuring the health and safety of its workers. In view of this need for improvement of working environment in a general appearance, both for purposes of ensuring the law obedience as comfort for workers and quality of the organization, the System Health Management and Safety (OHSMS) is a valid tool demonstrates the evolution of business management, as well as OHSAS 18001 which proposes to ensure the efficiency and integration of a system geared to safety and health at work by means of implements and adaptations of it, in order to bring significant improvements to conditions of work, especially in the form of a new culture to be adopted by the company. Addressing the problem, this paper aims to develop a management system by OHSAS 18001 which is consistent with the terms of NR-18 as it is this integration of OHSMS Management System of the company as a usual practice of that aims at an improvement of work safety in the business of Buildings.