5 resultados para secret shopping
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
ARAUJO, G. P. ; RAMOS, A. S. M. . Comportamento de Compra por Impulso em Shopping Centers: pesquisa com Consumidores de Brasília-DF e Natal-RN. REAd. Revista Eletrônica de Administração (Porto Alegre. Online) , v. 16, p. 343-364, 2010.
The phenomenon of the informality has been common in the quarrels that involve Sciences Social and Human. First for not corresponding to a temporary and isolated phenomenon, and on the other hand for dealing with a presente situation in the majority of the Brazilian urban centers. In Cuiabá municipality, the alternative commerce appears as a social answer to the problems caused for the economic crisis of the country and seems to be deep-rooted to the urban landscape. This assignment angles was the street peddlers, in special that ones who develop their in a specific location on lowered of Cuiabá. Researches pretending to fill a blank of information about this subject involve theoritical and empirical levels. The theory searched to raise in a generalized manner given pertinent the informality and the pratical level through field research searched to analyze excellent aspects on the economic and occupational situation of a composed sample for two hundred and theree workers who develope the pratical one of the informal commerce in Shopping Popular in Cuiaba/MT. The analysis of gotten data alllowed to appreciate some excellent aspects with regard to the activity os the peddler, as: origni, formation, income, perspectives with regard to activity among others. In las analysis it still alllowed to verify the factors that condition the permanence these workers in this type of informal activity
Os shoppingcenters são grandes instituições repletas de empresas quecompetem entre si formas de como melhor satisfazer as necessidade dosclientes. Sendo assim, cada empresa utiliza-se de estratégias com o intuito deatingir a maior parcela de compradores possíveis sem comprometer suaexistência e sua vantagem competitiva. Este estudo está baseado na teoria dasestratégias competitivas genéricas de Porter (1980; 1985) o qual estabeleceem seu modelo que todas as empresas existentes no mercado possuam pelomenos uma das três abordagens estratégicas (diferenciação, liderança emcusto e enfoque). Desta forma, este trabalho identifica de que maneira estádistribuída as estratégia competitiva nas empresas de shoppingcenters deNatal/RN. Primeiramente buscou-se levantar a relação das estratégias destasempresas com a teoria proposta por Porter (1985) e sua alocação de acordocom os agrupamentos resultantes da combinação das estratégias. Nestemomento, foram aplicados questionários com 89 gerentes de lojas de shoppingcenters que resultou após análises estatísticas em cinco agrupamentos comabordagens válidas. Em seguida foram selecionadas as empresas quepossuíam maior afinidade com cada agrupamento e que melhor representavamos resultados dispostos em cinco clustersacerca da teoria proposta e nestaamostragem foi aplicada entrevista com os gerentes. Os resultados obtidos com as entrevistas validaram a análise dos dados encontrados nosquestionários anteriormente aplicados estando em conformidade com aproposta teoria. Identificou-se também duas modalidades de empresas queutilizavam simultaneamente mais de uma estratégia competitiva (meio-termo),sendo uma dentro e outra fora do modelo proposto pelo autor. Embora omodelo das estratégias competitivas genéricas tenha sido instituído comaspectos voltados as organizações industriais, os resultados obtidos nestetrabalho validaram a aplicação desta teoria em empresas comercias deshopping centers que vem se adequando para obter resultados financeirosmais satisfatórios e melhor posicionamento em relação à concorrência
This study shows the results of an exploratory-descriptive research that aimed to identify the latent dimensions of communication, as well as finding relations between such dimensions and organizational image. The sample came to a total of 267 respondents, being 89 managers or owners and 178 salespeople of clothing and footwear stores that are situated in the main five shopping centers located in Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte. The collection of the data was made by the use of two structuralized and validated instruments, being the answers measured in the likert scale of 6 points. For the measurement of communication it was used the instrument developed by Downs and Hazen (2002), made up of 8 latent dimensions and 32 indicators. For the image it was used the model of Mael and Ashforth (1992) that contains 5 indicators. The analysis of the data was made through of the use of statistical techniques of factorial analysis and structural equations modeling. The results of the factorial analysis demonstrated communication as being formed by five latent dimensions. The modeling, on the other hand, demonstrated to exist positive relations between communication and organizational image, whose results revealed that the image is influenced by the communication with the supervisor, by the organizational integration and as being stronger explained by the vertical communication
A conceptual discussion on architectural type and its role in theory and practice supports the construction of an analytical tool used for recognizing the typological evolution of hospital architecture in Western societies. The same tool is applied to analyze the typological evolution of hospital architecture in Natal, Brazil, through a sample of eighteen hospitals built in the city since the beginnings of 20th century. The conclusion is that typological evolution in Natal is almost the same as occidental one, except for a few singularities that can be explained by local social and economic development