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em Repositório Institucional da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Estilo de vida e vulnerabilidade social dos adolescentes no Bairro de Felipe Camarão, Natal/RN, 2005
Este estudo descreve o estilo de vida e vulnerabilidade dos adolescentes do bairro Felipe Camarão em Natal-RN, a fim de compreender seus comportamentos, conforme vulnerabilidades identificadas. Foram aplicados 145 questionários semi-estruturados entre os adolescentes de 12 a 18 anos, no período de janeiro, a abril de 2005. O estilo de vida descrito, conforme os dados colhidos, informa que 92,4% sabem da importância de se alimentar bem, 86,9% têm sono preservado; 76,5% têm boa relação com seus pais. Porém, 86,9% afirmaram não haver área de lazer/diversão no bairro, enquanto os 31,0% não responderam sobre higiene corporal; 41,4% consomem drogas lícitas (maioria álcool), enquanto 37,9%, as ilícitas (maioria cola); 51,7% dizem que não conversam sobre sexo, enquanto 30,3% conversam com suas mães; 38,0% estão sexualmente ativos, iniciados entre 13 a 16 anos. Os comportamentos de alguns adolescentes estudados indicam um estilo de vida saudável, enquanto outros demonstram justamente o contrário, através de práticas como: pouca participação no lazer, por falta de opção; consumo de drogas lícitas e ilícitas; a falta de diálogo com os pais sobre sexo; relacionamento sexual precoce, somados às condições econômicas e sociais desfavorecidas que os expõem à adoção de um estilo de vida que implica em vulnerabilidade
This study addresses the question of attraction and retention of talent in companies that produce engineering projects in the area of oil and natural gas in the city of Natal. The objectives were to identify the mechanisms that these companies use to attract and retain talented professionals and what the relationship between these practices and performance of these organizations in the market. This is a case study of a qualitative nature which were included in the fullness of companies that work in that class in the capital Potiguar. Have been applied to the managers of these companies structured questionnaires with eleven issues orientativas based on theoretical reference adopted. The research finds that managers understand the word "talent", recognize the importance of the appreciation of its employees and the development of their innate abilities to better organizational performance, much due to the fact they are acting in a market of fierce competition. His companies - though not submit the formal procedures related to the subject in question - have mechanisms that can be characterized as the attraction and retention of talent. The relationships identified in this study are consistent with the results found in other studies and put the information here can serve as the basis for that other managers, including other areas, to reach excellence in their respective industries
This study shows the results of an exploratory-descriptive research that aimed to identify the latent dimensions of communication, as well as finding relations between such dimensions and organizational image. The sample came to a total of 267 respondents, being 89 managers or owners and 178 salespeople of clothing and footwear stores that are situated in the main five shopping centers located in Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte. The collection of the data was made by the use of two structuralized and validated instruments, being the answers measured in the likert scale of 6 points. For the measurement of communication it was used the instrument developed by Downs and Hazen (2002), made up of 8 latent dimensions and 32 indicators. For the image it was used the model of Mael and Ashforth (1992) that contains 5 indicators. The analysis of the data was made through of the use of statistical techniques of factorial analysis and structural equations modeling. The results of the factorial analysis demonstrated communication as being formed by five latent dimensions. The modeling, on the other hand, demonstrated to exist positive relations between communication and organizational image, whose results revealed that the image is influenced by the communication with the supervisor, by the organizational integration and as being stronger explained by the vertical communication