3 resultados para subjected to violence

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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The impact of different irrigation scheduling regimes on the water use, yield and water productivity from a high-density olive grove cv. Cobrançosa in southern Portugal was assessed during the irrigation seasons of 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. The experiments were conducted in a commercial olive orchard at the Herdade Álamo de Cima, near Évora (38o 29' 49.44'' N, 7o 45' 8.83'' W; alt. 75 m) in southern Alentejo, Portugal. The orchard was established with 10-year old Cobrançosa trees in grids of 8.0 x 4.2 m (300 trees ha-1) in the E-W direction, and experiments conducted on a shallow sandy loam Regosoil Haplic soil. From mid-May to the end of September the orchard was irrigated and three plots were subjected to one of two irrigation treatments: a control treatment A, irrigated to replace 100% ETc, a moderate deficit irrigation treatment B irrigated to 70% of ETc, and a more severe deficit irrigation treatment C that provided for approximately 50% of ETc. Daily tree transpiration rates were obtained by continuously monitoring of sap flow in representative trees per treatment. Among the irrigated treatments, water use efficiency (WUE, ratio of water used to irrigation- water applied) of treatment C was the highest, with a value of 0.89, being treatment B slightly lower, with a WUE of 0.76. Olive harvest for 2012 was an exceptional “on year”. Bearing yields showed contrasting differences within years where an “on year” was followed by an “off year”. In 2011 and 2012 treatment B yields were 41 and 50% higher than treatment C, respectively. In 2013 treatment B yield was 45% higher than yield of the fully irrigated treatment A, and treatment C showed practically the same yield than treatment A. In the “on year” of 2014 treatment B averaged 48% higher yield than treatment C. Treatment B farm irrigation water productivity (WPI-Farm, ratio of yield to water applied) was the highest among all treatments. Treatment A showed the lowest conversion efficiency of all treatments, indicating treatment B as the adequate deficit irrigation treatment for our Cobrançosa orchard


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This symposium aims to address some studies on violence in adults, as well as address the job done in an intervention network in domestic violence and a project on the study of violence in the elderly, in Alentejo. Communications: - PREVALÊNCE OF VIOLENCE IN ADULTS- Zangão, Maria Otília; Serra, Isaura; Gemito, Maria Laurência; Pinheiro, Felícia Tavares; Magalhães, Dulce; Marques, Maria de Fátima - SOCIAL REPRESENTATION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Gemito, Maria Laurência; Pinheiro, Felícia Tavares; Zangão, Maria Otília; Serra, Isaura; Magalhães, Dulce; Marques, Maria de Fátima - DOMESTIV VIOLENCE IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF WOMEN WHO LIVE IT - Magalhães, Dulce; Marques, Maria de Fátima; Zangão, Maria Otília; Serra, Isaura; Gemito, Maria Laurência; Pinheiro, Felícia Tavares - INTEGRATED INTERVENTION NETWORK OF DISTRICT OF ÉVORA (RIIDE): A multidisciplinary response to violence - Gemito, Maria Laurência; Pinheiro, Felícia Tavares; Lopes, Manuel - ESACA - Ageing Safely in Alentejo – Understanding for Action - Mendes, Felismina; Gemito, Maria Laurência; Zangão, Maria Otilia; Chora, Maria Antónia; Pereira, Catarina Symposium goal(s): - To present studies on violence in Alentejo. - To discuss the importance of networks in the problem of violence. - To present Project underway on how to age with security in Alentejo. Symposium moderator(s): Maria Otília Brites Zangão Project affiliation:All three studies have resulted in an intervention project against domestic violence "Love me, love me not- Why does the violence exist and why does it not choose ages?" funded by POPH. ESACA Project - Aging Safely in Alentejo - Understanding to act, co-funded by: Alentejo 2020 Portugal 2020 and the European Union.


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Seagrass beds are productive ecosystems that maintain high levels of biodiversity, making them susceptible to anthropogenic pressures such as bivalve harvesting. Nematodes are considered great ecological indicators as changes in their density, diversity and structure may represent changes in the environment. This experimental fieldwork aimed to assess the impact of the bivalve harvesting on the nematodes assemblage of a seagrass bed in the Mira estuary by simulating the digging activity. Two plots were subjected to the digging (D1 and D19) and two plots were control (C11 and C18). The sampling took place in five occasions: T0 – before digging; T1 – 14 days; T2 – 45 days; T3 – 75 days; and T4 – 165 days after digging. The results showed no significant difference in the nematode assemblages’ density, diversity and trophic composition between treatments and sampling times, evidencing their high tolerance for naturally stressed environments and to the level of digging they were exposed; Recuperação natural das comunidades de nematodes bentónicos associados aos povoamentos de Zostera noltii após atividade de marisqueio Resumo: As pradarias marinhas são ecossistemas produtivos que suportam elevados níveis de biodiversidade, pelo que estão sujeitos a pressões antropogénicas. Os nematodes são bons indicadores ecológicos pois respondem rapidamente a qualquer perturbação por alterações na densidade, diversidade e estrutura. Este trabalho experimental teve como finalidade o estudo da recuperação natural das comunidades de nematodes associados aos povoamentos de Zostera noltii pela simulação da atividade de marisqueio. Dois plots foram sujeitos a revolvimento (D1 e D19) e dois plots serviram como controlo (C11 e C18) e foram efetuadas amostragens em cinco ocasiões: T0 – antes do revolvimento; T1 – 14 dias; T2 – 45 dias; T3 – 75 dias; e T4 – 165 dias após revolvimento. Os resultados obtidos não mostraram diferenças significativas na diversidade, densidade e composição trófica das comunidades de nematodes entre tratamentos e tempos de amostragem, evidenciando a sua elevada tolerância a ambientes naturalmente dinâmicos e ao nível de revolvimento a que foram expostas.