5 resultados para students with disability
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
The objective of this work is to present elements of the project Student engagement in Schools (SES). The team consists of 10 researchers from six Universities. Student engagement in schools is a multidimensional construct that unites affective, behavioural, and cognitive dimensions of student adaptation in the school and has influence on students‘outcomes. The team of researchers conceptualized two major studies, a differential study to analyze the relations between SES and contextual factors, personal factors, student’s outcomes, and a quasi-experimental study to analyze the effects on SES of a specific intervention programmes. In study 1, the sample size is around 600 students (150 6th graders, 150 7th graders, 150 9th graders, and 150 10th graders). We shall focus on years of school transition, with rural and urban populations, on different regions of the country, and on students with different family background. We shall conduct questionnaires with national and international scales. The study 2 will involve students in 7th and 9th grade, from four classes, two of the experimental group and two of the control group. Patterns of verbal communications between a teacher and students can influence the classroom environment and SES. This model of communication would result in more effective student management and more time on-task for learning.
A Classificação Internacional da Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde é uma classificação que utiliza uma abordagem biopsicossocial para se compreender e explicar a incapacidade e a funcionalidade. A utilização desta nova abordagem poderá contribuir para se perceber quais os fatores que intervêm na promoção da participação e da realização de tarefas pelas pessoas com necessidades especiais. Este relatório tem como objetivo descrever e analisar críticamente o trabalho realizado no âmbito do apoio aos estudantes com necessidades educativas especiais na Universidade de Évora até 2008. A análise crítica é perspetivada à luz da CIF, procurando identificar os contextos académicos que se constituem como barreiras à participação e atividade destes estudantes, identificando também as estratégias que foram desenvolvidas para as ultrapassar. É ainda abordada a inclusão como única forma para se alcançar uma sociedade mais equitativa que promova o respeito da cidadania e da qualidade de vida de todos. A aposta na formação, como agente de mudança das forma de estar, pensar, sentir e agir e na procura incessante pelo desenvolvimento de uma universidade mais justa e mais humana, parece ser o caminho para alcançar o desiderato duma universidade inclusiva; ABSTRACT: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health is a classification that uses a bio psychosocial approach to understand and explain disability and functioning. Using this new approach could help to understand the factors involved in promoting participation and perform tasks for people with special needs. This report aims to describe and crítically analyze the work done in support of students with special needs at the University of Évora until 2008. The review is taken using of CIF, trying to identify the academic contexts which constitute barriers to participation and activity of these students, also by identifying the strategies that have been developed to overcome them. It also discusses the inclusion as the only way to achieve a more equitable society that promotes respect of citizenship and quality of life for all. A focus on training as an agent of change in the form of being, thinking, feeling and acting and the relentless pursuit by the development of a university fairer and more humane, seems to be the way to achieve the desideratum of an inclusive university.
Climate in the classroom is one of the determining factors in the development of practices in Inclusive Education. Many factors contribute to the climate in the classroom. However, there are predominance on affective-relational factors, with impact on action, norms and values, social interactions and learning processes. In this paper, the authors reflect on four studies which aim to identify and evaluate the relationship between several agents in the teaching–learning process (regular teachers, special education teachers and peer students) and the students with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Disability and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The studies were held in Primary Portuguese schools. The results are presented and discussed in their similarities and differences. The discussion shows that relationships between teachers and children with Special Education Needs (SEN) differ from those between teachers and typical children, but also according to different SEN. In general, there are not significant differences between regular teachers and special education teachers
O presente estudo, de carácter quantitativo e qualitativo, assenta na temática do insucesso escolar. O mesmo foi orientado pela questão de partida que o perspectivou: “Quais as causas, consequências e dimensão do fenómeno do insucesso escolar nos alunos que iniciaram, em 1999/2000, a sua escolaridade, no concelho de Ourique? Baseados no quadro conceptual de um estudo de caso, seleccionámos uma “coorte” de alunos, que entrevistámos, com vista a inteirarmo-nos das experiências e situações reais que os conduziram a situações de insucesso escolar procurando dar resposta aos seguintes objectivos: 1) avaliar, quantitativamente, o insucesso escolar na população discente seleccionada; 2) identificar as, eventuais, causas do insucesso escolar verificado; 3) identificar as, eventuais, consequências do insucesso escolar verificado; 4) avaliar possíveis intervenções no sentido de mitigar o fenómeno do insucesso escolar. Para tal, analisámos o percurso escolar de um universo de 46 alunos, entre 1999/2000 e 2007/08, tendo verificado que 24 desses alunos vivenciaram episódios de insucesso escolar, ao longo do seu trajecto académico. Destes, entrevistámos 12 alunos, tendo essa abordagem possibilitado ir de encontro aos nossos objectivos. Através da análise e interpretação dos dados recolhidos, concluímos que: 1) a taxa de insucesso escolar é superior a 50%, na coorte de alunos que iniciaram a sua escolaridade, no ano lectivo 1999/00, no concelho de Ourique; 2) há uma forte participação dos pais e encarregados de educação nas vivências escolares dos alunos (80% do total da amostra); 3) o número médio de retenções, nos alunos com episódios de insucesso escolar, é de 1,5 retenções; 4) o 7.º ano de escolaridade é o ano em que se verifica um maior número de retenções, seguido do 4.º ano de escolaridade; 5) a maioria dos alunos (58,3%) encontra-se relativamente distante do seu meio familiar; 6) um número significativo de alunos com episódios de insucesso escolar (83,3%) referiu que recebe apoio da família; 7) a incapacidade individual foi a causa do insucesso escolar mais referida/inferida pelos entrevistados; 8) evidenciou-se que retenções precoces induzem a retenções posteriores; 9) a importância do 1.º Ciclo é relevante, quando os entrevistados indicam que a falta de apoio no 1.º Ciclo terá induzido a situações futuras de insucesso escolar. No final deste trabalho são efectuadas propostas que possam potenciar futuras investigações, nomeadamente de investigação acção, promovendo intervenção; ### Abstract: The schools failure: The causes of consequences in context the Agrupamento Vertical de Ourique The present study, of quantitative and qualitative content, is based on the thematic of the failure rate in schools. The study was oriented towards the fundamental issue which has been put in perspective: “What are the causes, consequences and dimension of the phenomena of the failure rate in schools that can be seen in the students that started in 1999/2000 their school education in the municipality of Ourique?” Based on the conceptual framework of a study case, we selected a group of students, which we interviewed, in order to know about the real experiences and situations that led them to situations of school failure, trying to give answers and to achieve the following goals: 1) to evaluate quantitatively the school failure of the selected students population; 2) to identify the eventual causes of the verified school failure; 3) to identify the eventual consequences of the verified school failure; 4) to evaluate the possible interventions in order to minimize the school failure phenomena. Therefore, we analysed the school path of an amount of 46 students between 1999/2000 and 2007/2008 and we reached the conclusion that 24 of those students experienced episodes of school failure. We interviewed 12 of those 24 and that approach permitted us to reach our goals. Through the analysis and the interpretation of the collected data we conclude that: 1) the rate of school failure is over 50% in the group of students that started their schooling in the school year 1999/2000 in the municipality of Ourique; 2) there is a strong participation of parents and tutors in the students’ school life( 80% of the sample); 3) the average number of retention in the students with episodes of school failure is 1, 5 retentions; 4) the 7th grade is the one in which we verify the highest number of retentions followed by the 4th grade ; 5) the majority of the students (53,8%) are far away from their family environment; 6) a significant number of students with episodes of school failure (83,3%) referred that they get support from their family; 7) the individual incapacity was the most referred/inferred cause of school failure by the ones who were interviewed ; 8) it became an evidence that early retentions lead to future retentions; 9) the importance of the basic education is relevant when the interviewed students show that the lack of support in the basic education should have led to future situations of school failure. At the end of this work we present some proposals that can lead to future investigation, namely of investigation/action promoting intervention.
Com a realização deste trabalho pretendemos apurar as Respostas Curriculares e Educativas disponibilizadas entre 1997 e 2007 às crianças com síndrome X Frágil, no concelho de Alandroal. Foi privilegiada uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, que recorre à análise de conteúdos de documentos presentes nos processos dos cinco alunos sinalizados e também a actas dos conselhos de docentes e de turma. Depois de analisados os resultados, constatou-se que o tipo de respostas curriculares e/ou educativas mais utilizadas para esta população, assentou numa dimensão predominantemente pedagógica, mas também se salientam as dimensões terapêutica e curricular. Para tal, registou-se o recurso a espaços físicos, à legislação, a recursos didácticos e humanos, bem como a parcerias que se estabeleceram dentro e fora do concelho do Alandroal. As estratégias mais utilizadas para cada aluno em particular mereceram também a nossa atenção; ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to find out the "curricular/educational" responses that were in-place to meet the needs of the students with Fragile X syndrome, in the Alandroal’s county, between 1997/2007. A qualitative methodological approach has been preferred, consisting on the analysis of the documents present in the student’s individual processes (which have been referred for special education) and also in some minutes of the teacher’s council meetings and class council. Results have shown that the most used response within this population was mainly connected to the pedagogic dimension, but also it was also based on the therapeutic and curricular dimensions. So, it has been used resources related to physical spaces, legislation, human and didactic, as well as to partnerships inside and outside Alandroal’s county. Specific strategies used on particular students did also have our special attention.