6 resultados para staged authenticity

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Este estudo procurou conhecer a realidade do insucesso/abandono escolares no Concelho de Alandroal, no período de 1997-2007, identificando as causas das duas problemáticas e as medidas educativas de resolução, a partir de uma amostra de 41 sujeitos. Pretendemos identificar e caracterizar os episódios de insucesso e abandono escolares protagonizados por um grupo de alunos que iniciaram o seu percurso escolar em 1996/1997, no Concelho de Alandroal. No corpus teórico deste estudo, procedemos à revisão da literatura e à análise de normativos legais que abordam e regulamentam esta temática, de maneira a olhar para ela, de forma reflexiva. Ao nível do corpus empírico, utilizámos uma metodologia quantitativa/qualitativa, no sentido de obtermos o melhor conhecimento e interpretação desta realidade. Os resultados permitem concluir que existe uma relação entre as causas individuais, familiares, escolares e do meio envolvente que levaram ao insucesso e abandono escolares. Sublinhou-se a importância da implementação de medidas educativas adequadas e a sua relação com as instituições do concelho de Alandroal que levaram parte dos sujeitos a concluir o ensino obrigatório com sucesso; ABSTRACT: This study aimed to know the reality of failure / dropping out of school in the Municipality of Alandroal in the period 1997-2007, identifying the causes of both problems and educational measures of resolution, from a sample of 41 subjects. We intend to identify and characterize the episodes of school failure and dropping out staged by a group of students who started their schooling in 1996/1997, Municipality of Alandroal. In the theoretical corpus of this study, we carried out the literature review and analysis of legal norms that regulate and address this issue in order to look at her reflectively. In terms of empirical corpus, we used a method quantitative / qualitative, in order to obtain a better understanding and interpretation of reality. The results indicate that there is a relationship between the causes of individual, family, school and environment that led to failure and early school leaving. It underlined the importance of implementing appropriate educational measures and their relationship with the institutions of the county of Alandroal that led the subjects to complete the compulsory education successfully.


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La Tunisie a été toujours considérée comme terre de rencontre de plusieurs civilisations, compte tenu de son emplacement stratégique et de son histoire très enracinée. En effet, depuis l’Antiquité ce pays a connu l’installation ou le passage de plusieurs ethnies, qui ont profondément marqué les trois milles ans de son Histoire en dépit de la période ou de la nature de l’occupation et dont les traces constituent aujourd’hui le patrimoine de ce pays. Cet héritage matériel et immatériel semble être parmi les plus riche de la Méditerranée, pour ce, plusieurs villes historiques et sites archéologiques ont été inscrites sur la liste du patrimoine mondial depuis plusieurs décennies. Plusieurs composantes de ce patrimoine furent l’objet de certains projets d’inventaire et d’études, de sauvegarde et de valorisation, tels les sites archéologiques libyques, puniques ou romains, ou même les villes arabo-islamiques. Plusieurs musées, circuits culturels et Parcs archéologiques furent crées. D’autres projets de mise en valeur sont en cours, tels ceux des villes et des villages andalous ou ceux des villages montagneux et des Ksours du sud tunisien… alors que le patrimoine architectural espagnol en Tunisie n’a pas eu jusqu’à présent l’intérêt qu’il mérite malgré son importance et son authenticité et doit être aujourd’hui sauvegardé, mis en valeur et intégré dans la vie patrimoniale et le les circuits culturels et touristiques de la région. Le présent travail réalisé dans le cadre du mémoire de master traite la problématique de la sauvegarde et la mise en valeur d’un monument de type défensif comme cas d’étude. Il s’agit de la Karraka, forteresse bâtie à la ville de la Goulette réagissant à son milieu comme un organisme vivant avec toutes ses variations et déformations de volumes et surtout dans cette typologie dite défensive en se concentrant sur le rôle magistral de la Karraka. L’objectif final de ce projet est de mettre en valeur la validité d’une perception dynamique du patrimoine à travers l’étude de ce monument défensif dans son contexte historique et géographique en particulier et l’essai sur l’histoire de la Goulette; ABSTRACT: Tunisia has always been considered as the meeting earth of several civilizations regarding its strategic position on its deep rooted history. Since the antiquity this country was known the installation or the passage of several ethnics which deeply marqued the three Milles years of its history despite the difficult period of the French occupation its traces are still the country's heritage. This tangible and intangible heritage seems to be among the richest in the Mediterranean in several historic towns and archaeological sites have been listed on the World Heritageas well List for several decades. Many components of this heritage were the object of some inventory projects and studies, Backup and recovery, such the archaeological sites Libyan, Punic, Roman, and even the Arab Islamic cities. Many museums created cultural tours and archaeological parks, we have also other development projects are on the way, such as the Andalusian villages and those of mountain villages and southern Tunisia Ksours….. While the heritage of Spanish architecture in Tunisia has no interest despite its importance and authenticity it must be saved, and it must integrated into the life and heritage and the cultural tours of the region. This work carried out under the master thesis deals with the problem of preservation and development of a defensive type of monument as a case study “ Karraka” This fortress was built in the city of « La Goulette » reacting to his environment as a living organism with all its variations and volume deformations and especially in this so-called defensive typology by focusing on the role of magisterial Karraka. The final objective of this project is to highlight the validity of a dynamic perception of heritage through the study of the defensive monument in its historical and geographical context in particular and the article on the history of « La Goulette ».


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Esta investigação pretende articular a Teoria do Reconhecimento de Axel Honneth com a Ética da Autenticidade de Charles Taylor e complementar este diálogo com a Teoria da Dádiva, que tem vindo a ser desenvolvida por vários autores franceses e latino-americanos. A autenticidade foi, ao longo da história ocidental, considerada como sendo uma busca individual do eu, baseada numa racionalidade desvinculada, que não considerava os horizontes de sentido ou as relações com os outros significantes. Através da teoria de Taylor, essa perspetiva mudou: a autenticidade agora é descrita como um ideal moral dialógico, fundamentada no reconhecimento. Neste percurso do reconhecimento procuramos aprofundar não só a ideia de luta, mas também a relação de mutualidade da dádiva fundamentada no reconhecimento simbólico. Nesse sentido, o individualismo, neutralismo e a distinção entre esfera pública e privada, usados como critérios hermenêuticos para os Direitos Humanos, são substituídos pela autenticidade, reconhecimento e dádiva, num aprofundamento político-normativo de forma a contribuir para uma sociedade mais inclusiva e para a renovação ética dos Direitos Humanos; ABSTRACT: This research aims to articulate Axel Honneth’s Theory of Recognition with Charles Taylor’s Ethics of Authenticity, supplementing and weaving them with the Theory of Gift, which has been developed by several French and Latin-American authors. Authenticity has been considered, throughout western history, to be an individual search of the self, based on a detached rationality that did not take into consideration the horizons of meaning/sense or relations with the significant others. Along with Taylor’s theory, such perspective has changed: authenticity is now described as a dialogic moral ideal, grounded on recognition. In this route towards recognition we seek to deepen not only the idea of struggle, but also the mutual relation of gift grounded on symbolic recognition. In that sense, individualism, neutrality and distinction between public and private spheres, used as hermeneutic criteria for Human Rights, are replaced by authenticity, recognition and gifting, in a political-normative depth, in order to contribute to a more inclusive society and to an ethical renewal of Human Rights.


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As Cidades Património Mundial são um elemento fundamental para a captação de turistas e visitantes. O estatuto de ‘Património Mundial’ faz com que estas cidades, com a chancela da UNESCO, funcionem como uma distinção simbólica para atraírem turistas que procuram conhecer e experienciar uma cultura com autenticidade e a história de um outro povo. A cidade de Évora foi classificada, em 1986, pela UNESCO como Património Mundial devido, especialmente, ao seu centro histórico que contempla características arquitetónicas singulares. O turista cultural apresenta diferentes motivações que podem estar associadas a questões sociais, pessoais e educativas. São as motivações do turista cultural ligadas aos atributos culturais do destino que contribuem para o seu grau de satisfação. Compreender o processo da satisfação do turista cultural em cidades património mundial é fundamental para o futuro de um destino turístico. O presente artigo pretende identificar o grau de satisfação global do turista e/ou visitante na cidade de Évora.


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Memória e identidade encontram-se intrinsecamente ligadas ao património arquitectónico. Sensíveis ao passar do tempo, estes conceitos adaptaram-se atribuindo aos sítios novos significados. O Mosteiro de São Bento de Cástris em Évora, classificado como Monumento Nacional e sendo o primeiro mosteiro cisterciense a Sul do Tejo, foi também celeiro agrícola e mais tarde instituição de acolhimento de menores, encontra-se actualmente desocupado. Questiona-se assim, qual a actual identidade deste lugar? Através do estudo dos valores culturais materiais e imateriais do lugar, no período entre 1957 a 2016, esta investigação procurará identificar esta identidade através do registo das memórias recentes do lugar, da bibliografia específica e da análise do conjunto edificado. Considerando os princípios emanados pela UNESCO que consideram que a preservação do património deve respeitar a autenticidade e integridade dos bens culturais, que permanece na identidade registada na memória, procurouse entender a relação entre a contínua utilização do mosteiro e a estima colectiva por este património arquitectónico, essencial para a continuidade da sua identidade no futuro; The Monastery of São Bento de Cástris: Memory and Identity ABSTRACT: Memory and identity are intrinsically connected to architectural heritage. Their adaptability through time, results in the development of new meanings to the places. The Monastery of São Bento de Cástris in Évora, classified as National Heritage, the first Cistercian monastery built in the South of Portugal, was later a farm barn, a foster care institution and is now empty. Thus a question is posed: what is the current identity of this monastery? Through the study of the place’s material and immaterial cultural values, focus on the period from 1957-2016, this research aims to identify the identity based on the memories of the place, in specific bibliography, and in the analysis of the built environment. Following the UNESCO principles which consider that heritage conservation should respect the integrity and authenticity of the cultural assets, the impact of the continuous usage of the monastery was studied as a method to understand the collective esteem for this architectural heritage, which is vital to the preservation of its identity in the future.


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‘Urban identity’ is high on the policy agenda and pervades the discourse of the planning community on the value of historical city centres. Unfortunately, there seems to be, until today, no proposal in scholarly literature of any unified conceptual framework or any tools to make identity operational. ‘Tourism’ takes advantage of this process, by seeking the qualities of the place, its authenticity and its perceived uniqueness that is grounded on the physical features as well as on the presence of local communities – their way of living and investing in the place. The interdependence between identity as perceived by tourists (external observer) and the identity of the residents rooted in the relationship with the place (in-group) are key to addressing the identity of historic urban areas. These issues are addressed in the context of the growing attractiveness of Lisbon, Portugal, using a historic neighbourhood as a case study. The findings, which are on a set of interviews with different groups of users, showed the points of convergence and divergence between the different groups’ views of the neighbourhood’s identity. This actor-oriented approach is pivotal to understanding the process and to produce knowledge for informed action.