5 resultados para social sustainability

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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O presente relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) visa descrever e explicitar o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito das Unidades Curriculares Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Creche e em Jardim-de-Infância do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar da Universidade de Évora, com o objetivo de promover a sustentabilidade ambiental, económica, cultural e social, nestes dois contextos. Tendo como ponto de partida o interesse pessoal pela temática que considero fundamental ser promovida e trabalhada precocemente (em creche e jardim de infância), com vista ao desenvolvimento de uma literacia ambiental, acresceu a constatação de práticas de sustentabilidade ambiental, económica cultural e social pouco consolidadas na instituição onde decorreu a PES. O recurso à escala ERS-SDEC, num processo de investigação ação, onde a análise, reflexão e avaliação conduziu a um planeamento intencional e a uma ação educativa que envolveu crianças, famílias, equipa educativa e comunidade, promovendo aprendizagens e produzindo mudanças ao nível da adoção de hábitos e práticas mais sustentáveis. Foram essenciais para a concretização dos objetivos da PES, a inscrição da instituição no Programa Eco Escolas, os princípios pedagógicos do Movimento da Escola Moderna e as Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-escolar; ABSTRACT: This report of Supervised Teaching Practice (STP) aims to describe and explain the work carried out within the framework of the courses Supervised Teaching Practice in Creche and Preschool of the Masters degree in Preschool Education of the University of Évora, in order to promote environmental, economic, cultural and social sustainability in these two contexts. The starting point was my personal interest on the theme, which I consider fundamental promoting early on (in creche and Preschool), to develop an environmental literacy, as well as the realization that environmental sustainability practices were poorly consolidated in the institution where I developed the STP. The use of the ERS-SDEC scale, in a process of research-action, where the analysis, reflection and evaluation led to an intentional planning and an educational activity involving children, families, educational staff and community, promoting learning, changing habits and developing more sustainable practices. It was essential the enrollment in the Eco-Schools Program, the adoption of the pedagogic principles of the Modern School Movement and of the Portuguese Curricular Guidelines for Preschool Education.


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Cork, as a natural product provided by the bark of the cork oak tree, is an important staple of the Portuguese economy and important to Portuguese culture. It is a sustainable product with a positive ecological footprint, from harvesting to industrial production, with the advantage of creating a local economic model through regional labour activity and distribution. Within the balance between nature-human-economy to create a sustainable system, cork production in Portugal represents a human and social dimension. By focusing on that dimension and by creating an awareness of the cultural and social impact of the activity and by re-appraising the meaning of the material within the culture, the study reframes a consideration of the actual place of labour and production. The human, geophysical, historical, social, economic, ecological and cultural aspects of the place are observed as regards their relation to work or labour in that physical space. A pilot study is being developed in the village of Azaruja in the district of Évora, Portugal. In this small locality, cork is very important in terms of the relationships between the physical subsistence of their residents and the local natural resources, because it structures the place in its cultural, social and economical dimensions. This paper outlines the theoretical foundations, the process and the outcomes of the participatory ecodesign project titled Creative Practices Around the Production of Cork which was initiated by a Portuguese artist/design researcher and developed further through the collaboration with the other two authors, one a Portuguese visual artist/researcher and the other a Turkish fashion designer/theorist. The investigation focuses on questions that expand the notion of place for artists and designers, filtered through the lenses of manual labourers in order to understand their physical, social, cultural and economic relationship with the environment. To create the process of interaction with the place and the people, a creative collaborative dynamic is developed between the authors with their range of artistic sensibilities and the local population. To adopt a holistic notion of sustainability and cultural identity a process of investigation is designated to: (1) analyse, test and interpret - through the dissemination of life stories, visual representation of the place and the creation of cork objects - the importance of culture related to the labour activity of a local natural resource that determines and structures the region; (2) to give public recognition to those involved, taking into account their sense of belonging to the place and in order to show the value of their sustainable labour activities related to local natural resources; (3) to contribute to the knowledge of the place and to its dynamism through an aesthetic approach to labour activities. With reference to fields of knowledge such as anthropology, the social arts and sustainable design, a practice-based research is conducted with collaborative and participatory design methods to create an open model of interaction which involves local people in the realization of the project. Outcomes of this research will be presented in the paper as a survey analysis with theoretical conclusions.


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O presente trabalho aborda a problemática da Responsabilidade Social Empresarial no âmbito das Pequenas e Médias Empresas, e corresponde à dissertação exigida para conclusão do Mestrado em Gestão da Universidade de Évora. Analisa-se o 'estado da arte' naquela matéria, verifica-se que o problema da responsabilidade social não é uma novidade das últimas décadas e apresenta-se o resultado da aplicação no Alentejo de um inquérito utilizado no Brasil pela Ethos-Sebrae para medir a consciencialização das PME relativamente às questões da Responsabilidade Social. Conclui-se pela necessidade de implementar acções de formação, sensibilização e assessoria, junto dos pequenos empresários, através de Instituições sem fins lucrativos. ABSTRACT: This work is focused on the subjects of small and medium size enterprises concerning the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and it is the required exposition for the conclusion of the Master’s degree in Management given by the University of Évora. lt contains the analysis of the "state of the art" in this subject, confirming that the problem of social responsibility is not a new concern in the last decades. Besides it presents the result of the application in Alentejo of an inquire used in Brazil by Ethos- Sebrae to measure the level of conscience of the small and medium size companies in what concerns to their social responsibility. lt comes to the conclusion it is required that non-profit institutions should implement workshops, actions of awareness and advisory directed to small enterprisers.


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A responsabilidade social é considerada fundamental para a conquista de vantagens competitivas organizacionais. A integração dos seus princípios na estratégia da organização, apresenta-se como uma linha orientadora do foco na satisfação de necessidades das partes interessadas internas e externas. As actuais limitações orçamentais têm afectado significativamente as Instituições de Ensino Superior, nomeadamente as localizadas no interior de Portugal continental, o que dificulta ainda mais a crescente diminuição de estudantes sendo necessário a implementação de estratégias de captação de estudantes nos vários ciclos, fases de idade e locais de proveniência. O sistema de gestão da responsabilidade social, referenciado na NP 4469.1:2008, apresenta um grande desafio ao modelo de gestão das organizações que o implementam, já que este sistema de gestão tem o potencial de optimizar os interesses das diversas partes interessadas. O foco da instituição passa a ser os das suas partes interessadas, maximizando os seus impactes positivos e minimizando os seus impactes negativos em resultado das suas actividades e decisões. O aumento da eficácia organizacional e a equidade dos interesses das partes interessadas, podem clarificar as funções estratégicas das Instituições de Ensino Superior. Os programas e práticas de responsabilidade social implementados nas Instituições de Ensino Superior do interior de Portugal continental são assim estrategicamente vistos, como um factor de diferenciação positiva face às suas congéneres e em consequência, assumido como um factor para a sua sustentabilidade. A presente investigação procura identificar um modelo de governação socialmente responsável que se comprometa com a dinamização de uma estratégia que preveja práticas de responsabilidade social condutoras a aumentos na confiança e reputação organizacionais nos estudantes e colaboradores das Instituições de Ensino Superior. Tendo por base a abordagem de investigação qualitativa, realizaram-se estudos de caso em duas Instituições de Ensino Superior localizadas no Alentejo, recorrendo-se a várias fontes de informação: entrevistas a 45 entrevistados, entre elementos da governação, colaboradores e estudantes, análise documental e observação participante. Como técnica de tratamento dos dados utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo através do software Atlas Ti. Os resultados da investigação empírica permitem identificar que, as duas Instituições de Ensino Superior melhoraram em termos de visibilidade externa e interna, havendo entrevistados que referem uma melhoria na confiança e reputação em resultado da adesão a práticas de responsabilidade social. O líder de uma das Instituições de Ensino Superior é reconhecido pelos seus pares como de elevado compromisso para com os princípios da responsabilidade social enquanto que o outro líder não é reconhecido da mesma forma. Os estudantes entrevistados, não reconhecem vantagens em resultado das práticas de responsabilidade social tanto ao nível da confiança como reputação organizacional; ABSTRACT: Social responsibility is considered essential to the achievement of organizational competitive advantage. The integration of its principles in the organization's strategy, presents itself as a guiding line focus on meeting the needs of internal and external stakeholders. The current budgetary constraints have significantly affected the higher education institutions, further hindering the increasing decline of students being required to implement student recruitment strategies in the various cycles of age stages and places of origin. The management system of social responsibility, referenced in NP 4469.1:2008, presents a major challenge to the model of management of organizations implementing it, since this management system, has the potential to optimize the interests of the various stakeholders. The focus of the institution happens to be out of their stakeholders, maximizing its positive impacts and minimizing the negative impacts as a result of its activities and decisions. Increased organizational effectiveness and equity interests of stakeholders can clarify the strategic functions of the higher education institutions. Social responsibility programs and Social responsibility practices implemented in higher education institutions in the interior of mainland Portugal are so strategically seen as a positive differentiating factor compared to their counterparts and therefore assumed to be a factor in their sustainability. This research seeks to identify socially responsible governance model that is committed to the promotion of a strategy which envisages conducting social responsibility practices to increases in organizational trust and reputation among students and employees of higher education institutions. Based on the qualitative research approach, there were case studies in two higher education institutions located in the Alentejo, making use of several sources of information: interviews with 45 respondents, between elements of governance, employees and students, document analysis and participant observation. As data processing technique was used content analysis by instrumental Atlas Ti. The results of empirical research identifying that the two higher education institutions have improved in terms of internal and external visibility, with respondents who report an improvement in confidence and reputation as a result of adherence to Social responsibility practices. The leader of one of the higher education institutions are recognized by their peers as high commitment to the principles of social responsibility while the other leader is not recognized in the same way. Students do not recognize advantages as a result of social responsibility practices both in terms of trust and organizational reputation.


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The relationship between the themes of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Social Responsibility (CSR) through the concepts, approaches and models of excellence is a reality of sustainable and stable companies. Being organizations, people, act correctly and rightly do in society go through a quality management and social responsibility thereof. It is based on these two philosophies (Total Quality Management and Corporate Social Responsibility), which developed this literature review work, essentially based on a relational analysis in two papers, namely: "TQM and CSR Nexus" by Ghobadian et al. (2007) and "The Corporate Social Responsibility Audit Within the Quality Management Framework," de Kok et al. (2001) and applied to an organizational situation in concrete: the Nabeiro Delta Cafés Group - SGPS, SA.