4 resultados para sandstone

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb analyses have been conducted on detrital zircon of Upper Triassic sandstone from the Alentejo and Algarve basins in southwest Iberia. The predominance of Neoproterozoic, Devonian, Paleoproterozoic and Carboniferous detrital zircon ages confirms previous studies that indicate the locus of the sediment source of the late Triassic Alentejo Basin in the pre-Mesozoic basement of the South Portuguese and Ossa-Morena zones. Suitable sources for the Upper Triassic Algarve sandstone are the Upper Devonian–Lower Carboniferous of the South Portuguese Zone (Phyllite–Quartzite and Tercenas formations) and the Meguma Terrane (present-day in Nova Scotia). Spatial variations of the sediment sources of both Upper Triassic basins suggest a more complex history of drainage than previously documented involving other source rocks located outside present-day Iberia. The two Triassic basins were isolated from each other with the detrital transport being controlled by two independent drainage systems. This study is important for the reconstruction of the late Triassic paleogeography in a place where, later, the opening of the Central Atlantic Ocean took place separating Europe from North America.


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(Introdução): Après une formation en architecture, la participation au Master TPTI a été une occasion précieuse pour acquérir de nouvelles connaissances, théoriques et pratiques, en rapport avec l'histoire, le patrimoine et l’environnement dans son sens le plus large. Ces dimensions ont souvent été d’un grand apport pour bien des oeuvres et interventions architecturales et leur ont permis de convaincre et de s’imposer au temps. Elles occupent également une place devenue de plus en plus importante dans la réflexion sur bien des sujets dont la gestion territoriale et l’exploitation des ressources naturelles. Leur considération favorise des approches intégrées et est même indispensable pour toute oeuvre ou intervention visant la durabilité. Elle est, en tout cas, indispensable pour l’étude d’un thème comme celui des friches liées à l’exploitation des ressources naturelles, que nous tentons d’aborder dans ce mémoire à travers le cas des carrières de grès-calcaire des environs de la ville de Korba, en Tunisie. En effet, par ses enseignements variées et pluridisciplinaires, le Master TPTI, nous a offert une ouverture sur l'histoire et l'anthropologie des techniques ainsi que la conservation, la gestion et la valorisation du patrimoine industriel, historique et culturel. En plus des séminaires et des contacts directs avec des professionnels de différents domaines et pays, une place importante a été accordée aux visites de terrains. A tout cela s'ajoute une mobilité de spécialité, qui dans notre cas, a eu lieu au Département d'Economie à l'Université d'Alicante. Le premier volet de ce mémoire sera consacré au projet personnel qui traite, comme évoqué plus haut, des carrières de Korba et ses environs. Il est le fruit d'un travail au cours duquel nous avons essayé, sur les deux années du Master, de tirer profit des différents enseignements dispensés afin d’enrichir notre réflexion sur le thème.


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Currently, the identification of two cryptic Iberian amphibians, Discoglossus galganoi Capula, Nascetti, Lanza, Bullini and Crespo, 1985 and Discoglossus jeanneae Busack, 1986, relies on molecular characterization. To provide a means to discern the distributions of these species, we used 385-base-pair sequences of the cytochrome b gene to identify 54 Spanish populations of Discoglossus. These data and a series of environmental variables were used to build up a logistic regression model capable of probabilistically designating a specimen of Discoglossus found in any Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid cell of 10 km × 10 km to one of the two species. Western longitudes, wide river basins, and semipermeable (mainly siliceous) and sandstone substrates favored the presence of D. galganoi, while eastern longitudes, mountainous areas, severe floodings, and impermeable (mainly clay) or basic (limestone and gypsum) substrates favored D. jeanneae. Fifteen percent of the UTM cells were predicted to be shared by both species, whereas 51% were clearly in favor of D. galganoi and 34% were in favor of D. jeanneae, considering odds of 4:1. These results suggest that these two species have parapatric distributions and allow for preliminary identification of potential secondary contact areas. The method applied here can be generalized and used for other geographic problems posed by cryptic species.


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Laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb analyses were conducted on detrital zircons of Triassic sandstone and conglomerate from the Lusitanian basin in order to: i) document the age spectra of detrital zircon; ii) compare U–Pb detrital zircon ages with previous published data obtained from Upper Carboniferous, Ordovician, Cambrian and Ediacaran sedimentary rocks of the pre-Mesozoic basement of western Iberia; iii) discuss potential sources; and iv) test the hypothesis of sedimentary recycling. U–Pb dating of zircons established a maximum depositional age for this deposit as Permian (ca. 296Ma),which is about sixty million years older compared to the fossil content recognized in previous studies (Upper Triassic). The distribution of detrital zircon ages obtained points to common source areas: the Ossa–Morena and Central Iberian zones that outcrop in and close to the Porto–Tomar fault zone. The high degree of immaturity and evidence of little transport of the Triassic sediment suggests that granite may constitute primary crystalline sources. The Carboniferous age of ca. 330 Ma for the best estimate of crystallization for a granite pebble in a Triassic conglomerate and the Permian–Carboniferous ages (ca. 315Ma) found in detrital zircons provide evidence of the denudation of Variscan and Cimmerian granites during the infilling of continental rift basins in western Iberia. The zircon age spectra found in Triassic strata are also the result of recycling from the Upper Carboniferous Buçaco basin,which probably acted as an intermediate sediment repository.U–Pb data in this study suggest that the detritus from the Triassic sandstone and conglomerate of the Lusitanian basin is derived fromlocal source areas with features typical of Gondwana,with no sediment from external sources from Laurussia or southwestern Iberia.