4 resultados para reintegration

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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A evidência demonstra que as patologias do humor ocupam um lugar de destaque no panorama nacional. Elas são objeto de atenção dos enfermeiros e impõemse como um compromisso para a formação pessoal e profissional. Procurei então desenvolver competências clínicas de avaliação diagnóstica e de intervenção em contexto de cuidados, no domínio da saúde mental e psiquiatria. E apresentar sob a forma de relatório de estágio todo este processo. Dotado de um conjunto de conhecimentos prévios desenvolvi com os doentes estratégias de intervenção. Estas foram definidas a partir de uma avaliação diagnóstica que sistematicamente foi reformulada em função dos resultados que iam sendo obtidos com as respetivas intervenções. Os resultados demonstram que esta intervenção permitiu aos doentes mudar a forma como se veem, aumentar a sua capacidade de afirmação, expressar os seus sentimentos e pensamentos e, estabelecer a autoconfiança no sentido de facilitar o processo de reintegração familiar e social; ABSTRACT: PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION OF THE PATIENT WITH DEPRESSION Evidence shows that the pathologies humour occupy a prominent place on the national scene. They are nurses object of attention and impose themselves as a commitment to personal and professional development. I looked then develop clinical skills diagnostic assessment and intervention in the context of care in the field of mental health and psychiatry. And in the form of internship report this whole process. With a set of previous knowledge developed with patients intervention strategies. These were defined from a diagnostic evaluation that has been systematically reformulated depending on the results that were being achieved with the respective intervention. The results show that this intervention allowed the patients change the way they come, increase their assertiveness, express their feelings and thoughts and establish the confidence to facilitate the process of family and social reintegration.


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A escassez de parâmetros técnicos e científicos e o caráter subjetivo que em regra preside à escolha de determinado material, produto ou técnica suscitaram o interesse pelo presente tema onde se procurou aumentar as ferramentas de análise e de apoio à decisão em intervenções de conservação do património azulejar. Procurou compreender-se o azulejo a nível histórico, estético, técnico e material, estudando-o do ponto de vista físico, químico e mineralógico. Comparando o azulejo com as réplicas produzidas para intervenções de conservação e restauro estudadas, concluiu-se que as suas composições, química e mineralógica, são diferentes, embora não se verifiquem tantas dissemelhanças ao nível das propriedades físicas. As linhas orientadoras da conservação e restauro de azulejo foram lançadas por Santos Simões a partir dos anos 40 do séc. XX e, desde então, foi-se desenvolvendo um pouco à margem das restantes áreas de especialidade, mesmo ao nível do ensino. Os resultados do inquérito internacional junto dos profissionais que trabalham em conservação e restauro de azulejo in situ corroboram de certo modo este facto e, simultaneamente, permitem uma apreensão da situação atual. Constatou-se uma quase total ausência de documentação sobre intervenções realizadas, mas a análise de casos de estudo e de relatórios permitiu uma primeira sistematização da informação disponível segundo os materiais correntemente utilizados. Procedeu-se a uma identificação e tipificação de patologias decorrentes das intervenções procurando entender qual o papel que tiveram os materiais utilizados e as técnicas de intervenção no desempenho das intervenções. Os processos de reintegração volumétrica e cromática mereceram uma maior atenção, procedendo-se à simulação de todo o sistema, em contexto laboratorial, com base nos materiais correntemente utilizados. Os resultados revelam comportamento diferenciado dos materiais de origem orgânica e inorgânica, evidenciando estes últimos uma maior compatibilidade com o azulejo, mas um pior desempenho a médio/longo prazo. O reconhecimento das soluções mais ou menos compatíveis permitiu delinear uma metodologia de avaliação da compatibilidade, da eficácia e do desempenho dos materiais e das técnicas utilizadas, contribuindo também para a definição de algumas recomendações e de critérios de atuação; Abstract The lack of information found, when selecting a material, product or technique, to apply on a specific conservation treatment contributed to the interest on this topic. The historical, aesthetic and technical characteristics of the azulejo was researched by studying their physical, chemical and mineralogical properties. Comparing original azulejos with the replicas produced for conservation treatments studied, it was concluded that the chemical and mineralogical composition is different, although there are less dissimilarities in terms of physical properties. The guidelines for conservation and restoration were launched by Santos Simões in the 40s and since then, it has been developing a bit on the sidelines of the remaining areas of expertise, even at an educational level. The results of an international survey, near professionals working in conservation and restoration of azulejo in situ, corroborate this fact and simultaneously allow an insight of the current situation. It was found an almost complete lack of technical documentation about previous conservation interventions, but the analysis of existent case studies and intervention reports permitted a systematization of the available information, also considering the materials commonly used. The identification and characterization of damages resulting from interventions, was performed trying to establish a correlation with the materials used and intervention techniques. The attention focused on the study of the infills and chromatic reintegration and a simulation of the entire system was developed, in a laboratory context, on the basis of commonly used materials. The results reveal a distinct behavior between the organic and inorganic materials, showing the latter greater compatibility with the azulejos but a worse medium/long-term performance. The recognition of more or less compatible solutions allowed to outline a methodology to evaluate the compatibility, efficiency and performance of materials and techniques used, also contributing to define some recommendations and action criteria.


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Knowledge of current conservation materials and methods together with those adopted in the past is essential to aid research and improve or develop better conservation options. The infill and painting of tile lacunae are subjected to special requirements mainly when used in outdoor settings. A selection of the most commonly used materials was undertaken and performed based on inquiries to practitioners working in the field. The infill pastes comprised organic (epoxy, polyester), inorganic (slaked lime,hydraulic lime and zinc hydroxychloride) and mixed organic–inorganic (slaked lime mixed with a vinylic resin)binders. The selected aggregates were those most commonly used or those already present in the commercially formulated products. The infill pastes were characterised by SEM, MIP, open porosity, water absorption by capillarity, water vapour permeability, thermal and hydric expansibilities and adhesion to the ceramic body. Their performance was assessed after curing, artificial ageing (salt ageing and UV–Temp–RH cycles) and natural ageing. The results were interpreted in terms of their significance as indicators of effectiveness, compatibility and durability


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Portugal is characterized by a significant asymmetry in the population distribution/density and economic activity as well as in social and cultural dynamics. This means very diverse landscapes, differences in regional development, sustainability and quality of life, mainly between urban and rural areas. A consequence coherent with the contemporary dynamics: urbanization of many rural areas that loose their productive-agricultural identity and, simultaneously, the reintegration in urban areas of spaces and activities with more rural characteristics. In this process of increasing complexity of organization of the landscape is essential to restore the continuum naturale (between urban and rural areas) allowing closer links to both ways of life. A strategy supported in the landscape, which plays important functions for public interest, in the cultural, social, ecological and environmental fields. At the same time, constitutes an important resource for economic activity, as underlined in the European Landscape Convention. Based on this assumption, and using a multi-method approach, the study aims to analyse a) the links between urban and rural areas in Portugal and b) the reasons why these territories are chosen by individuals as places of work and mobility, residence or evasion, culture and leisure, tranquillity or excitement – meaning overall well-being. Primary information was obtained by a questionnaire survey applied to a convenience sample of the Portuguese population. Secondary data and information will be collected on the official Portuguese Statistics (INE and PORDATA). Understanding the urban-rural links is essential to support policy measures, take advantage from the global changes and challenge many of the existing myths.