3 resultados para precipitation concentration degree and period
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
O presente estudo aborda a problemática dos alunos de risco no 2° Ciclo da E.B. 2,3 Ana de Castro Osório, no ano letivo 2004/2005. Na dimensão teórica são referenciadas algumas questões de Organização Escolar (escola reflexiva, autonomia de escola, gestores intermédios e supervisão escolar, o papel do Diretor de Turma, o Projeto Curricular de Escola, algumas linhas orientadoras da política educativa portuguesa, no período em que decorre a elaboração desta investigação) e abordados alguns aspetos gerais dos pré-adolescentes, diversos conceitos de risco, a ação de diversas entidades com competência na área da infância e juventude, o papel da família e a relação desta com a escola. Foi utilizada a metodologia do “Estudo Caso”, no decurso da qual foram analisados documentos internos da escola e elaborados instrumentos de recolha de dados (questionários aplicados aos Alunos e aos seus Diretores de Turma). No tratamento das informações de natureza quantitativa, utilizou-se o programa informático Excel, enquanto nas questões abertas procedeu-se à análise de conteúdo. Em síntese, concluiu-se que: a) um terço dos alunos que frequentava o 2° Ciclo do Ensino Básico, foi sinalizado como “aluno de risco”. Cerca de 75% era do 5° Ano de Escolaridade. Os fatores de risco que mais se destacam são: assiduidade irregular, desmotivação/desinteresse/apatia, défice de atenção e concentração, indisciplina e retenções sucessivas no seu percurso escolar. A família é pouco participativa. b) a resposta curricular dá-se essencialmente dentro da sala de aula; c) a resposta organizacional assenta essencialmente nalgumas medidas previstas nos documentos legislativos. Na última parte do trabalho deixamos expressas as conclusões do estudo mais pormenorizadas, bem como algumas recomendações/sugestões que eventualmente, poderão orientar posteriores investigações. /ABSTRACT - The risk students on a 2nd Cycle of classroom of the E.B. 2, 3 Ana de Castro Osório, during academic year of 2004/2005: A Case study The present study attempts to assess risk students on a 2nd Cycle (Sth and 6th grades) classroom of the “E.B. 2, 3 Ana de Castro Osório” Public School during the academic year of 2004/2005. On a theoretical scale, are assessed some questions about the Classroom Organization (reflexive school, school autonomy, intermediate directors and school supervision, the role of the Class Tutor, the School Curricular Project, some guidelines about the Portuguese education policy during the period when this study took place), and was also assessed some general aspects of preadolescents, risk concepts, and actions taken by various organizations specialized in the areas of childhood and youth, the role of the family and the interrelation between the family and the school. It was used a “Case Study” methodology during which was assessed school documents of this particularly school, and data collecting instruments (Student-applied and Class Tutor-applied questionnaires). On dealing with quantitative data, it was used the Excel application, while for the open questions was assessed by its contents. In brief, it was concluded that: a) a third of students that attended the 2nd Cycle Basic Education schools revealed to be “risk students”. Around 75% of them were 5th grade students. Among the most important risk factors are: irregular attendance, unmotivated/aloofness /apathy, lack of attention and concentration, indiscipline and successive retentions during their education pathway. The family is scarcely participative. b) The curricular response is normally given within the classroom; c) the organizational response lies mostly on some measures included in government documents. On the last part of the paper, we focus on more detailed conclusions, as well as give recommendations/suggestions which may eventually be of guidance to future studies.
This study aimed at evaluating antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of phenolic compounds present in propolis ethanol extracts (PEE). Seventy per cent ethanol extracts from seven types of propolis, one Green, two Red and four Brown collected in four Brazilian States were prepared and total phenolics, flavonoids, tannins and anthocyanins were assessed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) and inhibitor effect on Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation and capacity to disrupt established biofilms were assessed towards eight S. aureus isolates from milk of small ruminants with mastitis, one methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and S. aureus ATCC 25923. To evaluate different propolis components accountability for bactericidal accomplishment and antibiofilm activity, the results were analysed by the non-parametric Spearman coefficient. Results of phenolic compounds were 216,21 to 312,08 gallic acid milligram equivalent per extract gram (mg EGA/g) of total phenolics, 55,08 to 140,6 quercetin milligram equivalent per extract gram (mg EQ/g) of flavonoids, 118,51 to 3766,16 catechin milligram equivalent per extract gram (mg EC/g) of tannins and 1,03 to 8,39 milligram per extract gram (mg/g) of anthocyanins. Red1 and Red2 showed higher tannin contents, while Red2 exhibited superior amount of anthocyanins and total phenolics. Brown3 presented higher flavonoid quantity. Green, Red1 and Red2 PEE showed the lowest levels of flavonoids, but the higher antimicrobial activity. Most PEE exhibit bactericidal activity at a concentration of 1.6 mg/mL. Brown4 PEE showed the worst capacity to inhibit S. aureus. Green PEE showed to be the most efficient in both preventing and disrupting biofilm. All PEE studied exhibited a better inhibitory activity prior-to than post-biofilm formation. According to non-parametric Spearman correlation analysis, there seems to be a significant negative correlation between the ability to disrupt biofilm and both tannins and anthocyanins contents.
A oliveira tem sido multiplicada ao longo dos tempos por métodos convencionais de propagação vegetativa como a enxertia e a estacaria lenhosa e semilenhosa. No entanto, estes métodos revelam-se lentos ou ineficientes para determinadas cultivares. No caso da cv. ‘Galega Vulgar’, ainda com grande expressão no olival português, e de difícil enraizamento por estacaria semilenhosa, tem sido usada a micropropagação de modo a contornar essas limitações e assim obter um elevado número de plantas em curto período de tempo. O custo final de produção por este processo ainda é elevado, podendo comprometer a sua aplicação a nível comercial. Grande parte dos custos estão relacionados com a fase de enraizamento in vitro que carece de ambiente estéril e condições de assépsia para a sua execução. Com vista a uma redução de custos associados a esta fase de produção, pretendeu-se com este trabalho testar a viabilidade do enraizamento ex vitro, na ausência de condições de assépsia. Este método poderá permitir uma significativa redução da mão-de-obra, ao mesmo tempo que facilitará a aclimatização das plantas e a obtenção de um sistema radicular de melhor qualidade. Compararam-se as taxas de enraizamento in vitro (controlo), com as obtidas ex vitro. Foram utilizados explantes provenientes de dois clones da cv. ‘Galega Vulgar’, (cl. 1441 e cl. 2022) cultivados e mantidos in vitro há vários anos no Laboratório de Melhoramento e Biotecnologia da Universidade de Évora. Para além do clone foi avaliada a influência do tipo de estaca (basal e apical), da hormona de enraizamento (AIB e ANA), da sua concentração (540 e 3000 ppm) e ainda de dois substratos, Preformas Jiffy® e pastilhas de fibra coco. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com o clone 1441 em pastilhas de fibra de coco prensada, com o uso de estacas basais. Quanto à auxina, não se observaram diferenças significativas entre a utilização de ANA na concentração de 540 ppm e AIB na concentração de 3000 ppm. A aclimatização das plantas foi conseguida com taxas elevadas de sucesso, independentemente do tratamento utilizado. Conclui-se que a aplicação do método de enraizamento ex vitro simplifica procedimentos e mantém taxas de enraizamento elevadas, conduzindo assim a uma efetiva redução de tempo e custos associados; Simplifying procedures for in vitro propagation of olive “Olea europaea L.” Abstract: The olive tree has been multiplied throughout the ages by conventional methods of vegetative propagation such as grafting and wood or softwood cuttings. These propagation methods are somehow inefficient for certain cultivars. For the CV. ‘Galega Vulgar‘, still with great expression in Portuguese olive orchards, propagation has been attempted by in vitro culture in order to circumvent these limitations and so obtain a large number of plants in short time period. The final production fees associated to this process are still high which may compromise its application to a commercial level. Most of this process fees are related to the in vitro rooting phase which lacks sterile and aseptic conditions for its implementation. Aiming to reduce the costs associated with this production phase, this work tested the feasibility of the ex vitro rooting in the absence of aseptic conditions, which can allow a significant reduction of the manpower involved and an easier plant acclimatization due to its transplant with a balled-root system. In vitro rooting rates (control) were compared with those obtained with the ex vitro experiments. Explants from two clones of the cv. ‘Galega Vulgar‘ (cl. 1441 and cl. 2022), grown and maintained in vitro for several years in the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Breeding of the University of Évora, were used in the trials. In addition to the clone, the effect of the cutting type (basal and apical), the rooting hormone (AIB and ANA), their concentration (540 and 3000 ppm) and two substrates, Preformas Jiffy ® and pressed coco fiber pellets, were also evaluated. The best results were obtained with the clone 1441, when rooted in pressed coco fiber pellets, using basal cuttings. Under this conditions no significant differences were observed between the use of ANA at 540 ppm or AIB in the 3000 ppm. Acclimatization of plants was achieved with high rates of success, regardless of the treatment used. It can be concluded that the application of the ex vitro rooting method allows to maintain high rooting rates, contributing for an effective reduction of time and fees of the rooting process.