2 resultados para pomares caseiros
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
Inserido no âmbito do Projeto Europeu “My Food My Medicine” (Meu Alimento Meu Medicamento), que tem como ideia base o conselho de Hipócrates de que a nossa alimentação deve ser o nosso medicamento, realizou-se um Trabalho de Projeto de formação sobre a manutenção da saúde através da promoção de uma alimentação saudável e pela recuperação do uso de receitas tradicionais/caseiras de medicamentos naturais usados ancestralmente na resposta aos distúrbios de saúde mais comuns. Objetivos Gerais: O principal objetivo do projeto é levar os participantes a compreender os princípios e receitas da medicina tradicional e natural, as características dos ingredientes e os seus benefícios para a saúde. Metodologia: Elaboração de um projeto de formação com materiais educativos, testados pela sua aplicação, e realização de questionários a formadores e formandos. Resultados: Verificou-se algum conhecimento por parte dos formandos de grande parte das receitas de remédios caseiros, embora por vezes com alguma desconfiança da sua eficácia, acreditamos terem ficado com intenção de usar a maior parte das receitas expostas pela sua facilidade de elaboração e pela valorização crescente da tradicionalidade e ancestralidade, julgamos desta forma poder ter contribuído para a promoção e manutenção da saúde; Abstract: As part of the European Project "My Food My Medicine” which has as its central idea the Board of Hippocrates that our food should be our medicine i.e., a healthy diet is the foundation of a healthy life, this report presents an educational project about the maintenance of health through the promotion of healthy eating that is reflected also by the use of natural medicines based on homemade/traditional recipes used ancestrally that respond to the most common health disorders. Objectives: Take the participants to understand the basic principles and the recipes of traditional medicine, the characteristics of the ingredients and their health benefits. Methodology: Development of an educational project and educational materials, tested trough out its implementation, and conducting questionnaires to trainers and trainees. Results: The objective was accomplished. It was found some familiarity on the part of the graduates of most recipes for home remedies although sometimes with some distrust of their validity. The schooling contributed to health promotion. The trainees demonstrated the intention to use the recipes exposed as a way to maintain a healthy life.
Current pear pruning making use of pneumatic shears still is a very labour intensive operation. The Proder project “Avaliação da poda mecânica em pomares de pera” was designed to contribute to solutions that would reduce the present dependence in labour and therefore to promote a reduction in pruning costs. This paper shows the results of a trial made to evaluate the influence of mechanical topping in manual pruning complement field work and pear yield. Topping was performed using a Reynolds 6DT 3.0m cutting bar with six hydraulic-driven circular disc-saws mounted in the three point tractor linkage system. The field trial was performed in a commercial orchard with 20 years, planted in an array of 4m x 2m with tree lines oriented in North-South direction. Trees were trained as the central leader system. In this trial, in a randomised complete block design with four replications, two treatments are being compared leading to 8 plots with one line of 14 trees per plot. The treatments tests were: T1 - manual pruning performed by workers using pneumatic shears, in each year; T2 - Topping the canopy parallel to the ground, using a discs-saw pruning machine mounted in a front loader of an agricultural tractor, followed by manual pruning complement performed by workers with pneumatic shears. Tree height and width was measured, before and after pruning. Work was timed and pear yields evaluated. Mechanical topping seems to be effective in the control of tree height, which can contribute to increase 14% of work rates on manual pruning complement. No significant differences in pear yield were found between treatments.