6 resultados para plant stress

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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Background: Pine wilt disease (PWD) is a worldwide threat to pine forests, and is caused by the pine wood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Bacteria are known to be associated with PWN and may have an important role in PWD. Serratia sp. LCN16 is a PWN-associated bacterium, highly resistant to oxidative stress in vitro, and which beneficially contributes to the PWN survival under these conditions. Oxidative stress is generated as a part of the basal defense mechanism used by plants to combat pathogenic invasion. Here, we studied the biology of Serratia sp. LCN16 through genome analyses, and further investigated, using reverse genetics, the role of two genes directly involved in the neutralization of H2O2, namely the H2O2 transcriptional factor oxyR; and the H2O2-targeting enzyme, catalase katA. Results: Serratia sp. LCN16 is phylogenetically most closely related to the phytosphere group of Serratia, which includes S. proteamaculans, S. grimessi and S. liquefaciens. Likewise, Serratia sp. LCN16 shares many features with endophytes (plant-associated bacteria), such as genes coding for plant polymer degrading enzymes, iron uptake/ transport, siderophore and phytohormone synthesis, aromatic compound degradation and detoxification enzymes. OxyR and KatA are directly involved in the high tolerance to H2O2 of Serratia sp. LCN16. Under oxidative stress, Serratia sp. LCN16 expresses katA independently of OxyR in contrast with katG which is under positive regulation of OxyR. Serratia sp. LCN16 mutants for oxyR (oxyR::int(614)) and katA (katA::int(808)) were sensitive to H2O2 in relation with wild-type, and both failed to protect the PWN from H2O2-stress exposure. Moreover, both mutants showed different phenotypes in terms of biofilm production and swimming/swarming behaviors. Conclusions: This study provides new insights into the biology of PWN-associated bacteria Serratia sp. LCN16 and its extreme resistance to oxidative stress conditions, encouraging further research on the potential role of this bacterium in interaction with PWN in planta environment.


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A presente tese explora a hipótese de utilização dos genes da oxidase alternativa (AOX) e da oxidase terminal da plastoquinona (PTOX) como genes-alvo para o desenvolvimento de marcadores funcionais (MF) para avaliar a performance do crescimento em cenoura, fator determinante da produtividade. Para avaliar se os referidos genes estão associados com o crescimento da cenoura procedeu—se ao seu isolamento e posterior análise dos seus perfis de transcrição em diversos sistemas biológicos. O sistema in vitro selecionado, denominado sistema de culturas primárias, permitiu avaliar alterações na quantidade de transcritos desses genes durante os processos de reprogramação celular e crescimento. Ao nível da planta foi também estudado o efeito do frio na expressão precoce dos genes AOX. Ambos os genes DcAOX1 e DcAOX2a revelaram uma resposta rápida e um padrão semelhante apos stresse (inoculação in vitro e resposta ao frio). Foi igualmente verificado um incremento na expressão do gene DcPTOX durante a fase inicial do processo de reprogramação celular. Estudos de expressão dos genes AOX durante o desenvolvimento da raiz da cenoura revelaram que o gene DcAOX2a será potencialmente o gene mais envolvido neste processo. De modo a avaliar a hipótese de envolvimento do gene DcPTOX no crescimento da raíz procederam—se a estudos de expressão ao nível do tecido meristemático. Todavia, para um mais completo entendimento da ligação entre DcPTOX e o crescimento secundário e/ou acumulação de carotenos, a expressão do gene DcPTOX foi também avaliada em raízes de cenoura durante o desenvolvimento, utilizando cultivares caracterizadas por distintos conteúdos de carotenos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a associação do gene DcPTOX a ambos os processos. O envolvimento da PTOX no crescimento adaptativo da raiz foi analisado com um ensaio que permitiu identificar, no tecido meristemático, uma resposta precoce do gene DcPTOX face a uma diminuição da temperatura. Adicionalmente, foi efetuada a seleção de genes de referência para uma analise precisa da expressão génica por RT-qPCR em diversos sistemas biológicos de cenoura, e a importância do seu estudo ao nível do sistema biológico foi realçada. Os resultados desta tese são encorajadores para prosseguir os estudos de utilização dos genes AOX e PTOX como MF no melhoramento da performance do crescimento adaptativo em cenoura, fator determinante para a produtividade; ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the hypothesis of using the alternative oxidase (AOX) and theplastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) as target genes for functional marker (FM) development for yield-determining growth performance in carrot. To understand if these genes are associated to growth, different AOX gene family members and the single PTOX gene were isolated, and their expression patterns evaluated in diverse carrot plant systems. An in-vitro primary culture system was selected to study AOX and PTOX transcript changes during cell reprogramming and growth performance. At plant level, a putative early response of AOX to chilling was also evaluated. In fact, both DcAOXl and DcAOXZa were early responsive and showed similar patterns under stress conditions (in vitro inoculation and chilling). A role for DcPTOX during earliest events of cell reprogramming was also suggested. Next, the expression profiles of AOX gene family members during carrot tap root development were investigated. DcAOXZa was identified as the most responsive gene to root development. In order to evaluate if DcPTOX is associated with carrot tap root growth performance, DcPTOX transcript levels were measured in the central root meristem. To further understand whether DcPTOX is associated with secondary growth and/or carotenoids accumulation, DcPTOX expression was also studied in deveIOping carrot tap roots in cultivars with different carotenoids contents. The results indicated that DcPTOX associates to both carotenoid biosynthesis and secondary growth during storage root development. To obtain further insights into the involvement of PTOX on adaptive growth, the early effects of temperature decrease were explored in the root meristem, where a short—term early response in DcPTOX was found, probably associated with adaptive growth. Furthermore, a selection of the most suitable reference genes for accurate RT—qPCR analysis in several carrot experimental systems was performed and discussed. The present research provides the necessary toolbox for continuing studies in carrot AOX and PTOX genes as promising resources for FM candidates in order to assist breeding on yield—determining adaptive growth performance.


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Soil salinity affects rhizobia both as free-living bacteria and in symbiosis with the host. The aim of this study was to examine the transcriptional response of the Lotus microsymbiont Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099 to salt shock. Changes in the transcriptome of bacterial cells subjected to a salt shock of 10% NaCl for 30 min were analyzed. From a total of 7231 protein-coding genes, 385 were found to be differentially expressed upon salt shock, among which 272 were overexpressed. Although a large number of overexpressed genes encode hypothetical proteins, the two most frequently represented COG categories are "defense mechanisms" and "nucleotide transport and metabolism". A significant number of transcriptional regulators and ABC transporters genes were upregulated. Chemotaxis and motility genes were not differentially expressed. Moreover, most genes previously reported to be involved in salt tolerance were not differentially expressed. The transcriptional response to salt shock of a rhizobium with low ability to grow under salinity conditions, but enduring a salinity shock, may enlighten us concerning salinity stress response mechanisms.


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Vitis vinifera L. cv. Crimson Seedless is a late season red table grape developed in 1989, with a high market value and increasingly cultivated under protected environments to extend the availability of seedless table grapes into the late fall. The purpose of this work was to evaluate leaf water potential and sap flow as indicators of water stress in Crimson Seedless vines under standard and reduced irrigation strategy, consisting of 70 % of the standard irrigation depth. Additionally, two sub-treatments were applied, consisting of normal irrigation throughout the growing season and a short irrigation induced stress period between veraison and harvest. Leaf water potential measurements coherently signaled crop-available water variations caused by different irrigation treatments, suggesting that this plant-based method can be reliably used to identify water-stress conditions. The use of sap flow density data to establish a ratio based on a reference ‘well irrigated vine’ and less irrigated vines can potentially be used to signal differences in the transpiration rates, which may be suitable for improving irrigation management strategies while preventing undesirable levels of water stress. Although all four irrigation strategies resulted in the production of quality table grapes, significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found in both berry weight and sugar content between the standard irrigation and reduced irrigation treatments. Reduced irrigation increased slightly the average berry size as well as sugar content and technical maturity index. The 2-week irrigation stress period had a negative effect on these parameters.


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Abstract Vitis vinifera L. cv. Crimson Seedless is a late season red table grape developed in 1989, with a high market value and increasingly cultivated under protected environments to extend the availability of seedless table grapes into the late fall. The purpose of this work was to evaluate leaf water potential and sap flow as indicators of water stress in Crimson Seedless vines under standard and reduced irrigation strategy, consisting of 70 % of the standard irrigation depth. Additionally, two sub-treatments were applied, consisting of normal irrigation throughout the growing season and a short irrigation induced stress period between veraison and harvest. Leaf water potential measurements coherently signaled crop-available water variations caused by different irrigation treatments, suggesting that this plant-based method can be reliably used to identify water-stress conditions. The use of sap flow density data to establish a ratio based on a reference ‘well irrigated vine’ and less irrigated vines can potentially be used to signal differences in the transpiration rates, which may be suitable for improving irrigation management strategies while preventing undesirable levels of water stress. Although all four irrigation strategies resulted in the production of quality table grapes, significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found in both berry weight and sugar content between the standard irrigation and reduced irrigation treatments. Reduced irrigation increased slightly the average berry size as well as sugar content and technical maturity index. The 2-week irrigation stress period had a negative effect on these parameters.


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The aim of this study is to understand the biological role of Serratia quinivorans BXF1, a bacterium commonly found associated with Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the plant parasitic nematode responsible for pine wilt disease. Therefore, we studied strain BXF1 effect in pine wilt disease. We found that strain BXF1 promoted in vitro nematode reproduction. Moreover, the presence of bacteria led to the absence of nematode chitinase gene (Bxcht-1) expression, suggesting an effect for bacterial chitinase in nematode reproduction. Nevertheless, strain BXF1 was unable to colonize the nematode interior, bind to its cuticle with high affinity or protect the nematode from xenobiotic stress. Interestingly, strain BXF1 was able to promote tomato and pine plant-growth, as well as to colonize its interior, thus, acting like a plant-growth promoting endophyte. Consequently, strain BXF1 failed to induce wilting symptoms when inoculated in pine shoot artificial incisions. This bacterium also presented strong antagonistic activities against fungi and bacteria isolated from Pinus pinaster. Our results suggest that B. xylophilus does not possess a strict symbiotic community capable of inducing pine wilt disease symptoms as previously hypothesized. We show that bacteria like BXF1, which possess plant-growth promoting and antagonistic effects, may be opportunistically associated with B. xylophilus, possibly acquired from the bacterial endophytic community of the host pine.