4 resultados para oviposition guilds
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
O efeito das grandes barragens na comunidade piscícola vem sendo documentado por numerosos estudos, enquanto o número de trabalhos que incidem sobre o efeito dos obstáculos de pequena dimensão é bastante mais reduzido. A comunidade piscícola foi amostrada e as variáveis ambientais foram caracterizadas em 28 locais divididos por dois cursos de água da Península Ibérica, 14 dos quais localizados imediatamente a montante, jusante e entre cinco pequenos obstáculos na Ribeira de Muge e 14 na Ribeira de Erra, considerada a linha de água de referência. Através de análise estatística multivariada foi possível verificar que variáveis de habitat como a velocidade de corrente e a profundidade, e não as variáveis físico-químicas, foram as principais responsáveis pela discriminação dos vários grupos de locais nas duas ribeiras. A ribeira de referência exibiu um gradiente longitudinal de velocidade de corrente que, contudo, não era suficientemente forte para causar alterações significativas na composição e estrutura dos agrupamentos piscícolas. Através da sucessiva e drástica repetição deste gradiente junto a cada estrutura, a ribeira com obstáculos apresentou diferenças na fauna piscícola entre os três tipos de locais. Os troços lênticos a montante apresentavam uma densidade mais elevada de espécies limnofilicas, omnívoras e exóticas, como o góbio (Gobio lozanoi), que estão bem adaptadas a este tipo de habitat. Os locais de amostragem situados a jusante e entre os obstáculos caracterizavam-se pela dominância de taxa reófilos e invetivo-os (i.e. barbo, Luciobarbus bocagei). As métricas relacionadas com a riqueza específica não apresentaram diferenças entre os três tipos de locais, ao contrário da diversidade que foi mais elevada nos pontos situados entre os obstáculos, afastados da sua influência directa, onde a diversidade de habitats também é mais elevada. Contrariamente aos locais a montante, os troços a jusante e entre os obstáculos apresentaram similaridades, em muitas das características estudadas, com a ribeira de referência, sugerindo que este tipo de estruturas provoca uma alteração mais significativa na comunidade piscícola a montante. Este estudo sugere que os efeitos dos pequenos obstáculos no habitat e na ictiofauna são, em parte, semelhantes aos descritos para as grandes barragens, fornecendo considerações importantes para os esforços de conservação dos ecossistemas ribeirinhos. ABSTRACT; Many studies have assessed the effects of large dams on fishes but few have examined the effects of small obstacles. Fishes were sampled and environmental variables were characterized at 28 sites in two lberian streams, 14 located immediately downstream, upstream and between five small obstacles at River Muge and 14 at River Erra, considered as the reference stream. Multivariate analysis indicated that habitat variables like current velocity and depth, but not physicochemistry, were the main responsible for site groups' discrimination in both streams. The reference stream exhibited a longitudinal gradient of current velocity that, however, wasn't strong enough to cause significant changes in the fish assemblage's composition and structure. By successive and drastically repeating this gradient near each structure, the obstac1es stream presented differences in fish fauna between the three site types. Lentic upstream sites presented higher density of limnophilic, omnivorous and exotic species, like gudgeon Gobio lozanoi, who are well adapted to this type of habitat. Downstream and between obstacles sites were characterized by the dominance of rheophilic and invertivorous taxa, especially barbel Luciobarbus bocagei. Richness metrics did not differ among site types, but diversity was higher in sites located between the obstacles away from its direct influence, where the habitat diversity was higher. Contrarily to upstream sites, downstream and between obstacles sites were similar in many of the studied features to the reference stream, implying that this type of structures cause a higher modification in the upstream fish community. This study suggests that the effects of small obstacles on habitat and fishes are similar, in some extent, to those reported for larger dams, providing important considerations for riverine ecosystem conservation efforts.
Conhecer os requisitos ambientais por parte das espécies demonstrou ser essencial em disciplinas como a ecologia e a biologia da conservação. O presente estudo visa estudar as respostas e dependência das comunidades de aves em relação às galerias ripícolas mediterrânicas. Para tal utilizaram-se dados recolhidos pelo River Habitat Survey (RHS) e por censos por pontos de escuta, em três ribeiras no sul de Portugal. Os dados ambientais foram estruturados em matrizes de acordo com as características físicas da ribeira e das margens, e modificações antropogénicas. Enquanto os dados biológicos foram agrupados em guildas: alimentação e ocupação vertical do habitat ("estrato"). Através de análises canónicas aos a dos estruturados obtiveram-se correlações válidas entre as matrizes ambientais e as guildas, nomeadamente para indivíduos directamente dependentes da água e planadores ("aéreas"), provando a validade da metodologia e o potencial da combinação destas duas técnicas. ABSTRACT; Understanding species habitat requirements has proved to be essential in ecology and conservation biology. The present report aims to examine the responses and dependence we used data collected by River Habitat Survey (RHS) and point count censuses in three rivers in southern Portugal. The environmental data were structured in matrices according to physical characteristics of the stream, the banks and anthropogenic modifications, whilst biological data was grouped into guilds: foraging and occupation ("estate"). Through canonical analysis to structured data we obtained valid correlations between the environmental variables and species guilds, particularly for those directly dependent on water and gliders ("aéreas"), proving the validity of the methodology and the potential of these two techniques working together.
The molecular profiling system was developed using directed terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (dT-RFLP) to characterize soil nematode assemblages by relative abundance of feeding guilds and validation by comparison to traditional morphological method. The good performance of these molecular tools applied to soil nematodes assemblages create an opportunity to develop a novel approach for rapid assessment of the biodiversity changes of benthic nematodes assemblages of marine and estuarine sediments. The main aim of this research is to combine morphological and molecular analysis of estuarine nematodes assemblages, to establish a tool for fast assessment of the biodiversity changes within habitat recovery of Zostera noltii seagrass beds; and validate the dT-RFLP as a high-throughput tool to assess the system recovery. It was also proposed to develop a database of sequences related to individuals identified at species level to develop a new taxonomic reference system. A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the estuarine nematodes has being performed. After morphological identification, barcoding of 18S rDNA are being determined for each nematode species and the results have shown a good degree of concordance between traditional morphology-based identification and DNA sequences. The digest strategy developed for soil nematodes is not suitable for marine nematodes. Then five samples were cloned and sequenced and the sequence data was used to design a new dT-RFLP strategy to adapt this tool to marine assemblages. Several solutions were presented by DRAT and tested empirically to select the solution that cuts most efficiently, separating the different clusters. The results of quantitative PCR showed differences in nematode density between two sampling stations according the abundance of the nematode density obtained by the traditional methods. These results suggest that qPCR could be a robust tool for enumeration of nematode abundance, saving time.
Montados form a heterogeneous landscape of wooded matrix dominated by cork and/or holm oak with open areas characterized by fuzzy boundaries. Montado supports a high biological diversity associated to low intensity management and a landscape diversity provided by a continuous gradient of land cover. Among other features this permits the classification of montados as a High Nature Value (HNV) system. We assessed the role of birds as HNV indicators for montado, and tested several bird groups—farmland, edge, forest generalists and forest specialists species; and some universal indicators such as species conservation status, Shannon’s diversity index and species richness. Our study areas covered the North–South distribution of cork oak in Portugal, and we surveyed the breeding bird communities across 117 sampling sites. In addition to variables related to management and sanitary status, we considered variables that characterize the landscape heterogeneity inside the montado—trees and shrub density and richness of woody vegetation. Our results suggest that specific bird guilds can be used as HNV indicators of particular typologies of montado, and highlight the need to develop an indicator that could be transversally applied to all types of montado.