3 resultados para nave industriall

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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No mundo do trabalho, o êxito depende da capacidade revelada para conhecer e desempenhar o nosso papel. E a carreira docente não foge a esta regra. À semelhança do que acontece com os actores e as actrizes - que são avaliados pela qualidade que imprimem aos papéis representados - também os juízos de valor sobre os docentes assentam na aptidão demonstrada para dominarem todas as subtilezas inerentes ao papel de professores. A sua forma de actuar perante situações melindrosas e excepcionais, de indisciplina e de violência, o seu sentir, constituirão o objecto de análise neste trabalho. Os professores, muitas vezes, actuam com base em conceitos veiculados pelos seus pais e formadores, que poderão ter sido válidos para eles, mas que não o são, decerto, hoje em dia. Podem ter resultado no início das carreiras, mas, em regra, foram perdendo utilidade em fases posteriores. Pela análise das histórias de vida dos professores levantam-se várias hipóteses quanto à construção dessas posturas e aos condimentos que possibilitam uma adesão à mudança necessária. Urge implementar uma alteração da sua maneira de pensar a abordagem às situações de indisciplina e de violência escolares, porque tal é essencial para alterar comportamentos que lhes podem ser prejudiciais. Este trabalho obedeceu a dois propósitos: proporcionar informação enquadrada em bases teóricas sólidas que possa sustentar intervenções ajustadas na sala de aula e suscitar a reflexão dos docentes sobre os seus papéis e as suas práticas. Não temos, contudo, a pretensão de que essa informação seja bastante para a resolução dos problemas de indisciplina, mas alimentamos a esperança de que as pistas de reflexão e de acção, bem como os conceitos mobilizados, possam ajudar a uma acção educativa simultaneamente mais eficaz e satisfatória. Assim, acreditamos que este trabalho estimulará os professores a encarar as situações de indisciplina e violência de um modo mais tranquilo, emocionalmente mais distante, sem o rígido recurso à auto culpabilização ou às hetero-acusações. ABSTRACT: ln the working world, success depends on the way we know and play our roles. And the teaching role is not different. An actor (or actress) is evaluated by the quality of his (or her) role performance; in the same way, the value judgements about teachers are linked with their capacity to dominate all the aspects of their teaching role. Their way to intervene in problematic and special situations, dealing with violence and indiscipline, their feelings, are the main objective of this research project. Many times, teachers act remembering what their parents and old teachers taught them. These old concepts and ideas worked well in the beginning of their careers but are not valid today. Analyzing the life stories of teachers, we can find several answers for their positions when facing these problems. It is necessary to compel them to change their minds, to transform their reactions over problematic situations of indiscipline and violence or they will face more problems in the near future. This research project has two intentions: to give theoretical information helping teachers to act correctly in the classrooms and to show that a time for reflection is necessary, to analyse their roles and procedures. We are not so naïve in thinking that this project is enough to find a solution for all the indiscipline and violence problems in schools, but we really believe that it will help teachers to face those problems in a more peaceful way, not so emotional and with better results.


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The Oporto's St. Lourenço Church of the Jesuit College is locally known, since the St. Augustin Barefooted Eremites occupation (1779/80), as Grilos' Church. The Oporto's siege laid by D. Pedro and D. Miguel (1832/33) succeed in the college abandonment by Grilo's Friars. Throughout Augustin Friars presence period, the white plasters of the nave (end of 18th c.) were executed and it was constructed the Holly Sacrament Chapel (early 19th c.) with neoclassic coloured stuccos and plasters, influenced by Robert Adam, Luigi Chiari and Teixeira Barreto ornamental motifs. Pigments were added to the external layer to imitate the marble and to achieve the “base” colour of the panels. This study of the blue, rose and white stuccos and plasters of H.S. Chapel of Grilo's Church allows carrying out useful database on the original mortars composition by the use of different analytical techniques, important to select the most adequate solutions for restoration interventions. Optical microscopy, XRD, TG-DTA, SEM-EDS, XRF analysis results were considered to identify the composition of different layers and to provide mineralogical, microstructure and chemical characterization of the mortars components and to quantify the binder content in those mortars. These results were compared with collected information on compositions from other sources. This study allowed the identification of the decay causes of decorative stuccos and plaster, suggesting that water retention in the masonries and wooden laths structure of the dome of the chapel is the main factor.


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Subtle structural differencescan be observed in the islets of Langer-hans region of microscopic image of pancreas cell of the rats having normal glucose tolerance and the rats having pre-diabetic(glucose intolerant)situa-tions. This paper proposes a way to automatically segment the islets of Langer-hans region fromthe histological image of rat's pancreas cell and on the basis of some morphological feature extracted from the segmented region the images are classified as normal and pre-diabetic.The experiment is done on a set of 134 images of which 56 are of normal type and the rests 78 are of pre-diabetictype. The work has two stages: primarily,segmentationof theregion of interest (roi)i.e. islets of Langerhansfrom the pancreatic cell and secondly, the extrac-tion of the morphological featuresfrom the region of interest for classification. Wavelet analysis and connected component analysis method have been used for automatic segmentationof the images. A few classifiers like OneRule, Naïve Bayes, MLP, J48 Tree, SVM etc.are used for evaluation among which MLP performed the best.