9 resultados para high-use area

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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For the activated carbon (AC) production, we used the most common industrial and consumer solid waste, namely polyethyleneterephthalate (PET), alone or blended with other synthetic polymer such polyacrylonitrile (PAN). By mixing PET, with PAN, an improvement in the yield of the AC production was found and the basic character and some textural and chemical properties were enhanced. The PET–PAN mixture was subjected to carbonisation, with a pyrolysis yield of 31.9%, between that obtained with PET (16.9%) or PAN (42.6%) separately. The AC revealed a high surface area (1400, 1230 and 1117 m2 g−1) and pore volume (0.46, 0.56 and 0.50 cm3 g−1), respectively, for PET, PAN and PET–PAN precursors. Selected ACs were successfully tested for 4- chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) and diuron removal from the liquid phase, showing a higher adsorption capacity (1.7 and 1.2 mmol g−1, respectively, for MCPA and diuron) and good fits with the Langmuir (PET) and Freundlich equation (PAN and PET–PAN blend). With MCPA, the controlling factor to the adsorption capacity was the porous volume and the average pore size. Concerning diuron, the adsorption was controlled essentially by the external diffusion. A remarkable result is the use of different synthetic polymers wastes, as precursors for the production of carbon materials, with high potential application on the pesticides removals from the liquid phase.


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Greenhouse production is a very important activity in the West region of Portugal, with an area of approximately 800 ha where the regular production consists in two crops per year, one in winter-spring and the other in summer-autumn. Many growers are now prepared to better exploit market opportunities, since they know that the big export window opportunity is from June to September, when the production is difficult in other regions of south due to high temperatures. Grower’s use new and more productive varieties, either in soil or hydroponic systems, mostly in unheated greenhouses, naturally ventilated, and equipped with modern fertigation systems. Greenhouse production causes some environmental impacts due to the high use of inputs. Several improvements in technologies and crop practices may contribute to increase the use efficiency of resources, decreasing the negative environmental impacts. Greenhouse vegetable production in Northern EU countries is based on the supply of heating and differs significantly from the production system in the Southern EU countries. In the Northern countries, direct energy inputs, mostly for heating, are predominant while in the South the indirect energy input is also important, mainly associated with fertilizers, plastic cover materials and other auxiliary materials. The main objective of this work was to characterise the greenhouse production systems in the West region of Portugal, in order to evaluate the energetic consumptions (direct and indirect), the GHH emissions, the production costs and the farmer’s income. With this work the mostly important inputs were identified, allowing proposing alternative measures to improve efficiency and sustainability. All the data was obtained by surveys performed directly with growers, previously selected to be representative of the crop practices and greenhouse type of the region. However, more research should be performed in order to develop and to test technologies capable to improve resources use efficiency in greenhouse production.


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O objectivo principal deste trabalho de mestrado consistiu em avaliar a potencial utilização de materiais adsorventes, nomeadamente, de carvões activados (AC) preparados por activação química com KOH, a partir de PET reciclado, e de materiais com estrutura mesoporosa ordenada, do tipo MCM-41 e SBA-15, na remoção de ácido 4 - cloro - 2 - metilfenoxiacético (MCPA) e de azul de metileno (MB), presentes nas águas. Nesta tese apresentam-se estudos de preparação e caracterização de materiais micro e mesoporosos e também estudos de avaliação da capacidade adsortiva em fase líquida. Prepararam-se três materiais microporosos, nomeadamente, PET-2-700, PET-2-700ox (AC oxidado) e PET-2-700red (AC reduzido), dois materiais constituídos exclusivamente por mesoporos, Si-MCM-41 e Ti-MCM-41-50 e dois materiais contendo maioritariamente mesoporos, mas que também possuem alguma microporosidade, tais corno, Si-SBA-15 e Ti-SBA-15-50. A caracterização textural dos adsorventes foi inferida por adsorção de azoto a 77K e por de difracção de raios X. Recorreu-se a três métodos de análise das isotérmicas, nomeadamente, Dubinin-Radushkevich, Brunauer-Ernrnett-Teller e alfa-s (as). A caracterização química dos AC foi realizada recorrendo-se a técnicas de análise elementar (AE) e espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformadas de Fourier (FTIR) e à determinação do ponto de carga zero. Os três carvões activados possuem valores de área superficial externa idênticos, o PET-2-700 possui o maior volume microporoso e o PET-2-700ox exibe o maior diâmetro de poros. Por outro lado, o PET-2-700ox possui um carácter fortemente ácido, o PET-2-700 exibe carácter ligeiramente ácido e o PET-2-700red apresenta propriedades ligeiramente alcalinas. Com base na AE, todas as amostras possuem percentagens de carbono elevadas, sendo que o PET-2-700red apresenta o valor mais elevado. Os resultados obtidos para a caracterização estrutural dos revelaram a obtenção de materiais mesoporosos de alta qualidade, definida pela elevada regularidade e uniformidade da estrutura porosa. A análise dos parâmetros de caracterização textura! permitiu inferir que os quatro materiais mesoporosos possuem valores de área superficial elevados, e que os materiais SBA-15 apresentam valores de volume poroso total e de tamanho de poros superiores aos manifestados pelos MCM-41. A incorporação de titânio não conduziu a uma perda significativa de qualidade dos materiais substituídos em relação às correspondentes amostras de sílica. Efectuaram-se estudos de adsorção em fase líquida de forma a avaliar a possível aplicação dos vários adsorventes na remoção de MCPA e de MB de efluentes líquidos. concluiu-se que o tempo de equilíbrio de 72 horas seria adequado e que a capacidade de adsorção dos vários AC era superior em meio ácido. Com base nas isotérmicas de adsorção do MCPA e do MB e na aplicação da representação de Langmuir e de Freundlich, foi possível concluir que o PET-2-700 possui a maior capacidade de adsorção do MCPA, 1.42 mmol/g, enquanto que o PET-2-700ox revelou a maior capacidade de adsorção do MB, 1.43 mmol/g. Na realidade, os materiais microporosos estudados apresentaram percentagens de remoção elevadas, tanto do MCPA como do MB. Relativamente aos materiais mesoporosos ordenados preparados neste trabalho, a percentagem de remoção de para os poluentes em estudo foi relativamente baixa, constatando-se que nesta fase dos estudos não constituem uma alternativa viável à utilização dos AC. No entanto, uma funcionalização criteriosa dos mesmos pode eventualmente proporcionar um aumento da capacidade adsortiva. ABSTRACT: The work presented in this master thesis, consisted of evaluating the potential use of different adsorbents materials, like activated carbon (AC) prepared by chemical activation with KOH, from recycled poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and materials with ordered mesoporous structure such as MCM-41 and SBA-15, for removing acid 4-chlorine-2-metilfenoxiacétic and methylene blue from aqueous phase. We had prepared three microporous materials, PET-200-700, PET-2-700ox (AC oxidized) and PET-2-700red (reduced AC), two materials consisting exclusively of mesopores, Si-MCM-41 and Ti-MCM-41-50 and two materials containing mainly mesopores, but also having some microporosity, such as Si-SBA-15 and Ti-SBA-15-50. The textural characterization of the adsorbents was inferred by nitrogen adsorption at 77K and X-ray diffraction. Three methods were used to analyse the isotherms, namely, Dubinin-Radushkevich, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller and alpha-s (as). The chemical characterization of AC was performed using the elementary analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and determination of the point of zero charge. Concerning the AC, the three present almost the same externa! surface area, PET-2-700 has a high micropore volume and PET-2-700ox shows the largest pore size diameter. On the other hand, PET-2-700ox had a strong acid character, PET-2-700 exhibits just a slightly acid character and PET-2-700red presents alkaline properties. The AE analysis allows confirming the high carbon content of theses AC, with PET-2-700red exhibiting the highest carbon proportion. The results from the structural characterization of the mesoporous materials, had disclosed the attainment of materials with high quality, defined by the raised regularity and uniformity of the porous structure. The analysis of the textural parameters allowed inferring that the four studied mesoporous materials possess high superficial area. The SBA-15 type materials present higher values of total porous volume and pores size diameter as the MCM-41. Also, the titanium incorporation did not lead to a significant loss of quality of the materials substituted in relation to the corresponding silica samples. The adsorption studies in liquid phase allow evaluating the possibility of using the different adsorbents for the MCPA and the MB removal. The kinetic studies had allowed to state the equilibrium time as 72 hours and a higher adsorption capacity was achieved in an acid medium. The influence of the pH of the medium, on the MCPA adsorption was evaluated. The MCPA and MB isotherms were analysed based on the Langmuir and Freundlich equation, the representations presented an excellent linearity, indicating the applicability of these equations to these systems. Also, it allows concluded that PET-2-700 had a higher adsorption capacity for MCPA, 1.42 mmol/g, and PET-2-700ox had a higher adsorption capacity for MB, 1.43 mmol/g. The AC used presented high removal percentages for MCPA and MB. Concerning the mesoporous materials prepared in this work, the percentage removal for the pollutants in study was relatively low, and evidencing that at the moment these mesoporous materials do not constitute a viable alternative to the AC. However, an astute funcionalisation of the same ones can, eventually provide an increase of the adsorption capacity.


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A series of activated carbon was produced from particleboard and medium-density fibreboard monoliths, which are waste originated from the industry, and then characterized and evaluated for potential application for phenoxyacetic acids removals, such 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid (MCPA) and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (diuron), from the liquid phase. All AC retain the shape of the precursor, and displays a microporous structure well-developed, reaching 0.58 cm 3 g -1. The adsorption isotherms for three pesticides were obtained in the optimal conditions and the AC with high superficial area and micropore volume exhibited better performance, allowing to state that, this AC could be a great substitute of those habitually used for this purpose. The pesticides adsorption data were linearized using the Langmuir and Freundlich equation, being the first a very good fit to the experimental data.


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A series of activated carbon was produced from particleboard and medium-density fibreboard monoliths, which are waste originated from the industry, and then characterized and evaluated for potential application for phenoxyacetic acids removals, such 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid (MCPA) and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (diuron), from the liquid phase. All AC retain the shape of the precursor, and displays a microporous structure well-developed, reaching 0.58 cm 3 g -1. The adsorption isotherms for three pesticides were obtained in the optimal conditions and the AC with high superficial area and micropore volume exhibited better performance, allowing to state that, this AC could be a great substitute of those habitually used for this purpose. The pesticides adsorption data were linearized using the Langmuir and Freundlich equation, being the first a very good fit to the experimental data.


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Forest biomass has been having an increasing importance in the world economy and in the evaluation of the forests development and monitoring. It was identified as a global strategic reserve, due to its applications in bioenergy, bioproduct development and issues related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The estimation of above ground biomass is frequently done with allometric functions per species with plot inventory data. An adequate sampling design and intensity for an error threshold is required. The estimation per unit area is done using an extrapolation method. This procedure is labour demanding and costly. The mail goal of this study is the development of allometric functions for the estimation of above ground biomass with ground cover as independent variable, for forest areas of holm aok (Quercus rotundifolia), cork oak (Quercus suber) and umbrella pine (Pinus pinea) in multiple use systems. Ground cover per species was derived from crown horizontal projection obtained by processing high resolution satellite images, orthorectified, geometrically and atmospheric corrected, with multi-resolution segmentation method and object oriented classification. Forest inventory data were used to estimate plot above ground biomass with published allometric functions at tree level. The developed functions were fitted for monospecies stands and for multispecies stands of Quercus rotundifolia and Quercus suber, and Quercus suber and Pinus pinea. The stand composition was considered adding dummy variables to distinguish monospecies from multispecies stands. The models showed a good performance. Noteworthy is that the dummy variables, reflecting the differences between species, originated improvements in the models. Significant differences were found for above ground biomass estimation with the functions with and without the dummy variables. An error threshold of 10% corresponds to stand areas of about 40 ha. This method enables the overall area evaluation, not requiring extrapolation procedures, for the three species, which occur frequently in multispecies stands.


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In this work we used the information of the Annual Hunting Reports (AHRs) to obtain a high-resolution model of the potential favourableness for wild rabbit harvesting in Andalusia (southern Spain), using environmental and land-use variables as predictors. We analysed 32,134 AHRs from the period 1993/2001 reported by 6049 game estates to estimate the average hunting yields of wild rabbit in each Andalusian municipality (n5771). We modelled the favourableness for obtaining good hunting yields using stepwise logistic regression on a set of climatic, orographical, land use, and vegetation variables. The favourability equation was used to create a downscaled image representing the favourableness of obtaining good hunting yields for the wild rabbit in 161 km squares in Andalusia, using the Idrisi Image Calculator. The variables that affected hunting yields of wild rabbit were altitude, dry wood crops (mainly olive groves, almond groves, and vineyards), temperature, pasture, slope, and annual number of frost days. The 161 km squares with high favourableness values are scattered throughout the territory, which seems to be caused mainly by the effect of vegetation. Finally, we obtained quality categories for the territory by combining the probability values given by logistic regression with those of the environmental favourability function.


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The impact of different irrigation scheduling regimes on the water use, yield and water productivity from a high-density olive grove cv. Cobrançosa in southern Portugal was assessed during the irrigation seasons of 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. The experiments were conducted in a commercial olive orchard at the Herdade Álamo de Cima, near Évora (38o 29' 49.44'' N, 7o 45' 8.83'' W; alt. 75 m) in southern Alentejo, Portugal. The orchard was established with 10-year old Cobrançosa trees in grids of 8.0 x 4.2 m (300 trees ha-1) in the E-W direction, and experiments conducted on a shallow sandy loam Regosoil Haplic soil. From mid-May to the end of September the orchard was irrigated and three plots were subjected to one of two irrigation treatments: a control treatment A, irrigated to replace 100% ETc, a moderate deficit irrigation treatment B irrigated to 70% of ETc, and a more severe deficit irrigation treatment C that provided for approximately 50% of ETc. Daily tree transpiration rates were obtained by continuously monitoring of sap flow in representative trees per treatment. Among the irrigated treatments, water use efficiency (WUE, ratio of water used to irrigation- water applied) of treatment C was the highest, with a value of 0.89, being treatment B slightly lower, with a WUE of 0.76. Olive harvest for 2012 was an exceptional “on year”. Bearing yields showed contrasting differences within years where an “on year” was followed by an “off year”. In 2011 and 2012 treatment B yields were 41 and 50% higher than treatment C, respectively. In 2013 treatment B yield was 45% higher than yield of the fully irrigated treatment A, and treatment C showed practically the same yield than treatment A. In the “on year” of 2014 treatment B averaged 48% higher yield than treatment C. Treatment B farm irrigation water productivity (WPI-Farm, ratio of yield to water applied) was the highest among all treatments. Treatment A showed the lowest conversion efficiency of all treatments, indicating treatment B as the adequate deficit irrigation treatment for our Cobrançosa orchard


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Mark-recapture tagging and acoustic telemetry were used to study the movements of Diplodus sargus within the Pessegueiro Island no-take Marine Protected Area (MPA), (Portugal) and assess its size adequacy for this species' protection against fishing activities. Therefore, 894 Diplodus sargus were captured and marked with conventional plastic t-bar tags. At the same time, 19 D. sargus were tagged with acoustic transmitters and monitored by 20 automatic acoustic receivers inside the no-take MPA for 60 days. Recapture rate of conventionally tagged specimens was 3.47%, most occurring during subsequent marking campaigns. One individual however was recaptured by recreational fishermen near Faro (ca. 250 km from the tagging location) 6 months after release. Furthermore, three specimens were recaptured in October 2013 near releasing site, one year after being tagged. Regarding acoustic telemetry, 18 specimens were detected by the receivers during most of the study period. To analyse no-take MPA use, the study site was divided into five areas reflecting habitat characteristics, three of which were frequently used by the tagged fish: Exterior, Interior Protected and Interior Exposed areas. Information on no-take protected area use was also analysed according to diel and tidal patterns. Preferred passageways and permanence areas were identified and high site fidelity was confirmed. The interaction between tide and time of day influenced space use patterns, with higher and more variable movements during daytime and neap tides. This no-take MPA proved to be an important refuge and feeding area for this species, encompassing most of the home ranges of tagged specimens. Therefore, it is likely that this no-take MPA is of adequate size to protect D. sargus against fishing activities, thus contributing to its sustainable management in the region.