3 resultados para herbivore-induced plant volatile organic compounds
em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal
A poluição atmosférica é um dos principais factores de degradação da qualidade de vida da população. O conjunto BTEX (benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno e xilenos) constitui o grupo mais importante dos compostos orgânicos voláteis (VOCs) na atmosfera uma vez que participam na química da atmosfera e constituem um perigo para a saúde, nomeadamente o benzeno, por ser altamente cancerígeno. São maioritariamente libertados pelo tráfego automóvel. Neste trabalho foi determinada a concentração dos BTEX em nove pontos da cidade de Évora no período de 21 Março a 1 de Julho de 2009 tendo-se recorrido à técnica de amostragem passiva, com amostradores Radiello™, seguida de desadsorção líquida, usando CS2, e subsequente análise por GC-MS. A concentração de benzeno no ar da cidade de Évora não excedeu o valor legislado de 5 g/m3 neste período de amostragem, sendo as concentrações obtidas para os poluentes em geral muito baixas e na sua maioria inferiores ao LOQ do método analítico. ABSTRACT; Air pollution is the major factor in the degradation of the population quality of life. BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes) is the most important group of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere because of their role in atmospheric chemistry and the risk they posed to human health, with benzene, being a highly carcinogenic compound. BTEX are released mainly by road traffic. Concentrations of BTEX were determined at nine sampling points in the city of Évora in the period from 21 March to 1 July 2009, using passive samplers Radiello™, followed by liquid desorption with CS2, and subsequent analysis by GC-MS. During the sampling period, the concentration of benzene in the outdoor air of Évora city did not exceed 5 g/m3, the maximum value admissible by legislation. The concentrations measured of the other pollutants were, in general, very low and mostly below the LOQ of the analytical method.
Environmental pollution by several heavy metals and metalloids is a severe problem worldwide, as soils became increasingly contaminated, posing a threat to ecosystems and ultimately to human health. Contamination derives from large scale urbanization and industrialization, threatening land ecosystems, surface and groundwater, as well as food safety and human health. Remediation strategies for heavy metal-contaminated sites are necessary to protect from their toxic effects and conserve the environment for future generations. Numerous physicochemical techniques have been adopted including excavation and deposition in landfills, thermal treatment, leaching and electro-reclamation. These techniques are fast but inadequate, costly, cause adverse effects on soil physical, chemical and biological properties, and may lead to secondary pollution. In fact, many of these approaches only change the problem from one form or place to another, and do not completely destroy the pollutants. There was an urgent need to develop new technologies which are cost-effective and eco-friendly. In this context, biological remediation has tremendous potential. It uses plants and microorganisms to remove or contain toxic contaminants and is considered as the most effective method because it is a natural process, environmentally-friendly, has a low cost, and wide public acceptance. The present chapter aims to provide a comprehensive review of some of the promising processes mediated by plant and microbes to remediate metal-contaminated environments. Some biological processes used for the decontamination of organic compounds will also be included because of their relevance and potential common use for both purposes.
Pine wilt disease (PWD) results from the interaction of three elements: the pathogenic nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus; the insect-vector, Monochamus sp.; and the host tree, mostly Pinus species. Bacteria isolated from B. xylophilus may be a fourth element in this complex disease. However, the precise role of bacteria in this interaction is unclear as both plant-beneficial and as plant-pathogenic bacteria may be associated with PWD. Using whole genome sequencing and phenotypic characterization, we were able to investigate in more detail the genetic repertoire of Serratia marcescens PWN146, a bacterium associated with B. xylophilus. We show clear evidence that S. marcescens PWN146 is able to withstand and colonize the plant environment, without having any deleterious effects towards a susceptible host (Pinus thunbergii), B. xylophilus nor to the nematode model C. elegans. This bacterium is able to tolerate growth in presence of xenobiotic/organic compounds, and use phenylacetic acid as carbon source. Furthermore, we present a detailed list of S. marcescens PWN146 potentials to interfere with plant metabolism via hormonal pathways and/or nutritional acquisition, and to be competitive against other bacteria and/or fungi in terms of resource acquisition or production of antimicrobial compounds. Further investigation is required to understand the role of bacteria in PWD. We have now reinforced the theory that B. xylophilus-associated bacteria may have a plant origin.