2 resultados para forced execution of obligations

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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In recent decades the importance of structuring sciences such as botany or phytosociology faced a declining attention from the scientific community. This was accompanied by a growing interest in theoretical ecology. For such scenario greatly contributed an hypothetical exhaustion of research topics in these areas, but especially the introduction of new technologies that have provided powerful tools for data analysis. This allowed, for example, to make predictions about the impacts of climate change on species and plant communities and the consequent recognition of theoretical ecology, as one of the most prestigious pieces of current biological sciences. However, theoretical ecology has been facing serious knoledge gaps that greatly compromise their results, putting again the spotligth on structuring sciences. For example there are enourmous gaps in knowledge and data on dispersal, species and communities chorology and abundace, as well as in biological interactions. These data is essential, since they will determine ecological behavior of species. Its omission always limits the understanding and proper execution of the models generated by theoretical ecology. In this conference we will present a review on the gaps in knowledge and data in flora and vegetation fields in order to identify situations where geobotanical knowledge can make their major contribution. Furthermore, we will emphasize the need to reformulate objectives in geobotanical sciences in order to give it the deserved scientific recognition, considering the relationship between different scientific knowledges.


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Com este trabalho pretende-se realçar que os adolescentes passam por determinadas fases ou estádios da sua vida, em que se deparam com determinadas dificuldades ou até mesmo, incapacidades para levar a cabo a realização de determinadas necessidades; e que por isso mesmo, estes momentos podem vir a representar a oportunidade de crescimento da personalidade, mas ao mesmo tempo, o perigo de crescente vulnerabilidade ao distúrbio mental. Este relatório, expressa a preocupação com a problemática, analisa reflexivamente e descreve o trabalho desenvolvido na área da saúde mental e psiquiátrica por um enfermeiro, na Clínica da Juventude ao longo de seis meses, através da implementação do que se preconiza ser um Processo de Cuidados em Enfermagem (i.e., avaliação, diagnóstico, planeamento, intervenção e avaliação final), no acompanhamento de adolescentes com alterações do comportamento. O instrumento usado para avaliação diagnóstica foi a entrevista semiestrutura e semidireccionada, o planeamento e as intervenções variaram de acordo com a individualidade de cada adolescente e as suas necessidades particulares. Os resultados de uma forma geral demonstraram que o acompanhamento dos jovens com alterações do comportamento deve iniciar-se o mais precocemente possível, deve incidir na identificação das principais dificuldades ou necessidades e não nos diagnósticos médicos. O adolescente, deve também, ser abordado o mais holísticamente possível e nos diferentes setores onde se mobiliza. Conclui-se que a intencionalidade terapêutica deve recair no acompanhamento do adolescente, no sentido, de o tornar mais autónomo, capaz de assumir responsabilidades, tomar decisões, que cresça e se transforme num adulto autoconfiante e realizado; ABSTRACT: This work aims to emphasize that teenagers go through certain phases or stages of its life, when faced with certain difficulties and even disabilities to carry out the execution of particular needs, and that therefore, these moments may come to represent the opportunity for growth of personality, but at the same time, the danger of increasing vulnerability to mental disorder. This report expresses concern with the issue, reflective analysis and describes the work in the area of mental health and psychiatric care by a nurse in the Youth Clinic for six months, by implementing what it calls a procedure to be Care Nursing (ie, assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention and final assessment), monitoring of adolescents with behavioral changes. The results generally showed that the monitoring of young people with behavioral changes should be initiated as early as possible, should focus on identifying the main difficulties or needs and not on medical diagnostics. The teen should also be approached holistically as possible and in different sectors where it is mobilized. We conclude that the intention must lie in therapeutic monitoring of the adolescent, in order, making it more autonomous, able to take responsibility, make decisions, to grow and become an adult self-confident and accomplished.